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Finare Lithtaur

Silveright Knight / Chosen Knight of Mirt

Finare Lithtaur is a Silveright Knight in the service to the Order of Alabaster Knights, chosen of Mirt. As a fire genasi, they stand out among their peers, and thus are rarely seen without their helmet and armor on.   Little is known about Finare's background. They have mentioned hailing from a Southern region, though whether they are native to Anduril remains unknown. They also made reference to their time in the Tasha's Kiss Circus. It is mentioned in their file that they have a twin sister, however none of Finare's associates have ever met her.   Finare joined the Order of Alabaster Knights at age 18, passing the trial on second attempt. The first time, they failed the psychological entry testing, with their answers being seen as too chaotic. Finare was granted the Silveright Knight status for their efforts during the demon attack on Testa-Rossa, where they showed "exceptional decisiveness in a crisis" and "creative problem-solving... which may not always be in line with Order guidelines". Several members of the Silveright Knights spoke in protest to their appointment due to their frequent bending of the rules.   Despite their unquestionable loyalty to their cause, their service record is spotted with decisions considered questionable by their superiors. Their service file contains frequent violations of the Paladin Code of Conduct, which they explain as "necessary risks". As a result, they had a mixed reputation amidst their fellow Silveright Knight.   Finare perished during the Three Days of Shadow that befell Einhell in the year 1065 P.A. They fought to the last defending the city from the Shadowfell creatures laying siege to it. Though their body was never recovered, a monument depicting Finare holding a sword was erected at the Order's Headquarters in Einhel. On the stone by the statue's feet, the names of all the fallen soldiers, including Finare themself, are magically inscribed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Finare was born the oldest of a pair of fire genasi twins and from early years felt responcible for their younger sister. Abandoned by their parents, they spent the first few years as orphans in Calicedoré. Finare learned to fight with a stick to fend of particularly large rats and other kids, while their twin decided to make money by performing magic tricks with fire for coin. Luckily for the both of them, they were noticed by the ringmaster of Tasha's Kiss before someone from the Order of Alabaster Knights. They were taken in by the circus, where they for the first time encountered other genasi children.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Death
Zygos 6, 1065 P.A.
1033 PA 1065 PA 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Defending the city during the Three Days of Shadow
Place of Death
Einhel City
Black sclera, golden pupils
Red-orange, flickering at the ends like flames
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Orange-brown skin with magma lines
Church of Aidios

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