The World Geographic Location in Ara | World Anvil

The World

Ara, sometimes referred to by otherworldly beings as the mortal realm, is the name of the planet various races live on. The specifics of Ara's creation are unknown though many different people, creatures, and civilizations believe in various divine figures and beings as the masterminds behind it.   Ara is believed to be the center of the universe as the Shadow Sun revolves closely around it, dictating when it's daytime. The Lunar Vast is a celestial body that is sometimes illuminated at night or creates a black circle around the Shadow Sun during an eclipse. Bright lights in the sky that are more easily visible at night are called part of the "Seeking Star."


Magic is unseen energy that flows through the universe and is particularly potent on Ara. Many civilizations have believed magic is a gift from higher being while others view it as a curse. Most commonly magic is a tool that is used by those curious enough to practice and study it. It is believed that their are four sources of magic on Ara.

Arric Magic

Also sometimes known as Spirit or Primal magic. Arric magic is utilized by those who have a natural connection to the energy around them. It is known to be a force of spirit or nature that fuels the user. Sometimes strong bursts of raw emotion are the source of Arric magic. While anyone can use Arric magic it is typically those who spend most of their time trying to find a connection to the natural world that utilize it most often. 

Cosmic Magic

Cosmic magic comes from a source beyond, with the divine and unknown being sources of it. Many who use cosmic magic claim it was a gift from a greater being or have spend years being so devour to a specific thought that they gained enough insight to perform the art of cosmic magic. While it is often learnt individuals are still born being able to naturally perform cosmic magic leading them to believe that they are somehow connected to a higher being.

Periodic Magic

Periodic Magic is sometimes called Arcana, Alchemical or clinical magic. It is the practice of rearranging matter to create something powered by magical force. Periodic magic is very analytical, scientific and cerebral in it's approach and due to this is most commonly learnt however nature, magic and science are all curious things that occasionally create oddities. It is believed those who naturally perform periodic magic have mutated chromosomes that allow them to naturally perform spells that many spend sometimes years trying to study.

Synthetic Magic

Synthetic magic is rare and usually the result of periodic magic (either purposely or accidental.) Synthetic magic is often thought to be quite dangerous to not only the user but those around them due to being "unstable." While Periodic magic rearranges matter and the elements; synthetic magic accelerates particles and accesses elements that are mysterious in nature such as plutonium. Many continents have yet to see synthetic magic. 



Bodies of Water

Draywick Ocean Lorian Ocean Luzian Ocean
Passtone Ocean

Passage of Time

The passage of time on Ara varies depending on what continent, province, or kingdom you are in. The length of years and counting of seasons is usually influenced by different cultural, religious, and academic beliefs. However, a Faratae named Ramiro Verdade took their father's notes and began his explorations across Ara and is thought to had led the only crew on a trip around Ara visiting all six continents.   On completing their voyage they compiled both their own notes and those left to them by their father to try and make a universal system that could be easily used by naval vessels. Each day of the week is named after a continent in the order they were discovered by Verdade and their father. The system Ramiro used to develop the universal passage of time is known as the "System of Sixes" as the number six guides nearly all of the equations used to calculate time and is heavily based on the phases of the Shadow Sun.
Days of the Week Months of the Year
Vaela Estrius
Irús Saerius
Draesla Illumius
Tordae Passtilis
Ebberdae Draeka
Waela Altika

The Other Realms