Valeria Character in Aradia | World Anvil


Divine Domains

  • Dreams: Valeria governs the realm of dreams and the subconscious mind. She holds sway over the dreamscapes that individuals enter during sleep, where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur.
  • Reality: Valeria is also connected to the waking world and the concept of reality. She influences the way individuals perceive and interpret the world around them, emphasizing the idea that dreams and reality are intertwined facets of existence.
  • Imagination and Creativity: As a deity of dreams and reality, Valeria inspires creativity and imagination. She encourages the exploration of one's inner creative potential, believing that dreams can give birth to new ideas, art, and innovations in the waking world.
  • Lucid Dreaming: Valeria is closely associated with the practice of lucid dreaming, where dreamers become aware that they are in a dream and can exert some control over their dream experiences. Lucid dreaming is seen as a means of connecting with the divine and gaining deeper insights into the self and the world.


The Oneiroi Mirror
This enchanted mirror is said to be a direct link to the dreamscapes governed by Valeria. When gazed upon, it allows the user to enter a state of lucid dreaming and explore the dream world with heightened awareness. It is believed that the mirror can reveal hidden truths and provide insights into one's subconscious.
The Muse's Quill
This mystical quill is said to be a gift from Valeria to those who seek to channel their creativity and inspiration. When used to write or draw, it imbues the user's work with a touch of the dream world, making their creations more vivid and imaginative. Writers, artists, and poets often seek the Muse's Quill to enhance their creative abilities.
The Reverie Crystal
This ethereal crystal is believed to have the power to enhance one's dream recall and the clarity of their dream experiences. It is often used by dreamers and practitioners of lucid dreaming to help them better navigate and understand the dreamscapes crafted by Valeria.
The Dreamweaver's Loom
This mystical loom is said to weave together threads of dreams and reality, creating a tapestry that reflects the balance between the conscious and subconscious. It is believed that those who meditate or contemplate near the Dreamweaver's Loom can gain deeper insights into their own lives and the interplay between their dreams and waking experiences.
Valeria's Starlight Pendant
This ornate pendant is said to be blessed by Valeria herself. Wearing it is believed to enhance one's ability to tap into their own creative potential and connect with the goddess's influence. It is often worn by artists, musicians, and dream interpreters as a symbol of their dedication to the arts and exploration of the dream world.

Holy Books & Codes

The Reverie Chronicles
  • Description: "The Reverie Chronicles" is a compendium of dreams, visions, and interpretations written by followers of Valeria, the goddess of dreams and reality. It contains a rich tapestry of stories and accounts of dream experiences, both profound and mundane. These writings offer insights into the subconscious and the boundaries between dreams and reality. The text encourages followers to explore their own dreams and engage in lucid dreaming as a means of connecting with the divine.
  • The Dreamweaver's Guide: A section within "The Reverie Chronicles" is "The Dreamweaver's Guide," which provides practical advice and techniques for dream interpretation, lucid dreaming, and tapping into the creative power of the dreamscape. It serves as a manual for those seeking to deepen their understanding of Valeria's domain.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • The Dreamer's Eye: The primary symbol of Valeria's domain of dreams and reality is a stylized eye surrounded by intricate, swirling patterns reminiscent of both dreamscapes and the waking world. This "Dreamer's Eye" symbolizes the interplay between consciousness and the subconscious, dreams and reality. It is often used in dream interpretation rituals, meditation practices, and as a mark of Valeria's presence.
  • The Butterfly Cocoon: Another significant symbol associated with Valeria is the image of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. This symbolizes transformation, personal growth, and the idea that dreams can give birth to new realities. The butterfly cocoon is often used to represent the process of awakening to one's inner potential.
  • Sigil of Lucidity: A unique sigil connected to Valeria is the "Sigil of Lucidity." It features a crescent moon nestled within a starry night sky, with a stylized key below. This sigil represents the idea of lucid dreaming—a state where dreamers are aware of their dreams and have some control over them. It is used by those who seek to harness the power of dreams for enlightenment and personal transformation.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the Dreamscape: Followers of Valeria are encouraged to embrace the power and significance of dreams. They believe that the dreamscape holds profound insights and hidden truths that can guide and inspire them.
  • Explore Lucidity: Lucid dreaming is a revered practice, and adherents are encouraged to explore and master it. It is believed that by becoming aware within their dreams, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.
  • Celebrate Creativity: Valeria's followers celebrate creativity and imagination as divine gifts. They believe that artistic expression, storytelling, and creative endeavors are ways to bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious realms.
  • Respect the Boundary Between Dreams and Reality: While dreams are seen as powerful, followers are also cautioned to respect the boundary between dreams and reality. They are taught that grounding oneself in the waking world is essential for a balanced existence.
  • Seek Transformation: Followers of Valeria believe in the potential for personal transformation through dreams and self-exploration. They seek to harness the insights gained from their dream experiences to grow and evolve as individuals.


  • The Night of Dreams: Celebrated on the night of the new moon, this holiday is dedicated to the exploration of dreams. Followers engage in lucid dreaming practices, meditation, and dream interpretation rituals. It is believed that on this night, the veil between the waking world and the dreamscape is thinnest, allowing for deeper insights and spiritual connections through dreams.
  • The Day of Creativity: This holiday, occurring on the summer solstice, is a celebration of creativity and imagination. Followers engage in artistic pursuits, storytelling, and creative workshops. It is a day when Valeria's power to inspire creative endeavors is honored and expressed.
  • The Equinox of Balance: Held during the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, this holiday emphasizes the importance of balance in life and the cosmos. Followers participate in meditation and contemplation to seek equilibrium within themselves and their surroundings. It is a time to reflect on the interplay between dreams and reality, as well as the need for harmony in all aspects of existence.


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