Waesyn Geographic Location in Ara | World Anvil


Waesyn, also known as Bright Shadow in Zutonesse and Sukaria in Lakaria, is one of the six continents located on Ara and has for much of its history been divided into thirteen provinces of Bleakpoint Mountains, The Fortara Wild, Karthyn, Lakaria, Leta, Llewyn, Lokradahl, Nation of Villia, Nossia, Rhoda, Shura, The Silvertide Isles and Zuton. It is located in the northeast on a map of Ara and borders the Lorian Ocean to the southwest and the Draywick Ocean to the east.  



Ancient Cycle

The Ancient Cycle is refers to any events that occurred before the age of the Monumentals. Remains of Sylvan Sylvaree, the extinct cousins to the Eladrin and Sotteran, dictate them as being the first species of Sylvan in Waesyn. Zutonesse, Monumentals or Wul'Kanar may also have been the earliest species on Waesyn however most evidence points to them existing sometime after the original Sylvan species.   It is thought that any settlement that existed during this time is long destroyed with only a few burial bounds and tombs remaining. Throughout this cycle the various species discovered the Waesynian Iron Age around the same time which started leading to more advances in technology-- and would inevitably lead to early settlements and usher in the Monumental Cycle.  

Monumental Cycle

The Gargantuan beings known as the Monumentals were the most fearsome of any of the sentient species of Waesyn. The size of the Monumentals was so much larger compared to that of others that many groups, such as the Gnarka and Saureete, never found true settlements and lived nomadic lifestyles during this cycle. While the Monumentals were powerful they lacked numbers and unity. A stead of five Monumentals would sometimes never even engage with the closest group of Monumentals during their lifetime and practices such as this only led to them retaining such a small population.   The Dahlians had a healthy relationship with the giants late in the Monumental Cycle as they managed to win their favor with trade and the promise of valuable goods that the Dahlians would convincingly claim "The Monumentals giant size would never allow them to produce such fine products." While this backhanded remark would normally anger the Monumentals they dahlian guile convinced them to engaging in trade. The Monumentals saw most other species as meals or play-things. The exception is the Zutonesse who the Monumentals feared and had mythos about avoiding them and the west all together.   The Monumentals especially enjoyed eating beings of the Sylvan genus. Sylvan Eladris, or more commonly known as the Eladrin, advanced to become more solitary creatures to avoid their predators. In contrast to this the Sylvan Sottera, of the Sotteran, would combat the Monumentals with their speed and agility and use group tactics to outnumber the large beings. The Sotterans and Eladrin shared the same lands in northern and middle Waesyn and while both were prey to the Monumentals the two groups would often get into land disputes with Eladrin being very territorial of the wandering Sotterans.   The Sotterans would eventually organize as one-- with various small groups agreeing to come together to overthrow the Monumentals. The Monumentals, despite their strength, could not defeat the vast amount of Sotterans that systematically attacked Monumental steads. As such what Monumentals remained retreated to the mountains in southern waesyn and the Sotterans began claiming land for themselves-- leading to the start of a new cycle and empire.  

First Cycle

The first cycle, sometimes called the age of the Sotterans, was the founding culture of modern Waesynian civilization. The continents modern borders, language, international currency and to a lesser degree religion are all fundamentals that were introduced in the first cycle and spearheaded by the Sotteran Empire.   After the end of the Sotteran Rebellion the species would begin constructing a government that quickly became an empire across the land of Waesyn. The new Sotteran Empire would construct roads and cities all over middle and north Waesyn leaving the remaining Monumentals with only the two mountainous southern regions (which are now modern Bleakpoint and Rhoda.) Monumentals were branded enemies of the empire simply for existing during this time leaving many to critique the empire for becoming what they originally fought against.   Primians from Vel came to Waesyn as Pilgrims hoping to find new lands to settle. The travelers came from the west after heeding warnings of a dark future for their land. The Sotterans saw the Primians as broad and sturdy cousins. Despite their differences in physiology the two groups had many similar features; smooth skin, binocular vision, a similar range of motion and similar hair structure. The Primians were to closest species to the Sotterans besides their cousins from the same genus: The Eladrin. The quick friendship allowed the Sotterans to utilize the Primians as an extension to their already fast growing empire. Primians were acknowledged as Sotterans in terms of rights but were not expected to abandon their cultural practices. In fact the Sotterans adopted the Primian belief in the Cosmonious and during this time built many places to worship the cosmic beings.   The Republic of Zuton located in Western Waesyn also grew close with the Empire. The two would establish open borders, trade and become strong allies. Zuton converted it's currency into the Sotteran Aur System allowing for easy trade and transaction internationally between the two countries. Zuton and the Sotteran Empire would agree to create an official treaty documenting the alliance. The Treaty was titled "The Treaty of Three" in hopes of gaining Lokradahls signature however the nation of commerce declined. The title remained as a gesture towards the Primians creating a strong bond between The Sotteran Empire, Zuton and the Pilgrims of Vel.   The species not included in the Treaty of Three were welcomed by the empire though often times distance would be kept. The Dahlians elected to primarily focus on trade with the empire and any Dahlian that found themselves living within the empire's territory was most commonly their on business. The Gnarka were not welcoming to the idea of so many cities and roads populating the lands so quickly and often stayed in rural areas to avoid the expansive empire. The only species not included in the treaty that found success living life under the empire was the Saureete who easily found work in the empire as soldiers, mercenaries, hunters and other hands on jobs.   In 1C 928 the Monumentals came together and united against the Empire. Despite having strong allies in the Zutonesse, Primians and Saureete the Monumentals seemed unstoppable as a collective unit. The Gnarka and Wul'kanar were also supprters of the Monumentals meaning the giants were not alone in their endeavor to retake their lands. Lokradahl also choose to support the Monumentals via trade-- believing them to be the victor. The war was called "The War of the Giants" and it lasted for five years with most of it seemingly like the Monumentals would win. During the last year of the war the Wul'kanar abandoned their posts and elected not to show up to battle. Moreover the Wul'kanar were never seen on Waesyn again. The quick loss in Monumental troops caused Lokradahl rethink who they were supporting financially and ceased trade with the Monumentals and began supporting the empire instead. These two elements caused the Treaty of Three to claim victory over the remaining Monumentals and causing Gnarka to flee, retreat and surrender.   Despite their victory the damage done to the Sotteran Empire was vast and instead of rebuilding their empire they elected to focus on a single kingdom in the region known as Villia. They would offer their old land to their allies however the Zutonesse were not interested in expanding and the Saureete lacked the unity to accept a formal offer thus in 1C 933 the first cycle would end and the dawn of the new cycle would begin.  

Second Cycle

With the Sotterans disassembling the empire Waesyn was heading towards the era of the Primians. Middle Waesyn was filled with battlefields, destroyed cities from the empire and unexplored lands. Prominent groups of Primians were given the old lands of the empire and divided them into kingdoms. The formation of new kingdoms called for the Treaty of Three to be amended however attempts at completing a new document only lead to hostility between the new kingdoms. Ultimately no decision could be made and the treaty was not amended. Zuton and Villia continued to act as strong allies especially in developing the Villian navy. Many arrangements were made so citizens of Villia could easily join naval academies in Zuton and citizens of Zuton could likewise easily study at various military and magic schools in Villia.   While the alliance between Villia and Zuton was strong the newly formed primian kingdoms would continue to feud. Middle Waesyn would eventually develop into three kingdoms and while all of them would carry traditions from Vel and the fallen Sotteran empire, new cultural identities would develop furthering the rifts between the descendants of the pilgrims. Llewyn was the first kingdom to become recognized as such. House Leoic were descendants of celebrated swordspeople in Vel who held the Cosmonious belief in high regard. Llewyn would select a monarch as a figurehead however behind every monarch is a oligarchic assembly that act as advisors to the monarch. Llewyn would modernize ancient Velesse culture, abolish the practice of periodic and arric magics and most importantly devote their kingdom to the Cosmonious.   The lands east of Llewyn would be turned over to "House Chardin" which is an unrecognized line of nobility and more of a joke between members of the Chardin Brigade. The cavalry masters who clashed with the gnarka throughout the War of the Giants were encouraged by the Nation of Villia to form a kingdom despite other primian nobles scoffing at the idea. House Chardin would form the democratic monarchy known as Shura. Llewyn had many reservation regarding Shura; the king was deemed a "lucky peasant," they highly embraced primal magic and religion was less regulated. However it was ultimately one factor that led the two kingdoms to have never-ending feuds since their creation: land. Llewyn had many bodies of water as it is the nation of rivers. Shura has great land for harvesting crops. The two kingdoms would fight over these resources until the battles became personal and less about the actual inciting incident behind the rivalry.   East of Shura was Rhoda, the final of the primian kingdoms resulting from the fall of the empire. House Rhoda were descended from a proud group of engineers and they exhibited these traits throughout the War of the Giants. The master of siege took to the mountainous region to have unbreakable defenses. While all three of the new kingdoms would feud, Rhoda was challenged the least. Their environmental defenses stacked with masterwork siegecraft and stonework gave Rhoda home advantage more often than not. Shura's cavalry would struggle with the elevation of Rhoda and Llewyn would have to cross their main enemies lands (Shura) to even get to the Rhodesse border. The proud kingdom of Rhoda would mock and provoke the other kingdoms but rarely suffer from invasion due to their natural advantage.   In 2C 1371 an overnight invasion from grey scaled invaders would strike Rhoda overnight. These invaders, known as the Lakar, were beings who resided beneath the soils of Waesyn. Rhoda, never being able to account for an attack from below, was barely given a chance to react. The slow reaction time of the military would cause them to be decimated. The Lakar would take over Rhoda and for the next six years the surviving Rhodesse would live in misery. Various surviving Rhodesse would form a resistance that would inevitably call for other kingdoms to take action. While they were slow to act Shura and Zuton would join forces to free the Rhodesse and eliminate Lakarian control.   In 2C 1377 a summit would be held in the Villian city of Caldas in hopes of establishing peace between various nations in Waesyn. Despite to long-feud between Shura and Llewyn and the recent events in Rhoda; representatives from Zuton, Llewyn, Shura, Rhoda, Lakaria and of course Villia would all attend. The main subject to address was the recent events between Rhoda and Lakaria although other topics were to be discussed. Minimal issues were sorted as the long-silent cousins of the Sotterans, the Eladrin, initiated an attack on Caldas resulting in over 4,000 civilian deaths. The Eladrin utilized powerful periodic spells that targeted various structures resulting in damage to government property and casualties. This act of terrorism ended the summit prematurely and no attempts have been made to reschedule the meeting. The attacks made by the Eladrin marks the end of the second cycle.  

Third Cycle

The Third cycle was dictated by the acts of the illusive Eladrin. Similar events would occur though Caldas was the largest attack. Villia was the most responsive to Eladrin activity and has since tried to subdue any acts of terrorism. While Villia has been vigilant acting as international police and stopped many potential threats they were also the source of various anti-eladrin propaganda. Many eladrin who abandoned their life in the allied holds would still be subject to ridicule and be attached to the actions of their previous government thus making life difficult for eladrin deserters during this time.   3C 243 would mark the appearance of large flying serpents that began attacking middle Waesyn. The Zutonesse referred to the beast as dragons. The reptilian beast were known for being able to command and utilize the elements and cause devastation in towns across Waesyn with ease. The attacks resulted in "The Dragon Wars" which was a war in name alone as the dragons themselves would attack without pattern and did not seem to be provoked by anything beyond instinct. Two years after the start of the attacks the long-rival kingdoms of Shura and Llewyn would create the Treaty of Dragon's Blood. The new treaty prevented the two from engaging in war with one another as long as dragons threatened the well-being of their kingdoms.   In 3C 247 A small conflict in a Bleakpoint town called Ru-Voga led to the beginning of the Saureete Insurgency. While Ru-Voga was threatened to be taken by a group of Saureete cooperating together to form a state of their own they were ultimately warded off by the local town guard, members of the Villian military and various mercenaries hired to help protect the city. Though the Insurgency was defeated they would retreat and cause more commotion in southern Rhoda with more success. The Insurgency gave Clan Vitack two options: Join the Insurgency or die. Ultimately the clan was split on it's decision-- however it led to the end of Clan Vitack and a first victory for the Insurgency.  


Waesyn is located in northeastern Ara. It has the highest average elevation of any continent on Ara. It's maritime border consist of the Lorian Ocean to the south, Draywick to the east and Luzian to the north. Land relief in Waesyn shows great variation within small areas. The north consists of arctic tundra and taiga while the south features more temperate mountain regions. Two of the four world's temperate rainforest exist in Ara, those being parts of Lokradahl and the Fortara. Waesyn also has two dry desert regions, those being Nossia and Karthyn. While nearly any region of Waesyn can be categorized as mountainous some areas are more complex such as what is now Shura having the lowest elevation throughout all of Waesyn or Llewyn which hosts many river valleys.  


The political map of Waesyn is substantially derived from the re-organization of Waesyn following the War of the Giants. While the re-organization mainly dictates the current land and governments of Waesyn older regions are more influenced by the unity of species and thus many places are named after the species that originally settled in that location, such as Zuton and Lokradahl. While there is no true prevalent form of government in Waesyn, most places have a "monarch-like" figure in place though some have little power whatsoever regarding politics.   Since the Treaty of Three document forge din the first cycle there have been concepts to form a union of some sorts throughout Waesyn however this has never come to fruition-- the only exception being the Waesynian Auric Union that dictates economic unity throughout most of Waesyn besides Lokradahl, Nossia, Lakaria and some of Karthyn. The Waesynian Aur, originally called the Sotteran Aur in the First Cycle, is a international form of currency used between most kingdoms and regions of Waesyn.  


The list below includes political territories, usually named after the kingdom or country currently occupying the area.
Arms Name Area (m²) Capital
Lakaria ???? Lakaria City
Llewyn 233,000 Aramore
Lokradahl 290,585 Kora Noosa
North Karthyn 46,540 Saibar
Nossia 291,933 K'hdarr
Rhoda 195,365 Brutensill
Shura 247,368 Lumisier
South Karthyn 38,690 Aten
Villia 302,535 Sebade
Zuton 93,628 Luiren
The list below includes territories that have multiple political bodies but none are deemed more dominant than the others.
Arms Name Area Capital
Bleakpoint Bleakburn
Fortara N/A
Leta 26,900 Rano
The list below includes organizations lacking a territory of their own. Often they have settlements in territories dominated by other political bodies.  
  • Wenn Anore
  • Kes Nalore
  • Minoan
  • Paramene
  • Michonid
  • Saureete Insurgency
  • Demographics

    Waesyn experienced heavy growth during the first cycle with the migration of the primians and reign of the Sotteran Empire and despite the wars and conflicts since-- the birth and death rates are rather balanced. Globally Waesyn is more dense than Vel or Teoro but much less populated compared to Irysath. Primians, and arguably Michonids, are the only humanoid species to mass immigrate to Waesyn while small groups of Saureete and Zutonesse have migrated to other continents.  


    Over twenty languages are commonly spoken in Waesyn and few of them branch from the same language group. Most of the common languages are indigenous to Waesyn with Velli and Ziza being exceptions. The Sotteran languages derived from the days of the Sotteran Empire has heavily influenced most of Waesyn with it being a common second language for nearly all central and eastern Waesyn. While most areas usually speak, write and advertise in the language their native species it isn't uncommon for various street signs and store fronts in urban areas to also have a Sotteran translation.  


    "Waesyn" as a cultural concept is substantially derived from the dominance of the Sotteran Empire during the first cycle and the traditions brought to the continent from the Vellesse. The boundaries of the Primian Kingdoms are largely divided by cultural beliefs that trace back to their home continent of Vel.  


    Religion is a major influence in Waesynian art, culture, philosophy and law. Disputes of whether or not a belief is "true" or "real" are seldom as the divines in Waesyn have tangible effects on the region; however, conflict stirred by differing interpretations or which belief is "correct" have been known to cause political tension, terrorism and war.   The Cosmonious, a polytheistic belief brought to Waesyn by the Vellesse, is the predominant belief in Waesyn. The Sotterans adopted the religion during the reign of their empire and worship has since become widespread. Nations such as Villia, Llewyn, Shura, Rhoda, Northern Karthyn and parts of Zuton all heavily demonstrate this belief-- despite the various peoples interpreting the belief in different fashions. A Pontifice Sansone, the head of the Cosmonious church, used to reside in the Sotteran Empire and later Villia however the title was abolished sometime in the mid second cycle. A similar title is used within Llewyn though their influence isn't nearly as dominant.   Beliefs such as Yon or Torathim, originated by the Zutonesse and Dahlians respectively, are popular in influencing lifestyles and philosophy throughout Waesyn. Yon is often practiced by people who already pay homage to the Cosmonious as a way to find balance in their life and many people interested in business might take some notes from the Torathim. While the spirituality of these beliefs is present throughout Waesyn it is not as pronounced culturally as the lifestyle aspect is.   Sess and Freet, the creation mythos of the Saureete and H'yuun, are much less organized compared to other religions. Temples and shrines exist but often times these beliefs are personal or practiced in small groups. A hefty contrast to both of these would be The Echoes or The Woven Principality  


    Every kingdom, country or territory has differing tastes in sporting events however most are inspired by real-life combat. Llewyn famously constructs grand stadiums throughout their kingdom and host various tournaments. While numerous sports are held the most popular ones are chariot racing, running, discus, javeli, wrestling and of course a contest of blades. Shura also holds such contests however they have much more simple and practical arenas-- and most of the games are combat or horse based.   Nossia and South Karthyn also have arenas were combatants are pitted against one another however it is much more brutal as battles are to the death. In Karthyn participants are often criminals or individuals who didn't choose to enter the gladiator-styled combat while in Nossia death is a small price to pay for finding glory in the arena.   Some sports are more regional. Bullfighting is quite popular in Villia and many logic-based board games are played in Zuton. Lokradahl famously has various games of chance and wit that are played for profit-- and these games are widespread thanks to Dahlian traders.