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Karak Barak Varr

Barak Varr, which means the Gate to the Sea in Dwarvish, is unique amongst the Dwarf strongholds for being the only Hold built to be a massive harbor. Approaching from the land there is no indication at all of the busy port that lies ahead. In fact, even standing on the cliff edge it seems to the unsuspecting eye that the ships are destined to smash themselves into the cliff face. However, the powerful tides of the sea have carved out a deep cave system into the tall white rock, and here in these vast sea caverns the Dwarfs harbour their trading fleet.   The Dwarves of Karak Barak Varr are ruled untraditionally from most other Dwarven Karak's as they are strictly ruled under a rough Capitalist society where the trading Companies make most of the decisions. It is unknown of Barak Varr strayed from the typical Dwarven ways of rule, but it has served their Bank vaults well.
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