The Anchor Gods Organization in Aradia | World Anvil

The Anchor Gods

Mythology & Lore

The basis and teachings of the Anchor Gods religion draw upon a rich tapestry of myths, forgotten history, and ancient legends. The core mythology includes elements from various sources:
  • Creation Myth: The religion's creation myth speaks of a time when the world was a chaotic and formless void, and the four Anchor Gods emerged from the primordial chaos to bring order and purpose to existence. Each god contributed their domain to shape the world, with Goza forging the lands through battles, Laressa nurturing the natural world, Aneiros introducing the cycle of life and death, and Valeria weaving the dreamscape into reality.
  • Ancient Heroes and Deities: The religion also venerates ancient heroes and deities from ages past, whose stories are interwoven with the teachings of the Anchor Gods. These include legendary warriors, wise sages, and mythical creatures who exemplified the virtues and principles upheld by the faith.
  • The Garden of Equilibrium: The faith teaches that there once existed a sacred place known as the Garden of Equilibrium, where the Anchor Gods first united to create the world. It was a place of perfect balance between the natural and supernatural, where the boundaries between dreams and reality were fluid. The Garden's loss is considered a symbol of the world's departure from that pristine equilibrium.

Divine Origins

The Anchor Gods religion originated in the aftermath of a great cataclysm that reshaped the world. It was during this tumultuous time that visionary prophets and mystics experienced divine revelations, communing with the Anchor Gods. These early adherents developed the core beliefs, rituals, and teachings that would become the foundation of the faith.   The faith's origins are often associated with a remote and mystical location where the first temple to the Anchor Gods was constructed. It was here that the faithful congregated to learn from the prophets, interpret dreams, and seek guidance from the gods. Over time, the religion spread through trade, exploration, and conquest, influencing various cultures and civilizations.

Cosmological Views

According to the Anchor Gods religion, the cosmos is envisioned as a tapestry woven from dreams and reality, with each of the four Anchor Gods playing a vital role in its existence:
  • Goza's Forge: Goza, the god of war and strength, forged the physical realm through battles and conflicts. His domain encompasses the material world, including the lands, seas, and mountains. The world is seen as a testing ground for valor and courage.
  • Laressa's Haven: Laressa, the goddess of knowledge and nature, nurtures the natural world. She oversees the delicate balance of ecosystems, the changing of seasons, and the interconnectedness of all living things. The world is regarded as a sacred garden, and stewardship of the environment is central to the faith.
  • Aneiros's Cycle: Aneiros, the deity of life and death, governs the cycle of existence. Birth, growth, death, and rebirth are seen as essential parts of the cosmic order. The afterlife is envisioned as a realm of dreams and memories, where souls find peace.
  • Valeria's Dreamscape: Valeria, the goddess of dreams and reality, bridges the gap between the conscious and subconscious realms. Her realm encompasses the realm of dreams, visions, and the power of imagination. Reality is viewed as a reflection of the dreamscape, and the two realms are intertwined.
  The cosmology of the Anchor Gods faith emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony between these domains, with the world itself as a testament to the gods' divine influence and creativity. Followers of the faith believe that by aligning their lives with this cosmic balance, they can find purpose, wisdom, and enlightenment.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Balance in All Things: The central tenet of the Anchor Gods religion is the pursuit of balance and equilibrium in all aspects of life. Followers are taught to seek harmony between their inner selves and the world around them, to honor both the physical and spiritual realms, and to respect the natural order of the cosmos.
  2. Valor and Wisdom: The faithful are encouraged to cultivate both physical strength and intellectual prowess. Valor and courage, exemplified by Goza, are celebrated, but they must be tempered with the wisdom and knowledge embodied by Laressa. It is believed that true power arises from the fusion of these two virtues.
  3. Respect for Life and Death: A fundamental belief is that life and death are intertwined and sacred aspects of existence. Aneiros's teachings emphasize the importance of cherishing life, while also acknowledging the inevitability of death. Followers are expected to honor the cycle of life and show compassion for the dying.
  4. Embrace of Dreams and Reality: Valeria's domain is seen as a bridge between the conscious and subconscious realms. Followers are encouraged to explore the power of dreams, imagination, and creativity as a means of self-discovery and enlightenment. They are taught that dreams and reality are interconnected facets of existence.


  1. Stewardship of Nature: Followers are called to be stewards of the natural world, caring for the environment and protecting the delicate balance of ecosystems. Destruction of nature is seen as a grave offense against the teachings of Laressa.
  2. Honor in Conflict: In accordance with Goza's valor, followers are taught to approach conflict with honor and integrity. Unjust aggression is condemned, and adherents are encouraged to use their strength and martial skills for the defense of others.
  3. Compassion for the Dying: A core ethical principle is to provide comfort and solace to those nearing the end of their lives. Euthanasia and hastening death are considered sins, as they disrupt the natural cycle overseen by Aneiros.
  4. Respect for Dreams: The interpretation of dreams and visions is a revered practice. Disregarding or dismissing dreams is seen as a failure to embrace the wisdom and guidance offered by Valeria.
  5. Creativity and Imagination: Encouragement of creativity and imagination is a daily practice. The arts, storytelling, and artistic pursuits are celebrated as expressions of the dreamscape and a means of connecting with the divine.
  6. Balance in Personal Life: Followers are taught to seek balance in their personal lives, avoiding extremes and excesses. Immoderate behavior is viewed as a disruption of the inner equilibrium that mirrors the cosmic balance.
  7. Charity and Aid: Acts of charity and assistance to those in need are considered pious acts. Providing for the less fortunate and helping others find their own balance in life are seen as a manifestation of divine grace.
  8. Respect for the Elderly: The elderly are revered for their wisdom and life experiences. Treating elders with respect and care is considered a reflection of the reverence for the cycle of life.
  Sins within the faith may include disrupting the natural order, failing to show respect for nature, seeking to dominate others through force, neglecting the dying, and disregarding the value of dreams and imagination. Pious acts include striving for balance, respecting all life, and seeking wisdom and knowledge to deepen one's understanding of the world and the divine.


The clergy of the Anchor Gods religion, known as "Keepers," guide the faithful and serve as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the divine. They are appointed through a combination of divine revelation, rigorous training, and demonstrated wisdom and compassion. Keepers distinguish themselves from the rest of the flock through their deep knowledge of the faith, their ability to interpret dreams and visions, and their dedication to preserving the balance and harmony of the world.
Religious, Pantheon