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Klueport Human

The Jungle Human's refer to those who choose to live within The Slumbering Jungle though do not let this fool you, for they are not simple savages living within the Jungle. Instead they use the Jungle and it's resources to fuel their Steampunk style technology, bringing true human ingenuity to the untamed dangerous wilds. Of course the tearing down of trees and raping of the land does not sit very well with the Tabaxi jungle natives, creating quite high tension between them. However like other Humans with their penchant for migration and conquest, humans are more physically diverse than other common races. There is no typical human. An individual can stand from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet tall and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds. Human skin shades range from nearly black to very pale, and hair colors from black to blond (curly, kinky, or straight males might sport facial hair that is sparse or thick. A lot of humans have a dash of nonhuman blood, revealing hints of elf, orc, or other lineages. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and rarely live even a single century. Gain Standard Human Character creation rules except: Ability Score Increase Increase either Wisdom or Intelligence by 2. Skills You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice. Feat You gain one feat of your choice from: Skilled, or Observant