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The Lumen Stellae-Light of the Stars

Written by Pookas Kreations

Elara Stardancer is the most recent winner of this medal. After being presented with the medal, a wave of pride washed over her. It was a beacon, a symbol of her year-long journey. She had to travel across the universe, to various libraries, they helped her unravel the mysteries that helped her win the test.


he mystery she was given was to find the ancient home of her race, the star elves, Astralus, and why they split from their cousins the Atlantean


This was a difficult task but she persevered and was finally successful. This contest was just the beginning, it only whetted her appetite for reaching more heights of knowledge.


The Lumen Stellae, named for the Light of the Stars isn't just a medal, it's a celestial tapestry woven from moonstone and stardust. It is a circular medal, the constellation for Corona Borealis (the Northern Crown), the symbol of wisdom and achievement.

Item type
Current Location
Current Holder
Owning Organization
6 grams
2 in diameter, 1/4 in thick
Base Price
200 gp
Raw materials & Components
Moonstone, Ethereum starmetal, and stardust from their home star.

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