
When a member of the Omni dies, their body and soul are separated and one out of three things can happen. One, their body is burned or buried, their soul wanders freely, dissolves and will be reborn to inhabit a new vessel (aka embryo/baby). Two, their body is discovered by a core dweller before they take their last breath and their life is extended by at least half of their expected life span, before they dissolve into arcane particles and become part of the planet. Or three: An Aevan has taken pity on them, saw them dying and decided that their life was pure, significant or interesting enough to make them a good addition to Aevan society.   In the third case, the now dead Omni becomes a part of the divine realm. The inhabitants of Aeva are called celestials or Aevans. They are governed by a council residing in the temple in the very centre of the realm and lead a quite easy-going, glamorous life in the clouds above their former home, making them somewhat of a heavenly group of people. They have lost their mortality and develop heightened senses connected to their former skills and talents. Aevan culture is strongly connected to Lorlan customs. They celebrate the same festivities with the benefit of meeting their patrons and matrons in person and they are well-known for their party escapades. Once in a while, celestials meetup with council members to choose babies on Aradeia that could be beneficial to their cause, turning the soon-to-be-born baby into a chosen (lightling or shadeling).   Generally speaking, Aevans can be perceived as a bit snobbish and disconnected from the world, due to the fact that many have forgotten how it feels to fear death and danger surrounding you while living in a place that always changes.
One should never forget that Aeva stays the same at all times.


Common Dress code

Most people in Aeva wear white robes with golden decor in a tunique,toga or wizard style (think ancient greece/rome with the occasional Gandalf the White).
Related Organizations

Cover image: by nightcafé (AI art)