Visra Kentald

Human solarian mercenary, took a turn in some of her downtime, after having met with the mysterious woman, Hera Alieva, after which the human became an eyeless, quadrumanal humanoid.


Visra trained under a mysterious creature that had a profound understanding of the universe's fundamental energies. Through sparring and meditation, she learned how to feel the cosmic forces, and eventually grasped a portion of said forces to serve as the mote of her own power.


Her mote, the fundamental core of her "Solarian" powers, manifests as a flickering bead of blue-white light.
Visra Kentald CR 1/2 (XP 200)
Female Human-turned-Teshkava Mercenary Solarian 1
N Medium humanoid(teshkava)
Init +1;Senses: ;Perception +0;Aura:;
HP: 8(4 class + 4 racial SP: 5(4 class + 1 Con RP: 5 (half level(min 1) + 4 key ability)
EAC 12; KAC 13;(+1 Dex, +1 EAC, +2 KAC, +0 size)
Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +2
Defensive Abilities: -
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: unarmed strike +1(1d3+0 B nonlethal), solar weapon +0(1d6-1 S)
Ranged: -
Space: 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Offensive Abilities: black hole, solar manifestation (solar weapon), supernova
Str 8(-1) Dex 12(+1) Con 12(+1) Int 13(+1) Wis 11(+0) Cha 18(+4)
Base Atk +1;
Skills: Acrobatics +5, Athletics +3, Perception +1, Sense Motive +4, Survival +1;
Feat: Diversion
Languages: Takuvian, Batavian
Key Ability Score: Cha
Other Abilities: stellar mode
Gear: second skin, tactical starknife, tactical semi-auto, small arm rounds, field rations(1 week), consumer backpack, everyday clothing, personal comm-unit, credstick(328 Cr)
Second Skin ilvl 1 L Tactical Starknife 1 L Tactical Semi-auto 1 L Small Arm Rounds 1 L Field Rations(1 week) 0 1 Consumer Backpack 1 1 Everyday Clothing 1 L Personal Comm-unit 1 L
Proficiencies: Light armor. Basic and advanced melee weapons and small arms.
  Skill Adept: As part of the process that led you to become a solarian, you gained additional insight and training. Choose two additional skills and add them to your list of class skills.
  Solar Manifestation (Solar Weapon): Visra has a mote of blue-white light that orbits her head. She can grab this and turn it into a solar weapon with the same ease as drawing a weapon. It is considered a one-handed advanced melee weapon that deals 1d6 slashing damage.
  Stellar Mode: At the beginning of Visra's first round in a combat, she must choose one of three modes— graviton-attuned, photon-attuned, or unattuned. If graviton- or photon-attuned, she gains 1 attunement point for the appropriate mode. Each round, she either maintains that mode (gaining another point of attunement, to a maximum of 3), or becomes unattuned (losing all attunement points, and he can then enter a new mode on the following turn). If Visra has 1 or 2 points in a mode, she is attuned to that mode. If she has 3 points in a mode, she is fully attuned to that mode. Some of her abilities function only when he is attuned or fully attuned to the graviton or photon mode. Stellar mode begins to fade as last once the major threats are dealt with.
When attuned in graviton mode, Visra gains a +1 insight bonus to his Reflex saves.
When attuned in photon mode, Visra gains a +1 insight bonus to damage rolls.
  Black Hole (Su): When fully attuned to graviton mode, as a standard action Visra can pull any number of creatures he targets that are within 20 feet of her toward her. Each target must succeed at a DC 13 Fortitude save or move 5 feet closer. This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. After using this power, she becomes unattuned.
  Supernova (Su): When Visra is fully attuned to photon mode, as a standard action he can deal 2d6 fire damage to all creatures within 10 feet of him (Reflex DC 11 half). After using this power, she becomes unattuned.
  Stellar Revelation: She begins to learn secrets of the cosmos as she gains experience. She gains the black hole and supernova revelations at 1st level.
  Skill calculation
Acrobatics +1 rank(s) (+1{DEX}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +5
Athletics +1 rank(s) (-1{STR}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +3
Bluff +0 rank(s) (+4{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +4
Computers +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Culture +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Diplomacy +0 rank(s) (+4{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +4
Disguise +0 rank(s) (+4{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +4
Engineering +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Intimidate +0 rank(s) (+4{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +4
Life Science +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Medicine +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Mysticism +0 rank(suntrained} (+0{WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +0
Perception +1 rank(s) (+0{WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +0
Physical Science +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +1
Piloting +0 rank(s) (+1{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Profession( actor, artist, comedian, con artist, courtesan, dancer, musician, orator, poet, politician, video personality, and writer ) +0 rank(suntrained} (+4{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +4
Profession( accountant, archaeologist, architect, corporate professional, electrician, lab technician, lawyer, mathematician, philosopher, professor, psychologist, and vidgamer ) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +1
Profession( bounty hunter, cook, counselor, dockworker, farmer, gambler, general contractor, herbalist, maintenance worker, manager, mercenary, merchant, miner, and smuggler ) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0{WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +0
Sense Motive +1 rank(s) (+0{WIS}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc) = +4
Sleight of Hand +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Stealth +0 rank(s) (+1{DEX}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +1
Survival +1 rank(s) (+0{WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
As she appeared as a human
