Erik "The Pale" Redhorn

Erik Pale

Erik was born to Mular and Zia Redhorn in the city of Isondale. Mular is a member of the city watch and bears no special status. Zia is an alchemist and herbalist who owns a wagon in the market ward. Erik, from his youngest years has wished to become a wizard and begun his journey by taking up the job of scribe to a wizard that resides in Isondale. At the age of 13 Erik became acquainted with Jirzis Fogflaw, a wizard that had visited his mother's wagon several times for various herbs and the like. After about a year, Jirzis offered to take Erik on as a scribe, and thus began his journey. While Erik was learning alongside Jirzis those other mages at the tower begun giving him the nickname "The Pale" because he is so very pale compared to others at the tower. Other than that, he was a fairly normal scribe, and was not officially entered into the academy as a student, as he did not have the funds to apply as a student. Whatever he may have learned was all garnered while he was working as a scribe and servant to Jirzis.

Personality Characteristics


Personality Trait   . . . speak . . . slowly . . . when talking . . . to idiots, . . . which . . . almost . . . everyone . . . is . . . compared . . .to me.   Ideals   Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (Neutral)   Bonds   My life’s work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore.   Flaws   Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy.   I speak without really thinking through my words, invariably insulting others.


Erik "The Pale" Redhorn


Towards Aakscree Titandaughter


Aakscree Titandaughter


Towards Erik "The Pale" Redhorn


Erik the Pale is a thin human that was born to a poor family in Isondale. His hair is as dark as a raven's feathers, and his eyes are as green as an emerald.

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Chaotic Good
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Articles under Erik "The Pale" Redhorn

Erik Tries Crafting

Having decided to experiment with crafting magic items Erik decides to start with something easy and looks to craft a tankard of sobriety. Erik finds a local vendor who sells him the formula for 100gp. He then spends the 50gp for collecting the materials and gets to crafting.

Erik Relaxes in Dewbreak

After a long week of memorizing and transcribing spells Erik sit back and relaxes with a glass of red wine. As he begins to write in his personal journal he thinks back to the early days of when he was first accepted among the council of high mages in Isondale. Erik thinks about when he had found that amulet in the ancient library among the various collected items, and the vision that had come to him one night. He wonders, could it be true that the ancient dragon is looking for me to wield his power and protect his world from those who would seek its destruction. He removes the ancient amulet from his back pack and looks it over, still feeling its power coursing through his own body. While he had previously attuned to it, he does not choose to use now because of the constant murmurings of ancient lords that are stored in it. Former High Mage Zumen Nonnal never truly appreciated me, or the amulet.

Erik Work's for Local Scribe

Erik spends the week working for a local scribe using his skills as a wizard and calligraphy.

Planning Ahead for Next Shape Shift

Erik "The Pale" Redhorn decides that it would be in the best interest of him and Scree if he establishes a method for them to pool their resources for mutual survival.   Erik spends a week seeking out the local “lock box” service and sets up a lock box for storing items and coins for Scree and him to share.   He leaves the following note for Scree to find explaining his plan.   “I setup a lock box at The Six Trust and Holdings in Dewbreak so that you and I can share our resources and increase our likelihood of survival. Here is the key and also a list of what I left for you. Items in Lockbox: 86gp's. Bag of Holding and its contents. I am trusting you with my stuff... use it wisely."

My First Day

I was working in one of the academy's labs and the cursed monkey Scree barged in and caused my sepll to miss cast. Apparently, this has some how casued us to cbecome one entitty. Maybe something to do with her druid wild shape interacting with the conjuration magic which I was practicing at the time. I recently became the "dominant" individual in our situation again and apparently scree has this groupof "friends" that she has been workign with. They are not the brightest bunch I've ever met but they seem to be getting the job done. We went to investigate why all the deer in the local forest were being poached, it seemed and found this evil hunter that was apparently enslaving fauns in the forests to the east. We managed to defeat this guy and free the fauns as well. Personally, I think we should have kept at least one of the faun so that they could help us keep the hunter's home clean, which apparently we now have the deed too.

Acq Inc XP Activity

How might you look at adventuring as a “business opportunity”?   I believe that what I do while going out on adventures, doing quests, and similar activities will help me to not only establish myself as a known wizard, but also help me to expand my collection of spells, material components, and other items I can use to eventually establish my own magic shop. How might your particular background fit into a business type D&D campaign?   My background with the mage's tower, and the contacts I have already established there could be helpful when the group is looking for easier methods of travel such as teleportation. It is not inconceivable that I might be able to work out the occasional discount for travel services, or even help source new "job" opportunities. How might your class/sub-class play a positive role in the “company”?   My Wizards skills, and particularly those centered around conjuration will likely help tremendously as I am able to setup alarms, arcane locks, and other services that a normal individual would not have access too. I could potentially even establish our own permanent portals at some point in time. It is nice when you can create things from thin air... and possibly sell them for a reasonable profit. Will you be a spoke person, bodyguard, enforcer, leader, or other role in the company?   I feel like I would best fit in as a record keeper, researcher, or similar role because of the nature of my current background working as a wizard and scribe for the mage's tower. On the other hand, I am capable of opening locks, vaults, and particularly stubborn doors. I can also summon "assistants" when we require additional brute strength. Well, I will be able at some point in time, right now I only have a small collection of spells. How might your personal goals align and/or help the edification of the “company”?   I feel like my personal goals should align well with the company because, as mentioned before, as I grow and learn more abilities, spells, and such I will be able to hone those capabilities to better facilitate the growth of the company. Essentially, the more the company can help me acquire spellbooks, and scrolls, and get those recorded in my own spellbook, the more the company will be able to expand and grow. The stronger I am, the stronger the company is. How do you feel about material possessions and coins? How might this affect your interactions with the “company” and its interests?   I am probably a fairly average person when it comes to material possessions and wealth. I do require it as a wizard because the work of spell creation, and recording can be very arduous, but at the same time I am happy to part with the occasional coin, if need be, to facilitate the growth of the company.

Erik and Aakscree's Accident

The wizard sat at his desk, his back aching from sitting hunched over ancient texts for hours on end. His mouth parched, Erik reached out for the goblet beside him but instead of finding it, he knocked over the bottle of ink. He cursed under his breath, searching desperately for something to clean up the mess least it destroys his book. And then something strange happened. It was almost as if the book was a sponge soaking up the ink that spilled. “What…what’s this?” Erik muttered out loud and his eyes widened as he watched the text on the book shift and change. The addition of the ink made the writing in the book morph into something new. The passage he had read mere moments ago changed into something else. As old and ancient as the tomb was to begin with, this new writing looked even older. It appeared to Erik to be a language similar to his own, but more archaic. Some words he understood yet others not so much. He sat back down and studied it….   The next morning Aakscree knocked on Erik’s door. She had been the one picked to check on him. There was no answer. “Hello, Erik? Are you in there? Are…you, ok?” She could hear soft mutterings from behind the door. “Ok…I’m coming in.” Just as she opened the door, a flash of bright magical energy filled the room. She felt a surge of electricity run through her body and then it was over, and everything was black. Where was she?   A light began to form, and it seemed she was looking through her own eyes, but not in control of the body, but wait... It is not her body it seems. As she notices the familiar arm and robes of Erik "The Pale" whom she had only recently become acquainted with.   After several weeks the two magic users, one a druid and the other a wizard learn to better manage their "situation". Apparently, a new spell was miss casted upon Aakscree's interruption of the casting process and they were somehow made one creature. When Aakscree, or Erik are able to attain control of the body they are in their own body as the form changes in the flash of an eye. The best they and the wizards can figure is some strange combination of Aakscree's wild shape and Erik's conjuring magic has caused this. At this time no one truly understands the mechanics behind it, and they are seeking a remedy, but do not know what to do to fix the situation.

Summarization Activity

Erik was born to Mular and Zia Redhorn in the city of Isondale. Mular is a member of the city watch and bears no special status. Zia is an alchemist and herbalist who owns a wagon in the market ward. Erik, from his youngest years has wished to become a wizard and begun his journey by taking up the job of scribe to a wizard that resides in Isondale.   At the age of 13 Erik became acquainted with Jirzis Fogflaw, a wizard that had visited his mother's wagon several times for various herbs and the like. After about a year, Jirzis offered to take Erik on as a scribe, and thus began his journey.   While Erik was learning alongside Jirzis those other mages at the tower begun giving him the nickname "The Pale" because he is so very pale compared to others at the tower. Other than that, he was a fairly normal scribe, and was not officially entered into the academy as a student, as he did not have the funds to apply as a student. Whatever he may have learned was all garnered while he was working as a scribe and servant to Jirzis.   As Erik continued to work for his master, he had several adventures and even some rather horrifying moments also. Erik learned early in his "career" at the tower learned to speak draconic, which was not remotely easy, but Erik felt this was an essential piece of knowledge to acquire. Erik intends to use draconic in all of his spell books to add his own "flavor" to his writings. Erik did notice that anytime he casts a spell his eyes glow with a white undertone as if the moonlight was in his eyes. This was very interesting, or it seemed so, for his master, Jirzis, and his master suggested that he would go ahead and take him on as an actual apprentice when this was discovered.   Master Jirzis Fogflaw begun the long task of teaching Erik the ways of the wizards of the white robes in Krynn. While they were not in Krynn, he insisted that he believe they understood magic the best, and this was the way to handle the matter.   Erik's staff was a gift from his master, which he added the moons of Krynn to, along with three crystals he had found in a cave on one of his outings. This is an item that Erik treasures and is very protective over. He also has a very large collection of "spell component" items in his room at the tower which he insists that he much maintain and continue to build even though is master continuously reminds him not everything he finds will work as a component for a spell. Then there is also the lens which Erik carries in one of his pouches that will supposedly allow a user to see the black moon, Nuitari, in Krynn. Erik has determined if he is ever able to visit his master's home world, he will have to try and use the lens at least once.   Now Erik does have a considerably large fear of mimics, and a bit of a fear for anything that might be able to disguise itself as other creatures, or objects. Unfortunately, Erik has not only witnessed the deaths of others because of wizards, but he has had his own close calls with the creatures and so he has developed a particularly strong fear of mimics specifically. He has developed a taste for red wine since his time at the tower because the school keeps cheap red wine in supply and provides a regular ration to all of the students, and staff at the tower. He has loved carrots since his earliest days because he was able to eat as many as he wished for as long as he can remember.   Erik also had the privilege of living with and working with the satyr community of Frandyln at the behest of his master. It was Master Jirzis opinion that Erik spends some time with another community other than what he was used to at Isondale, and so Erik chose to stay with a fey community in the forest. After five years of living, training, and so on with the Satyrs in Frandyln he has come to have a better understanding of the fey folk and their magic.   As Erik continue to learn and expand his own skills as a wizard, he begun study the concepts and magics around conjuring other things and creatures into existence. Erik decided that this is the magic he counts as his most favorite, and so he is focusing on conjuration magic over all other forms of magic. It is his hope that he can use such magic to summon creatures from other planes of existence to continue to increase his power and knowledge concerning the magical arts. Erik dreams of becoming one of, if not, the most powerful conjurers known in the realms.   An incident that happened recently is affecting Erik's ability to continue to expand his skills, however, and that was the meeting of the Hadozee Aakscree who arrived at the tower and immediately attempted to befriend Erik. One particular incident most recently happened with Aakscree was excited about something and barged in while he was working on casting a new conjurations spell for the first time. As he was attempting to create and cast, for the first time, he accidentally pulled the hadozee girl into the caster and before he knew it they were one creature. Not just one creature in the sense of they having been accidently blended into a mixed body of human and hadozee, but in the sense that they are in each other's heads. It would seem that when Erik wishes to be the "dominant" he not only takes control of the body, but the body transforms from her body to his. It is as if he and she are one person, but not one person.

Sub-class Activity

*Erik fumbles a little with his ink and pen as he begins to write in his journal again. As he writes down the date in his leatherbound journal he absent-mindly grabs the small glass of wine near his journal and takes a sip*.   I have always been fascinated by the magician’s that could produce animals and other things from nothing. Being able to become invisible or throwing a fire bolt is not as exciting for me as being able to conjure a creature up. The first time I conjured up a small rock into the palm of my hand yesterday I felt a chill of excitement move through my body. I just don't believe I could ever truly express in words how excited I am to be going down this particular path of magic.   The elder wizards do make it a regular habit to remind me of the dangers of conjuring up some creatures such as demons, devils, and so on. Such stories like a wizard summoning a demonic creature only to lose control of it endangering him and others are told so often that I have begun to tune out the mages when they get on these particular topics.   I am not so concerned with that happening though as I will be particularly careful when I eventually attempt such extraordinary feats and not so careless as those other magic users. While I am anxious to experiment with such things, I don't expect I will have an opportunity to attempt such high magic in the near feature as I am in no rush to risk my soul at this moment.   I wouldn’t tell anyone this but the fiends of the Abyss and Hell intrigue me more than any other creature. Especially those that we know as devils. What might I be able to learn from a devil, I wonder! It is common knowledge that devils in particular can have stored up ancient knowledge that has potential for coming in handy for those of us wizards that really want to expand our abilities and become the most powerful wizards in the realms.

Erik's Additional Character Depth

*Erik Redhorn settles in for another evening at his desk to update his ever-growing journal. Erik pours himself a little wine and begins writing after lighting a well-used candle which resides on the back end of his desk*.   I was cleaning one of the magical laboratory areas in the mage tower last night and I noticed that there was a treasure chest left in one of the corners of the room. It had not been removed, or otherwise put away as the students should have done. I felt a considerable chill down my spine as I gazed upon it, for I feared it might have been a mimic that they were working with. I insisted that one of the students come and assist me in putting it away, and I do not believe I will live down the moment. Vaeril, that tall golden haired elven mage I see around occasionally, would not stop mocking me when he had learned that I feared anything might be a mimic. I personally believe it is reasonable that I am cautious of inanimate objects, I will never forget that poor wood elf, Keryth I think was her name, that was eaten by a mimic only two months ago.   It was a very sad day for the school when she was discovered the next morning, or at least what was left of her. Apparently one of the student mages had managed to discover how to turn one of the chairs into a mimic and forgot to do away with it, and Keryth had attempted to sit on it.   *Erik rummages through his pack which currently sat on the floor next to his chair and pulled a carrot out of the backpack. As he began chomping on the carrot, he thought of how much he loved the particular orange vegetable and how the smell reminded him of home.*   I do miss working with my mother and her herbal wagon in the market ward, but at least it is not a far stroll to the market from the school tower. Thankfully this allows me to occasionally visit mother and also acquire carrots and other items that my master might need. Father said that he was doing very well among the city guard lately and has been promoted to Seargent of the watch. I am very proud of him and his skills in defending us from the occasional goblinoids and feral gnome incursions.   I am grateful for all that Master Fogflaw has taught me since I joined his service here at the tower. The magical art which he has been trained in is similar to what is taught here in Aragoth, but also so very different in how he worships and seeks the moons of his homeland. I believe he misses them on occasion as he is always talking about returning but has yet to do so.   *Erik finishes his carrot and toss the end of it into a trash bin across from his desk and then continues his writing*.   Oh, and then there was that incident a few days ago when I was helping Ruby dig through the old storage room a few doors down. Ruby moved to grab a bag that laid on top of one of the old wooden crates. I had practically screamed and said, "Ruby wait"! She looked at me as though I was crazy but then I explained, "What if it is another mimic, those nasty creatures can be anything". Ruby gave me a narrowed eye look and went back to getting the bag, and believe it or not, the crate came alive and swallowed the old bag!   Ruby leaped back out of range of the creature, and then realized I had already moved to the entrance and was quickly backing out of the room. She fussed at me and said for me to get in there and help her, but no, I said I was not getting ate like the wood elf. Ruby did manage to contain the mimic and some fellow wizards came along and helped her finish it off. I swore that I was not going back into that storeroom until it was thoroughly investigated for any remaining mimics.   I was chided by my master for not helping, of course, and he berated me for such an "irrational" fear. I am not going to be ate by one of those creatures though. If there is any reason, I should fear there is a mimic about, then I will be cautious.   Master Jirvis, a couple of his students and I journeyed out to the Arborwich Forest a week ago and met with the Satry community who reside on the outskirts of Frandyln. It is hard to believe that I spent five years living with their community, learning their culture, and language at the bequest of my master. Apparently, my master was requested to come out and aid the village with a small group of nasty gnomes that were attacking their fauns while they were out collecting herbs and such. It was not a hard task for my master and his students. I of course, made sure that I stayed out of the way although there was a moment when I was able to prove myself. I noticed a gnome was sneaking up on one of the students and I was able to teleport myself behind the gnome. Once there I was able to call on the spell "Command" and force the gnome to grovel which gave the student the opportunity to dispatch the little monster.

Erik's "Character" Flavor

*As Erik relaxes in his small room at the mage's tower, he takes a sip of water and then begins writing in his leather journal*.   I am never going to get accustomed to how difficult Draconic is to read, but it is one of the most common languages for spell work, unfortunately. I have decided that I am going to do all of my spells in the draconic language as it will hopefully help me to improve my own skills. I had a very strange experience just yesterday while I was practicing a spell.   While I was practicing gestures for mage armor, I noticed in the mirror that my eyes glowed as if they were filled with the light of the moon. This was a very strange experience, and it seems to be persistent. On a side note, I have never seen the moon Solinari from my master's homeland, but based on the way he describes the light, it did seem to be similar to that particular moon.   Master Jirzis gave me my first "wizard's" staff a few days ago. I have taken it and added three crystals to the top of it which I had found while exploring a cavern not far from the city a month ago. Jirzis suggested that I ought to personalize the staff to my own design, and so I have added some decorative etchings along the shaft to make it my own, I added the three moons of Krynn, and their names based on the drawings and lore I read in one of Master Jirzis' tomes.   My master constantly reminds me that I do not need to collect every little thing that I find as it is encumbering, and I may not need the particular items. I insist, at least for now, in collecting "all the things" because I don't want to not have a spell component when I need it. I was collecting an amusing shell the other day when he seemed to become annoyed that I had slowed him down.   Oh, Master Jirzis gave me a gift this morning and said that I had earned it because I had worked so hard over the past eight years studying and learning the ways of a wizard with him. It was a small lens, which he said one of his dear friends that wore the black robes had given him. Master stated that the lens allows one to see the black moon, Nuitari. I wonder if I will ever have an opportunity to actually give it a try myself and test if its authentic.


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