
Omni culture often references the duality of Aradeia and Aeva.  Aradeia is the realm of the Omni, the elves and the dwarves. Aeva is the realm of the celestials, entities that achieved expertise and power beyond one's wildest dreams. Aeva is separated from the planet, making it difficult to converse between Aeva and the realm below. Therefore, celestial interference is rare and takes a lot of time. Celestials need to monitor an individual's actions thorougly and over a long time to determine the person's significance in the world. They are able to create and intervene, manipulate and influence as much as they like - for better and for worse. Celestials are chosen by a round table of the former, consisting of the most popular and influential celestials existent at the time. The current court consists of fourteen members. Originally, there were only thirteen, but one seat has been given to a celestial couple admired and loved by many Omni below - the Lovers. Sirgil and Jaelle, a mothman and a lightling woman, refused to take the seat on their own, causing the round table to allow them to share it. The leader and creator of Aeva who named the realm after herself is the first Omni to ever enlighten. She conquered the formerly empty realm and built an empire in the skies. This empire is both disconnected and superior to the world, its citizens aloof and delighted at all times. Only few remember their meaning for Aradeia, not even mentioning their role back when they were still bound to the mortal realm. The members of the round table are strongly connected to their people below, making them extremely important to the cultural and spiritual development of the country of Lorla and beyond. One of the newest members is Pa'axi, the first talekeeper in history. Her role at the round table is still heavily doubted, but her followers in the mortal realm look up to her and make her the most important and latest addition to Aeva's council.

Basic Information


Celestials are built and created after the Omni that died for a purpose that their predecessors agreed with. Therefore, they range from the existent races and nationalities of Lorla and the Wilderness, as well as the already extinct members of the Omni that were eradicated from the mortal realm.
The celestial community and the core dweller community are the only ones in this universe that has members of the formerly known crows, gnomes and faeries.

Genetics and Reproduction

The citizens of Aeva do not reproduce, but are rather arisen after hardship in the mortal realm. Their bodies are stuck in time while their minds age with the planet's time line, making them eternal, while maintaining a certain mental growth. Those that have stayed in Aeva for a long time reach a similar if not superior wisdom compared to their immortal counterparts in the elven and dwarven kingdom.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Since Aeva is the realm of the undying, its population doesn't need much except of entertainment. Food and drink up here is pure and irresistible, composed by the best chefs and winemakers of Lorla and the Wilderness. Aeva's cuisine is mostly self-sufficient. All cattle is born and raised here, vegetables and fruits grow in fertile land. Those lucky enough to reach this realm will eat one of the best meals of their lives.


Music, dance and sports are the most beloved pastimes and people often meet to watch Aradeia's history in action (even though it can't be manipulated much from so far away). Occasionally, celestials come together and chose embryos and inanimate objects that are supposed to deliver their message to the mortal world. These votes create the race of the 'Chosen' - gargoyles, lightlings and shadelings.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A celestial being usually has up to three heightened senses. Most of them possess extraordinary hearing and seeing abilities, some have a never tiring voice that can reach down to Aradeia itself, few have fine noses or an incredible sense of touch that enables them to read erased messages or follow footsteps of long gone visitors.
Aeva Prithalis, leader of the realm with the same name, possesses all five senses with extreme precision and intensity, making her extremely sensitive yet close to omniscient.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The citizens of Aeva perceive their mortal counterparts as children or beloved pets. They rarely remember how close they were to their lookalikes on the continent and see them as a better form of entertainment. Only court members and those close to the leader of Aeva remain fully aware of their surroundings and their role in life. Aevans despise or ignore elves and dwarves, perceiving them as a threat to their existence, while simultaneously belittling them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
Celestials are both immortal and unchanging. They are the only species in this universe that is unaffected by aging, illness and death.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Discovered by

Cover image: by Noah_Oowada


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