Aneiros Character in Aradia | World Anvil


Divine Domains

  • Life: Aneiros governs the aspect of life, which encompasses healing, growth, and the vitality of living creatures. This domain includes spells and abilities related to restoration, rejuvenation, and the preservation of life.
  • Death: Aneiros also holds dominion over the domain of death, overseeing the natural transition from life to the afterlife. This domain includes spells and abilities related to the passing of souls, judgment in the afterlife, and the understanding of the mysteries of death.

Associated Domains

  • Balance: Aneiros embodies the concept of balance, both in the cycle of life and death and in the equilibrium of nature. This domain represents harmony, neutrality, and the need to maintain equilibrium in all things.
  • Healing: As a healer in their mortal life, Aneiros is associated with the healing arts. This domain includes not only the restoration of physical health but also the mending of emotional and spiritual wounds.
  • Transition: Aneiros guides souls through the process of transition from the mortal realm to the afterlife. This domain involves facilitating a peaceful passage for the deceased and ensuring that their souls find their rightful place in the great beyond.


Scepter of the Eternal Balance

Description: This ornate scepter is made of polished ivory and ebony, intricately carved with symbols representing the delicate balance between life and death. At its tip rests a pristine, glowing gem that pulses with the ebb and flow of vitality.
When wielded by a cleric or champion of Aneiros, the Scepter of the Eternal Balance can channel powerful healing and restorative magic, as well as spells related to the passing of souls and guiding them to the afterlife. It can also grant insight into matters of life, death, and balance.

Ethereal Hourglass of Eternity

Description: This hourglass appears to be crafted from shimmering crystal and contains a silvery, otherworldly sand. It is eternally suspended in a state of flowing, never emptying or refilling. Abilities When activated by a cleric of Aneiros, the Ethereal Hourglass of Eternity can momentarily stop time in a small area. This ability can be used for emergency healing, allowing the cleric to administer care and restorative magic to the wounded without the constraints of time. It is also used to ensure a peaceful and dignified passing for the terminally ill, granting them a final moment of comfort before their departure.

Holy Books & Codes

The Codex of Life and Death
  • Description: "The Codex of Life and Death" is a collection of writings and teachings inspired by Aneiros, the deity of life and death. It is divided into two volumes, one focused on life and the other on death, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these domains. The texts contain guidance on the care of the living, the rites of passage, and the rituals for the dying. It also explores the philosophical aspects of existence and the significance of the afterlife.
  • Code of Compassion: A key section of the codex is the "Code of Compassion," which outlines the ethical principles for healers and caretakers. It emphasizes the importance of showing kindness, empathy, and respect to all living beings and honors the sanctity of life.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Symbol of Life: The primary symbol associated with Aneiros's domain of life is a vibrant, upward-growing tree with roots firmly anchored in the ground. Its branches are adorned with leaves and blossoms, symbolizing the cycle of birth, growth, and renewal. This symbol is often used during celebrations of life, childbirth ceremonies, and to denote places of healing and vitality.
  • Symbol of Death: The symbol representing Aneiros's domain of death consists of a delicate, intricately designed hourglass. It signifies the passage of time and the cyclical nature of existence. This symbol is commonly seen in funerary rites, tombstone engravings, and as a reminder of the inevitable transition from life to death.
  • Sigil of Compassion: A special sigil associated with Aneiros is the "Sigil of Compassion." It features a heart intertwined with a pair of hands cradling a small bird. This sigil represents the compassion and care shown to those in their final moments, reflecting Aneiros's role as a deity of compassion and the steward of the cycle of life and death.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the Cycle of Life and Death: Followers of Aneiros are encouraged to acknowledge and respect the natural cycle of life and death. They believe that all life has inherent value, and death is not an end but a transition to a different state of being.
  • Show Compassion and Comfort: A core principle is to show compassion and provide comfort to those who are suffering, especially the sick and the dying. The faithful are expected to offer solace, care, and support to those in their final moments.
  • Honoring Rites of Passage: Aneiros's followers are taught to perform rites of passage with reverence and dignity. This includes celebrating births, marking important milestones, and conducting funeral ceremonies that honor the deceased and help guide their spirits to the afterlife.
  • Stewardship of Life: Followers are tasked with stewardship of all living beings and the environment. They are responsible for nurturing and protecting life in all its forms, ensuring that the balance between creation and decay is maintained.
  • Seek Healing and Wisdom: The faithful are encouraged to seek healing, both physical and spiritual, and to pursue wisdom and knowledge. The practice of medicine, care for the sick, and the quest for understanding the mysteries of life and death are seen as acts of devotion.


  • Festival of Life's Renewal: This holiday, held during the spring equinox, celebrates the renewal of life and the awakening of nature from its winter slumber. Followers gather in gardens and groves to witness the first blooms of the season. It is a time for birth celebrations, blessings for newborns, and the planting of new life in the earth. It also includes ceremonies honoring healers and caregivers who bring comfort and hope to the ailing.
  • Harvest of Remembrance: Occurring during the autumn equinox, this holiday marks the harvest season and the transition into the cooler months. It is a time for remembering and honoring those who have passed away. Families come together to share stories of their ancestors, visit grave sites, and offer food and libations to the spirits of the departed. It is a somber yet reflective occasion that emphasizes the eternal cycle of life and death.
  • The Day of Compassion: This holiday is observed every month on the full moon, serving as a reminder of the importance of compassion and care. It is a day when followers are encouraged to perform acts of kindness, visit the sick, and offer assistance to those in need. It reinforces the principle of showing compassion to the living and the dying.
Divine Classification


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