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The Eldest

The Eldest are the oldest and most powerful fae, some as old or older than the world itself. Some look upon mortals with curiosity, while others find them disgusting and abhorrent, other still care very little for beings with such short lifespans. it is unknown exactly where the Eldest come from or what they want, as their desires, like that of most fae, are fickle and rarely stay consistent for very long. They all have their own mysterious goals and all command great fear and reverence from the inhabitants of the Feywild.
There are nine Eldest who have made their existence known to the Mortal Plane through its existence, though it is likely that there are many more who simply choose to not interact with mortals in any way. Four of them command the High Fey Courts.   Lorentus. An enigmatic being whose body is constantly cycling through physical appearances. The various people are actually reincarnations of the Archfey, which chose to exist all at once instead of sequentially.   Marquis Ponchik. A cat spirit that is frequently seen moving around between the Feywild and the Mortal Plane. Whether he is actually a cat or simply donning the disguise of one is unknown, but the other archfey treat him with great respect. He is especially close with Lorentus.   Queen Titania. Queen of the Spring Court. The most regal and renowned of the Eldest, as well as the one that takes her position as ruler with the most dedication and seriousness. She is considered to be the most beautiful of all fey (though do not let the Weeping Willow catch you saying that).   Count Vadalvez. Former Sovereign of the Winter Court, who was exiled from the Feywild. He is believed to be hiding somewhere in the Outer Planes, influencing mortals to do his bidding through promise of power and wealth.   The Weeping Willow. Queen of the Autumn Court. She never truly got over the way Gwareth punished her for playing around with death, and to this day continues to scheme against the deity - more quietly, this time, knowing what awaits her if her plans are known. She despises Titania.   Immerion, the Twins. Rulers of the Summer Court. A singular conscience split into two bodies, they are capable of great feats of psychokinetic ability, as well as being able to be in many places at once.   The Lantern King. Mischievous even by fey standards, he watches mortals with the utmost amusement, and if believed to have participated in many mortal wars across the centuries, stoking the flames for his entertainment. His sense of humor ranges from harmless to destructive.   The Tired Prince. Sovereign Prince of the Winter Court since Count Valdavez' fall from grace. A pessimistic isolationist, he wishes to have as little interaction as possible with others, instead dedicating himself to quiet introspection.   Medbh. A prophetess whose face is not depicted in any texts or images, but who has on several occasions visited the mortal world to offer guidance. She knows all that is, and all that will be, though she warns that glimpses into the future can bring more pain than they are worth.
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