Founded early during the start of the colony on Dakiupra, a sprawling cyberspace was created and networked throughout the colony's various computer systems. Due to its endemic presence throughout the colony, this 'layer of reality' is used like an internet of sorts. Security was an issue early on, as the protocols were very rudimentary, but some helpful, white-hat hackers were a boon to strengthening these layers and securing the more private sectors of the network.
Quickly after the foundations were established, the first game, a now-irrelevant first person shooter, made its way onto the VR Deck, the immersive apparatus that players most often used to interface with Virtual Reality. The technology, from that point, continued to improve until, eventually, the wireless VR connection chip(often referred to as 'the chip', or simply 'chip') was made, allowing a seamless transition from reality to the virtual reality. This, though, spurred some into settling at the happy middle ground, where VR bleeds into the physical world, creating the world's first iteration of Augmented Reality (AR).
Technology, as always, marches on quickly, and devices designed to interact with AR Proponents of VR life have rallied for the creation of a biofeedback system, especially those interested in partaking of virtual "intimacy". This system stimulates the nervous system in a means approximating true sensation as closely as truly possible. This, however, opens them up to exploits by the more unsavory sorts, namely that a hacker/decker can crack into the system and force a sensory overload on a person, either damaging them severely or rendering them unconscious. To compensate for this vulnerability, the developers of such tech have sought to interlink it with a person's nanite system for resilience and redundancies.
  Since Dakiupra's time as a guinea pig for the technology, VR/AR tech saw widespread use throughout suitably civilized worlds.
Children Technologies