
Database error, the individual you are looking for does not exist. Please contact an administrator for more help.
Datastream intercepted, entity "Looking Glass" overseeing. Awaiting bypass code. . .
Bypass "YmV5b25kIHRoZSB2ZWls" approved.

The seer through the veil
Paradoxical Existence

Existing only in the Lapotis timeline, this possum-morph, the individual named "Focalor" would yearn to became, in time, what's known as an Infomorph, forsaking a pure flesh and blood body for one that's composed of data and nanites.
A prominent member of the Bureau of Asmian Liaison Services, they earned, through deeds, a lakehouse south of Nova Asmos. At some point in their career, they'd gained access to a Kamas Data Skimmer, and a handful of body-preservation pods, which were subsequently used for storing their surrogate bodies.
Online, they are known as xXBroadclaw274Xx, and lived previously in the Dover Down main apartment complex, before they gained the lakehouse, and gained housing upon a TanoSys Infomorph haven server.


The employment of Surrogate Proxies is a common enough practice on Dakiupra, these mindless bodies are specially prepared to be controlled by a user. When unoccupied, the bodies simply enter a state that can best be described as "hibernation", with lowered functions and a practically nonexistent heartbeat. Unlike most Surrogate users, as part of being an Infomorph, Focalor possesses the ability to jack straight into a proxy's control unit.
Focalor possesses at least four(4) surrogates, each fitting a specific purpose.
  • Sexless Fujiokan raptor
  • Male Unicorn-morph {Sold}
  • Hermaphrodite Sinumir (blue vulpine-creature with fins)
  • Blade-based combat surrogate codenamed "Excalibur"
  • Sexless floral humanoid.

Non-Existence in Palaxis

  While the objective answer is simply "they don't", the team observing the Looking Glass's datastreams have asked why "Focalor doesn't exist in our timeline?", to which the AI posited that their mother, who, like the father, does exist in the "Palaxian reality", she was set up as a scapegoat by a shady side of the UGF, leading to the pair never meeting on, or around, Dakiupra. One of the scientists on staff remarked "a classic butterfly effect...". Another asked where the mother is, and the AI was about to answer, before every aspect of its avatar flashed red, and it apologetically responded "That, I'm afraid, is classified.", and that she will, per the sentencing, spend the rest of her life there.
Year of Birth
1056 ABO 23 Years old
3' 8" (1.12m)
Aligned Organization