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The Doom Bringers

Written by Pookas Kreations

The Doom Bringers are a gang that grew so large, that they took over Glimmervale, the town they started in. They started out as a street gang, then began infiltrating the city government and eventually took over.

Any that resist their rule, are killed or imprisoned. They rule the town with an iron fist. Using taxes, bribes and protection fees, they bled the town dry. Using beatings, imprisonment, work parties, slavery and assassinations to keep order. 

Gradually most of the common people have been cowed, others have been killed, or left the town to flee elsewhere. Some aren’t so lucky and are caught not far outside the gates and are killed or dragged back.


Their structure is loosely organized like the thieves guild and the military, although they named the ranks by animals related to death. Like snake, wolf, bear, vulture, scorpion, etc. Snake is lowest and vulture the highest.


This group of Atlans  follow a god of Chaos and Death. They free follow his teachings and wishes, told to them by their leader Nocture.

Public Agenda

They follow Set, a god/demon of chaos and death and they have no fear of it. Gladly dying for Nocture, their leader. Many call them a cult of death.


Since they took the town over, they have its assets and whatever they can steal from people that visit or pass nearby.


Nocture traveled here from near Atlantia*, on the command of Set, to start a new cult for him in Glimmervale.

Chaos Rules, Until Death comes to us all

This is a lead up the to Recluse plot hook.
Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
Cult of death, Followers of Set
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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