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A plane of existence that exists in the shadow of the Mortal Plane, as well as the supposed origin of all magic. It is the original home to Fey-Touched beings, such as elves and gnomes. It is also the home to the fey, including centaurs, satyr, and pixies. Though the two planes were once completely separate entities, they currently exist in such close proximity to each-other that careless use of magic on the Mortal Plane can lead to the appearance of rifts, which allow for interplanar travel. The Feywild is ruled in tandem by the Four High Fey Courts, headed by the Eldest.


The geography of the Feywild is supposed to reflect exactly the geography of the Mortal Plane, and the resemblance can be found if one looks for it. However, the layout is twisted and turned, transformed into something colorful and wild. Some parts are upside-down, others are floating, others still exist only sometimes. Natural magic abounds here and nature has both power and presence, with massive trees growing in different directions everywhere, forming the foundation for buildings and roads. Everything is lush and overgrown, brimming with life and color in such abandon that it hurts outsiders to look upon it in the bright sunlight - and it is always sunny in the Feywild. The geography is also highly variable, changing day by day and night by night - it is a land of contradiction, existing in a state of constant flux. Navigating through the wildlands of the Feywild is near impossible without a capable guide who knows the lay of the land. 

Localized Phenomena

Due to the high abundance of magical energy throughout the plane, magic in the Feywild tends to behave wildly and unpredictably. Casting spells here is easier, but the effects may be more or less powerful than expected, with various outcomes that may not even be related to the spell cast. This effect is similar to what is known as a 'High Magic Zone' in the Mortal Plane. Things thought impossible in the Mortal Plane are possible and quite easy here. Logic and reason do not apply in the Feywild, thus the laws of physics that most mortal beings cling to are rarely observed here - and when they are, it's only because someone wishes to try playing with them.   Beings that come to life and live in the Feywild are often unaware of death and its trappings, as the Feywild is beyond the scope of responsibility of the death deities of the Mortal Plane. Grief and loss are concepts unknown here, making locals exceptionally fickle, reckless, and mischievous in their search for entertainment. Every day - if they even choose to partake in the concept of time - is another party, another way to stave off the boredom of eternal life. It is for this reason that the locals quite enjoy the spontaneous, dangerous, and random nature of their homeland, whereas visitors from the Mortal Plane (few as they are) find it to be terrifying.

Fauna & Flora

The Feywild is home to many plants and creature that cannot be found in the Mortal Plane. Here, the concentrated magic of the fey imbues everything with special properties, including sentience in some cases. Plant life is more vibrant and brightly colored, wildlife is abundant and equally colorful, and small creatures such as Wll-o-Wisps roam freely, enjoying their high-magic environment. Few creatures here know or fear death, making their behavioral patterns unpredictable and wild. Additionally, many creatures of this plane are also magically gifted in one way or another, powered by the natural magic that flows through everything in the area. This makes the Feywild incredibly diverse, but also incredibly dangerous.

Alternative Name(s)
The Feywilds, Prime Magic Plane, the Hearth
Dimensional plane
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species

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