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Einhel City

Eastern Frontier

Standing only a little distance away from the rapidly moving River Ein, the city is protected by tall walls made of white brick. Only one building stands taller than even the protective walls - the unmistakable spiral of the library temple to Xanathar that stands at the center of the city. Between the north-eastern wall and River Ein is a scattering of barely-constructed houses that serve as home for the elves. Within the walls, Einhel City is bustling with activity, from the Grand Market at the eastern end to the Ode to Dalakhar Parks at the western side. At the center, separated from the rest of the city by the Pool of Reflection, is the city center, protected by its own set of stone walls. This is where the city's governance happens, as well as where the manor of the Aurelius family stands.
The first city one encounters when travelling inland from the South-Eastern shore. Its white stone walls, constructed with the most defensibility in mind and lasting for hundreds of years now, are one of the city's most recognizable features. They were constructed to be 50 feet tall, in order to defend against both arrows and magic attacks. The only part of the city visible from the outside is the Spiral Tower, erected to be the temple to Xanathar. Einhel City is the seat of power of Duke Aurelius, with the current ruler of the city being Cyril Aurelius and his family.

  House Aurelius is among the more pious in Anduril, and as a result, Einhel City is a bastion of the Septennial Church in Roer. Unlike many other settlements, which favor one of the archangels when building their temple, the city has temples dedicated to every archangel, each serving a different purpose. All temples worship Aidios and the Maker, and prayer to any angel is welcome at any of the temples. Dalakhar is the only notable exception - constructing a temple to her within city bounds is considered sacrilege. Instead, her disciples established a large park in the city, attempting to balance out civilization with nature.


Though the majority of the local population is human, as is the case with the rest of Anduril, Einhel City serves as a passing point for many merchants and supplies. At any given point, the city contains dwarves, aasimar, half-orcs, half-elves, halflings, and even the occasional gnome. Tieflings are rare and mostly found on the outskirts, typically among the elves and other undesirables in the slums outside the city's walls. Individuals with innate magical capabilities are watched more closely by both the City Watch and the Order.


House Aurelius has been in command of Einhel City from the times when it was still a military outpost. At present, Duke Cyril Aurelius is the head of the family, with his young son, Atticus Aurelius, as his only son and heir. Einhel also has a meritocratically elected Council of Representatives, where the most deserving from each section of the city have a chance to suggest changes and bring up issues. Mayor Renagor is the leader of the Council and the Duke's right hand man when it comes to the affairs of it, serving as his advisor and liaison to the people. The Council of Representatives is made up of individuals that best represent the populace, commerce, and defense sectors. A representative from the Church of Aidios also sits on the Council, but they maintain neutrality in all affairs not directly involved with the Church or the Order. Duke Aurelius is known to place great importance in the advice given by the representative from the Church.


Einhel City is one of the most defendable positions in this area of Roer. To the North, the fast-flowing River Ein slows down approach and forces all that approach into a bottleneck on one of its bridges. The outer wall of the city is 30 feet tall and made of smooth stone, making scaling it an arduous and difficult task. The walls are always patrolled by City Guard and ballistae are placed in each tower. The three entrances into the city are guarded by outposts and in times of war all entrances are tightly shut, allowing only a select number of people inside the walls. The side entrances from the elven slums on the north-eastern side are also able to be sealed quickly. Inside the city, the inner walls that surround the city's center work as a secondary line of defense in order to protect Einhel's most important infrastructure. The streets of Einhel are patrolled on a rotating basis by the City Watch, while its exterior walls and surrounding roads are patrolled and defended by the City Guard.

Industry & Trade

Einhel City is the center of commerce for the South-Eastern area of the Roer District. All exports from smaller settlements in Duke Aurelius' territory - from Leeves' lumber to Aiden's tea - are transported to Einhel, where it is either sold or moved elsewhere in the Kingdom.

Guilds and Factions

  • Blue Lion Merchant Guild
  • Black Eagles Trade & Merchant Association
  • Bracer Guild
  • Imperial Bank
  • Divine Order of Alabaster Knights
  • Church of Aidios
  • Noble Council (House Aurelius)


During the War of Conquest, Ein Outpost was a military fortification in the lands of Frederick the Vile, allowing his armies a vantage point against foes approaching from outside his territory. In the Battle on Ein River, General Bartholomew Aurelius (then loyal vassal and friend to Gregory el Leander) suffered heavy losses but managed to overtake the outpost, gaining a foothold in the enemy's territory. This later allowed Frederick the Vile to be defeated. Following the unification of the Stolen Lands and foundation of the Kingdom of Anduril, the Ein Outpost became part of the territory entrusted to Gregory el Leander (now Archduke of Anduril). For his long-standing service and military brilliance in claiming this outpost, Bartholomew Aurelius was made a Duke, and all the land from the Ein Outpost to the Red Ocean was given into his care. Bartholomew made Ein Outpost - now called Einhel - his seat of power, and eventually the number of settlers flocking to the safety of its walls led to the construction of the outer wall that surrounds Einhel City today.

  It is believed by some scholars that the outpost - and later, the city - was built on what was once an ancient city from a civilization that predates Anduril by several millenia. The caverns underneath Einhel are indeed vast and numerous, though they are mainly sealed off and inaccessible.

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