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Humanity has been a dominant force on the planet for centuries, being both one of the oldest ancestries and the most perseverant one. Though lacking in magical capabilities or other special powers as compared to other ancestries, humans have proven to be extremely adaptable and, as a result, can be found almost anywhere on the known continent, from the swamps of Valiant, to the frozen lakes of Belledance, to the mountainous peaks of the Bramian Republic. Some humans are even believed to live on the Shadow Island, though these claims are difficult to ascertain. Humans are by far the most wide-spread ancestry in Aradia. No matter where one travels, one can always expect to find human settlements.   The Vast Kingdom of Eos is believed to have been the first and oldest on the continent, existing well before Aradia separated into its various parts during the Storm of Wrath. Eos was built on the infrastructure and technologies left behind by the Lost Ones, a race of sentient humanoids believed to have existed during the Dark Ages and disappeared without trace. Access to such advanced technology allowed humanity to develop and survive through harsh conditions without the supernatural advantages granted to other ancestries. Over time, humans spread out farther and farther from their native land, establishing settlements in remote regions. Today, humans rule the majority of the world's nations, most notably Belledance, Anduril, the Calvard Collective, Jurai, and Valiant.

Humans of Aradia

Human variability in both culture and appearance based on where they were born or how they were raised has given rise to a number of ethnic groups that humans can choose to identify as. This concept of 'ethnicity' is rarely understood by non-humans, but plays an important part in human cultural exchange around Aradia. Due to ethnicity being a fluid concept, however, most humans focus more on national or communal allegiances over ethnic ones.    
Taller, with wider shoulders and a sturdier frame, the dark-skinned, dark-haired Eonians are descendants of the former citizens of the Vast Kingdom of Eos, the few that managed to escape the place before it became the Great Desert. They are easily recognizable by the oddly colored eyes (red and purple being the most common colors). Most Eonians are found in Valiant and southern areas of Anduril, though some can be found as far north as Jurai.  
Moderately tall and built, the Altareans inhabit the temperate climates of Anduril. The majority of Altareans are fair-skinned, ranging from pale peach to tanned, with grey and blue eyes and lighter-colored hair, typically blond, hazel, and red (though these traits are by no means universal). Freckles are noted to be a common occurrence among Altareans.  
Slim and narrow, with sharper features and pointy noses, the Dandelians come from Belledance and Norther Highlands. They tend to have pale, almost pallid skin tones, dark hair, and black, brown, and green eyes. They frequently have beauty marks on their faces, some shaped like tiny teardrops, hearts, or diamonds. Dandelians with such marks consider them blessings from the divine and display them proudly if appropriate.  
Hailing from the southernmost nation of Valiant, Valardians are petite and slim, with wide hips and narrow shoulders, as well as small breasts for females. Their skin tones are warm, ranging from lightly tanned to chocolate, with wavy hair of brown and black shades. Their eyes tend to be brown and black in color, though occasional golds and even purples have been noted. Valardians tend to reach physical maturity faster than other humans.  
Shorter and stockier than average, with broad shoulders and cold, pale skin tones, the Bordians are adjusted to cold climates and high altitudes. Hailing from the largely inhospitable Bryonian Empire and the land now occupied by the Bramian Republic, they are fewer in number than other human ethnicities, with thick and typically curly hair, typically various shades of brown or red. Their eyes are brown or shades of liquid gold. They have larger noses and extremities, and smaller ears.  
Dominant in the Calvard-Jurai penninsula, the Oceanids tend to be tall, muscular, and amber-skinned, with golden or brown eyes. They typically have thin, straight black hair, though many Oceanids shave their heads when they reach maturity, or cover their hair with colorful cloth, depending on local traditions. They have small noses and tend to suffer from the Resting Bitch Face Syndrome, which led to the development of the phrase, "your face is doing the Oceanid".

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans are a resilient species both in their character and their reproductive ability. The most virile of ancestries to make up for their comparatively short lifestyles, they are capable of producing offspring with nearly every other ancestry, as well as non-humanoid beings such as celestials and devils. The products of many of such unions are hybrids, humanoids with characteristics of both their human and non-human parents. While other ancestries are able to contribute to the birth of such hybrids, human parents are the most numerous. Over the course of their lives, humans can have anywhere from one to eight offspring, with the record being sixteen.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans live around 80 to 90 years, though some have been recorded to live to around 100. They are considered adults at the age of 18, though they do not reach full physical and emotional maturity until early 20s. They age gradually through the rest of their lives, losing the color of their hair and rigidity of their skin as they get older. They are considered elderly around the age of 70, at which point many humans retire their profession and dedicate themselves to rest and relaxation.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are most numerous in the nations of Belledance, Anduril, Calvard, and Jurai, where they make up over 50% of the population. In Valiant, that number is over 80%, as most magic-using races are outlawed and exiled from the country. Due to their resilience, humans can be found practically everywhere in the world, including as far north as Bramia. They are relatively few in number in the Bryonian Empire, as humans do not do well with the Bryonian militaristic rule due to their natural desire for independence and rebellion. Whether any humans live in Beartrice is unknown. Though most humans have a proclivity for putting down settlements, some nomadic human tribes are found in the Northern Highlands.   It is believed that humans originally came from Valiant, which at one point in history was connected to the main continent. Over time, the humans spread over the entire world. Their migration was assumed to be caused by either strife or lack of resources. Notably, humans tend to not venture too far up the mountains or too far underground, and as a result they do not compete for resources with the dwarves, aarakocra, or goliath.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Human parents name their parents the night following their birth, waiting a day in case the child dies shortly after childbirth. These names tend to have meaning specific to the family: some use names of deceased relatives to honor them, while others go with names of heroes, saints, or even places important to them. Last names are inherited from the father, with a wife taking the husband's name at the time of marriage. Some humans have more than one name, and on rare occasions, more than one last name (though such a practice is uncommon and seen as strange).

Gender Ideals

The specifics of gender roles vary from place to place. In Valiant, women are expected to be subservient to the men, while in Belledance, women are not only independent, but tend to hold higher positions in society. In general, however, men are more commonly found in positions involving physical labor, while women are more populous in areas that require caretaking, especially to the ill, the elderly, and the young.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Alltongue is considered the baseline language of humans, taught in schools and spoken in homes all across Aradia. It is believed that in the past, the humans had their own language, the Calatant, however it fell out of use somewhere in the early Age of Rebirth, and is now only used in religious texts. Most humans are able to converse in at least one other language, which reflects the community they were raised in. For example, someone from a mining town would know conversational Dwarvish, while someone who deals in trading might know Halfling.

Genetic Descendants
90 years
Average Height
Varies. Typically between 5 and 7 feet tall.
Related Myths

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