Fip "Brittlehorn" Goldscale

Fip, also known as Brittlehorn on occasion, was born in Frandyln and is a descendent of an ancient gold dragon. He was born to a rare mating of a satyr and faery giving him a unique bloodline.  


Raesh All-Shell


Towards Fip "Brittlehorn" Goldscale


Fip "Brittlehorn" Goldscale


Towards Raesh All-Shell


Bavyrmn The Grand

Great Great Great Grandfather

Towards Fip "Brittlehorn" Goldscale


Fip "Brittlehorn" Goldscale

Great Great Great Grandson

Towards Bavyrmn The Grand


Ariben Cobblecloak


Towards Fip "Brittlehorn" Goldscale


Fip "Brittlehorn" Goldscale


Towards Ariben Cobblecloak




Towards Fip "Brittlehorn" Goldscale


Fip "Brittlehorn" Goldscale


Towards Valkyrie



Articles under Fip "Brittlehorn" Goldscale

Preparing for upcoming trials.

Fip, back in his home town, decides that he needs to be better prepared for anything with the wing cutting person around. Fip worries he might run out of spells if things get too hairy. He decides to make some spell scrolls to augment his total amount of spells he can cast. He stops by this family’s magic supply story in Frandlyn to get supplies to make three spell scrolls. . Fip spends his time during the week with his family and Temperance when not making scrolls.

Eleventh letter to home.

Dearest Mother,   We started our new mission to find some missing soldiers. We got some details about the mission. We were told a location and that they had the Golden Fleece. We were told that they needed it to gain more power to be able to free the prisoners that we freed in our last mission. The army had not heard from them in over 2 weeks. Our job was to find out what happened. If they are alive, we are to bring them back. If not, we are to bring back proof.   We quickly got into our spelljammer and flew over to the base of the mountains in the north. Once we got into the cave we found all but one of the dead and he was missing. There was an alter in the room that was broken and a dead woman on it. We found parts of the Golden Fleece but it had been destroyed. As we looked around the room I saw something I read about back in Strixhaven. It was a Dweomer a magic eating creature in a cage. I quickly backed away from it and told everyone to be careful of it. We felt sorry for be because it looked like it had been starved. Ser Wyn put it out of its misery.   We learned the alter was to a great ancient evil called, “The Worm That Walks.” We surmised that the last person in the group that was missing had gone through the portal and we feared that he was trying to free that great evil. We discussed going through the portal. Erik got very close and Severus and I pushed him through. We all followed and we ended up in a strange new world that was scary. We ended up on a island with lots of skulls to warn us of danger. We headed towards an obelisk following the tracks of the last soldier.   Scree cast speak with plants as we approached a great lake. They warned us of worms that like blood in the lake. Scree used mold earth to cross at a narrow point. We got attacked by 5 leach walkers. These are creatures that look like they are made of leaches and they were very dangerous. I lighting bolted some of them and used my silvery bards to protect Severus from them. A few of our group got hurt a little but we managed to get past them with little harm. We crossed the marsh full of bugs. We kept getting bite and scree even got sick from one of her bites. Thankfully, Severus had the right spell to cure her of what she contracted. We came to a village called Wormcrawl Island. There were a lot of dead people in the water there. We got attacked by several undead known as Blessed Span of Kyuss. Scree turned into an ankylosaurs. As we fought them, we learned that they released wormed that borrowed into the skin. It was a difficult fight having to kill the worms and kill the undead. Scree even knocked Ser Wyn and his horse over. After we finished them off, she stated as the ankylosaurs and we moved on. As we moved on, we found maggot person that told us if a sphere of annihilation was put into the obelisk, it would free The Worm That Walks. We quickly hurried up towards the obelisk.   We reached the moat made of tar that is about 1,000 feet across. We debated how to get across. Scree turned into a flying dinosaur and carried most of the party across. She had a little difficulty with the horse. He is starting to prove to be a bit of a hindrance but Ser Wyn truly cares for the horse so we keep him around. We got attacked by some creature that came out of the tar. It strayed some acid at us we flew up. I decided our best bet was to fireball the creature and fly higher. I set the tar on fire and there is no telling how long it will burn.   We went through all of this only to arrive as the last soldier was pushing a sphere of annihilation into the obelisk. We quickly started attacking the soldier and we got worried we would not be able to win a fight with that great evil. I blinded the soldier and then remembered from Strixhaven that I learned that a portable hole and a sphere of annihilation would destroy each other if they were placed together. I quickly told Mason that he would not be happy but that he needed to do it to save the world. Erik cast disintegrate on the soldier and he turned to dust. Mason sacrificed his portable hole to save the world and destroyed the sphere of annihilation and stopped the great evil from returning. I know I failed you and father by being kicked out of Strixhaven, but the time I was there has come in handy many times and this time, it saved the world.   When he did bring those two objects together, we created a hole in space and we got teleported into some strange room with a talking mouth that told us to drop all our magic gear and weapons into a cart and prepare for an obstacle course. We were not sure if we wanted to do this or not. I decided it was time to do a company vote. Three people in a group wanted to do this but thankfully, they got out voted 5-3 because of ability to cast an extra vote and to vote for people that are not here. We dug through the ashes of the old soldier and we found a lot of really strong magic items. I found a spell book and Erik removed my curse in exchange for the spell book. We also found a ring of protecting, bracers of defense, ring of fire protection, mace of smiting, mace of turning, and gloves of missile snatching. Because Erik has freed me from my curse, I offered him either the ring of protection or the bracers of defense. He wanted the ring so I took the bracers.   When we left the room, we realized we were in a dungeon of sorts. Ser Wyn buffed his way past some hobgoblins telling them he was a new hire for the dungeon. They believed it so we decided we would keep up the act and try to get out. We found a room with more hobgoblins and two fire giants sorting some medal. When we tried to convince them we were new hires, we mentioned that people had been leaving and they asked if leaving the dungeon was an option and they started to leave. We quickly followed because we thought this would get us out faster. We started going up and there was a small passage that had a gap that needed to be jumped. It was only five feet wide and the giants got over it easy but the hobgoblins did not. They fell to their death and we saw that there were people down there asking about what was happening up where we were. We quickly rushed past and to try to reduce their numbers in case they attacked us, I dropped a fireball down on top of them. We tried to kill the last one that served the fireball but we kept missing him with ranged attacks and we closed up the whole with mold earth.   The fire giants we were following got ahead of us a little. We rushed to catch up to them but we found them dead in some webs. We decided to go a different direction then they did. We quickly found a room with six minotaur skeletons in it. We started fighting them and two of them went through some peelers in the room and disappeared. We all kept clear of those peelers. The fight was going well until someone cast darkness on the room. We dispelled magic on the darkness and saw four drow entering the room. They cast darkness again and Erik decided to summon another demon. We made short work of the drow and some other drow that we found in a nearby room. There was a little debate on what to do with the demon. Erik pointed out that once he released it, it would stay around for a short time and could be dangerous to us. I said I could banish it back to the Abyss. So we did that and decided to take a long rest.   We debated on how we could get home. We surmised we are on another planet with no way to get home. I realized it was time for me to learn a new spell and I thought hard on if there was a spell that could get us home. I remembered that I could learn the spell Dream of the Blue Veil. It is a very powerful spell that lets a group of people travel between planets. The only problem is that once cast. Everyone must stay asleep for six hours. If anything happens during that time, the spell fells for that person. We thought about it and knew we could protect most of us using Leomund's Tiny Hut. But there was still a problem. Ser Wyn has a horse and he would not part with the horse for anything. He was even offering to stay in this world and let us go if it would cost him his horse to leave with us. We thought of every plan we had to make it work. But in the end everything we thought of would fell. Finally, Scree had an idea. She would cast polymorph on the horse and we could all fit inside the hut. In the morning we will try this. Hopefully nothing can get through the mold earth blocked doors we made before taking a long rest. If everything goes right, by midafternoon, we will be in Frandlyn. I need to rest now mother. It has been a very long day and there is no telling when I will be able to deliver this letter to you.   -Your Son, -Fip Goldscale.

Tenth letter home.

Dearest Mother,   I just received your message before going on another mission. I am without word for what happened to you and father. I had no idea the family was doing so bad that he had to do that. I pray to Skerrit that things will come around and the family will regain its honor. If you ever need money let me know. I am making good money as an adventurer.   I also have some sad news. I have been cursed by Tiamat. I had a dream with her and she tempted me with power if I would help corrupt our wizard, Erik. When I refused, she empowered by bloodwell vile but every time I cast I spell, I am compelled to say, “hail Tiamat, queen of the dragons.” I fear this is a curse that is beyond our power to cure because it was given to me by a goddess.   More sad news, my friend Nomag has left our group. After losing his arm, he has not been the same again. He is retiring from adventuring and setting down from what he told me.   But I need to talk to you about the mission we just went on. Mother I do not know what to think right now about Isondale and Mordredia, but I fear everything we know about them is a lie. As you know they are both preparing for outright war. The day we left for our mission, Isondale marched an army to Dewbreak and basically took over the city. Mason, our artificer, saw that his father in law was leading the army. They talked a little about what was happening and we decided we needed to leave town quickly or they might try to conscript us into the army. Pierce, our rogue, told us as we left town that he received a message about some refuges that were in a slave camp that needed our help.   On our way to the camp in our spelljammer, we got attacked by 8 wild drakes. It was an easy fight really. We had a new person join up with us, Severus Snake. He is a bard by trade but has a history of being a cleric. Both him and I used some mind controlling spells and dropped most of the drakes out of the sky. Our druid, Scree, turned into a flying dinosaur again and attacked them head on. She got into a little trouble but I casted Tasha’s Hideous Laughter and it let her go and fell to its death.   The next day we found the camp. We landed our spelljammer a little ways away from it to be safe. We made plans on scouting out the area and planning to get the refuges out at night. Mother you will not believe what we learned but I promise it is the truth. You must pass this information on to the counsel as soon as you get this letter. This volcano slave camp is being run by Isondale! They are using elementals and devils to operate the camp. They even have a young red dragon on staff there. They are in Isondale uniforms and everything. The slave camp is run by a Rakshasa. They are keeping people from Mordredia there against their well to mine iron to help with the war effort.   We made a plan to try to pose as new slaves and get into the camp to free the refuges. While we were planning, the young red dragon found us. Thankfully Severus tricked him into thinking we were on patrol and that we are new guards. We got very lucky and we executed our plan. We got into the camp without problem because our rogue changed into a guard and our bard was able to bluff his way in. We gave all our belongings to our druid who can change into objects. She turned into an Isondale badge for the bard to use   We got into the camp and found the refuges. We broke out of the cells they put us into because our Erik turned himself invisible and used magic to make a copy of the keys. We polymorphed the guard into a turtle so we did not have to kill him. There was also an ogre in the slave pens that we wanted to free but we realized quickly that it would not be a good idea and we trapped it behind a wall of earth. We thought it would be a good idea to put the turtle in there also but the ogre tried to eat it. Which turned it back into the guard and he killed the guard. We used a portable hole to put everyone inside and we quickly excepted the camp and got back to our ship.   We went to Reverhaven to drop off the refuges. We saw a camp from Mordredia around the city. We were afraid there was no way to walk all of them into the city without a problem. Our rogue kept saying there was nothing to worry about. As we approved some soldiers stopped us. The rogue showed them a badge and they let us through. We later learned that he was a high ranking spy for Mordredia. After the refuses were set free in town, we were told we are heroes of Mordredia for what we had done. The rogue leveled with us about everything he had been doing and the truth about Isondale and Mordredia. We were all in shock. He said we would be returning to Mordredia and said we would be free to stay along with Mordredia. He told us that everything we learned about Isondale was a lie. They had been enslaving Mordredia’s citizens for years and that our rogue was once one of their slaves at the camp we freed the refuges from. We told him we needed some time to think about what was happening. Our artificer sent word to his wife that she needed to leave Isondale and travel to Frandyln were her family has a house to be safe.   As we left the place that we dropped off the refuses at and received our reward, trouble struck. The Rakshasa and the young red dragon had followed us and attacked. The dragon hit all of us we its fire breath. It hurt a lot. The Rakshasa mind controlled our rogue. The bard tried to counterspell it but was unable to. I used a twinned Tasha’s Hideous Laughter on the dragon and it but both saved. I quickly cast silvery barbs on the dragon and it failed its save. They both came crashing to the ground and we got into a battle on the ground. The rogue attacked our fighter and almost killed him before we freed him from the mind control. We quickly learned that Raskshasas are immune to all but the most powerful spells which we did not have. So the spell casters of the group focused on the dragon while the fighter hacked away at the Raskshasa. We got nervous during the fight but just as we freed our rogue, the Raskshasa died and turned to ash. The dragon, which has been laughing the whole fight was freed from my spell and tried to run away. The fighter finished it off with one great blow.   We are not sure yet what we are going to do about this information of the slave camps being run by Isondale. For the time being, we are staying here in Riverhaven and collecting our thoughts. Personally, I would love for us to return to Frandyln and we start helping my people and let Isondale and Mordredia fight it out. Please let me know as soon as you can about what the council has to say about Isondale running slave camps. I saw them first hand, I know they are real. Again, you must tell the council and convince them of the truth. I do not want me see my people get into a war to help Isondale if everything we know about them has been a lie. at the same time I am sure most of the people of Isondale do not know about the slave camps so marching to war against them would be wrong also. If only the rest of the world would see things like us Fey do then we would not be in this problem right now.   I must go mother, I need to find work for the week. I think I will make a few potions at the local herbalist shop here in Riverhaven. Things are going very well between Temperance and me. I hope you can meet her soon. Until then, I love you mother and be safe.   -Your Son, -Fip Goldscale.

Preparing for war

Fip travels around the block from The Whale and Flame over to The Jolly Herbalist to offer his skills. He speaks with the herbalist Crisilriel Dwinghymn about a temp job for the week. Fip tells her about the work he did in in The Clean Dryad and Strixhaven. Fip points out that with a standing army outside of town, there will be even more need for herbs and potion. They agree to a wage and Fip got straight to work for the week. In the evenings Fip would go back to The Whale and Flame to drink, talk with Temperance, and prepare for what will happen soon with the upcoming war.

Ninth letter home

Dearest Mother,   Please excuse some of my last letter. The Golden Fleece was cursed. All satyrs are drawn to it. Thankfully one member of our group had remove curse spell and freed me from the effects of it. It was safely delivered to the person in the black market that we are dealing with.   Something strange happened before we could deliver it. A person in our group was given a device by some gnomes we freed. That device was a strange one in deed like all things gnomish. After playing with it for a while, someone in a group activated it. We got pushed 20 years into the future by it and back in Dewbreak. In this future, I have lost my wings and went crazy. I go by the name the dragon and I have taken over most of the land. Some of my current allies joined me for power. Others have let to do their own thing far away from my wrath. And other have formed a resistance. We decided to try to use it again to get away from here. This time it sent us 3 years into the future from our original time. We appeared in the council chambers in Frandyln before you and some gnome that looked like the father of the gnome that got me kicked out of Strixhaven. That gnome was in my father’s spot at on the council. You told us that the plague had taken over the world and everyone was quartered. We knew we did not want to stay in this time line either so we tried to device one more time. It took us back to the ships but a few days in the future of when we first left them. All our alcohol was going. We decided this was a close to getting back to our timeline was we could with this device and left to return home.   The flight through the Astral Sea was uneventful besides some Scavengers falling us but did not engage us. We landed back in our plaint and I stayed behind to repair the ship while others brought the Golden Fleece to our patron. We learned that 15 days had passed since we left our paint to go get the Golden Fleece. After delivering it, we went to see Nomag’s family and there was a small problem with a giant centipede that we dealt with. It was becoming a common problem in Drewbreak and we decided we might look into it. We also went over to the new gnomish settlement that had formed near Drewbreak. We learned that the plague had been getting worse there. Temperance learned that her way of mercy touch could cure someone of the disease temporarily. We also learned that space clowns posing as doctors had been in that area eating the bodies of those that died from the plague. It was a sad story of what was happening there even if it was happening to mostly gnomes. But some of the halflings from Drewbreak were being affected. We did what we could to help people there but in the end there was not much we could do for that mean people.   After a few leads we did come across something. There was some information on a druid that had been dealing with a fungal demon from the Abyss. We decided to look into that matter because it could be the cause of the fungal disease that is taken over our world. We found the place and we had many big fights in there. We even faced off with a purple worm! It was a crazy fight that we should have lost if not for my newest spell banishment. I banished the purple worm and we ran for our lives out of that room. We eventually found a fungal lich. It had some plants with it that put both Nomag and our newest companion the fighter Ser Wyn to sleep and almost killed them. Our druid turned into a fire elemental and rushed into the room. I dropped 2 fireballs into the room myself. We light up that room and barely won the fight. We left that cave beaten but okay. We returned home and decided to take a week off to rest.   During that week off, I worked at the local apothecary. I mixed herbs but did not make potions. It was okay, I might do it again another time. Temperance and I are getting much closer. I think you would like her and I hope to bring her to see you soon. We have been talking about a lot of things including my first time drinking and you telling me about the bagmen. Now that I know the bagmen are real, it makes me wonder about those poor lost souls and the kind shop keeper that we tried to save. There was a miracle that happened during the week, i woke up and my bloodwell vial that you gave me has become more powerful. it is still the same vial with my blood in it but it has become stronger somehow. it might have been Skerrit looking down on me. I have been trying to pray more. I think that is the enflueance of Temperance. That is all for now mother. I hope to get a letter from you soon. But for now enjoy the 3 letters I am sending together.   -Your Son, -Fip Goldscale.

Fip tells Temperance about the bagmen

Temperance looks over at Fip and said, “you drink so much do you even remember when you started?"   Fip looked down at his drink and reflected for a moment. “Yes, I remember my first drink very much. Not so much because of the drink but because of what happened after it. Let me tell you a story. I was 8 years old, and my dear mother found me in my father’s study. I had found a bottle of my father’s fey wine. I opened it and drank the whole thing. At first my father was upset I drank his last bottle of expensive wine. But he was impressed I kept it all down at such a young age. My dear mother was not abused in the least. That night when she put me to bed, she told me a story. She told me about the bagmen. She said, ‘there are these poor lost souls called the bagmen. No one knows who the first bagman was or how many there are. But there is one thing we do know. All the bagmen were once little children that misbehaved. They did something wrong, and a bagman came in the night and stole them away and used their magic on them to make them another bagman.’ I asked her how they would know who the bad children are. She replied, ‘the bagmen watch everyone from the shadows. They live in a place no one knows. But we know this about that place, it is connected to our world by any bag. Magic bags or regular bags. They watch us from inside the bags and when they see someone that acts out, they come for them in the night to take them away and make them another bagman. If you are not careful Fip, a bagman might come for you tonight because of your drinking your father’s wine today. And no matter how strong you think your parents are, we cannot save you from a bagman if they come for you in the night. You must not do bad things Fip, or you will one night be taken by a bagman and we will be sad.’ I did not sleep much that night because I was afraid a bagman might come. It was a long time before I had another drink because I was afraid of the bagmen. Later I heard that it was just a story. But remember we saw the bagmen recently. I wander now, was I just lucky back then that a bagman did not come for me.” Fip looks again at his drink and does not say anything else for a while.

Attunement Slot

This is a short essay explaining why Fip needs a 4th attunement slot. It will show that Fip is locked into a limit on power that will only be able to be increased with either another slot or the addition of a very rare or higher magic item. After the completion of the Witchlight arc and being given a birthday present. Fip filled his three slots. Because of this, there are few if any magic items that he would want unless they are direct upgrades to what he currently has. Looking at what he owns, the only real upgrade right now would be a staff of power to replace his wand of fireball. This takes away from the joy of the character because the likelihood of better loot dropping for Fip is unlikely at this time.   I feel this will not change the overall power of the game to much due to our higher level and the fact that everyone in the party has the option of getting the extra slot if they want. There is no problem with giving everyone extra power because that just lets the DM be able to use stronger monsters or encounters to balance out the power of the party.   My final point is that the creators of the coding of dndbeyond saw a need for the ability to let DMs and Players have more than the stander three slots. If they went through that extra work, she would consider using it.

Of Beakers and Vials.

After coming back from space and having a crazy adventure, Fip decides to take it easy this week and work with the local alchemist. Fip goes to The Clean Dryad and talks to the owner to ask if he can help with making potions and the like for the week. Fip explains that he specialized in making potions at Strixhaven and was very skilled at it. They agree to the standard pay rate for a skilled worker and Fip gets to work. When Fip is not at work this week, he spends his time with Temperance. She complains about his drinking during the week but besides that they get along very well.

Eighth letter to home.

Dearest Mother,   A lot has happened since I wrote my last letter, when you should be reading just before you read this one. So when I left off we had just landed on Theros. We took a day to relax and recover from space travel. Theros is a very different world than ours. First off they do not know about other worlds existing. So we had to be very hush hush about us being from another world. Second, the gods are very active in this world. I mean yes I still very much believe and still follow Skerrit, which reminds me I need to try to find a temple to Skerrit soon and make an offering, but the gods of Theros are actively doing things in this world all the time and can be offended by the smallest things. For example Mason destroyed a tree and one of the gods of this land showed her disfavor by a bolt of lightning. Scree was in need of something and it materialized out of nowhere for her. Thirdly, there are a lot of gnomes here. This is something that I do not like at all but you would be proud of me, I did not kill or do anything to rash towards them. I am still upset about that one gnome that got me kicked out of Strixhaven but I did not take it out on the gnomes of this land. Fourth, the vegetables are more like fruit here. It is hard to explain but the vegetable that we tried had a citrus flavor and seeds in it like a fruit. This is a very strange world.   Anyway, enough about this strange world, I need to first tell you that once again I was never harmed by any of the enemies we faced. I know you worry about me mother but I am being as safe as a I can be. I still must prove myself to father so that I can be at yall’s side again one day. I hope knowing I was unharmed so far on this mission gives you some peace of mind. So during our day of rest, I made a potion of healing and gave it to our new friend Ser Wyn. The next day, a mind flayer ship crashed near where we camped. I was not ready for what came out of that ship. We find a mind flayer and 3 gnome ceremorphs. Think a mind flayer but looks like a gnome. It was the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. They attacked us with laser pistols. They are like fire arms but they shoot bots of energy that really do a lot of damage. This was a scary fight mother. One of them used a mind blast on the group and all 3 of our front line fighter got stunned. Scree was not stunned but somehow the mind blast separated her from Erik. We do not understand how this happened but we are glad for Scree that it did happen. We almost had some of our group’s brains sucked out of their head by the mind flayers. I used my wand of fireball to hit them very hard and finished two of them off 2 of them with summon draconic spirit. It was great to finally cast this spell that father showed me. He would have been proud to see me use this spell effectively. It was in this fight that one of the gods of this land gave Scree a costly spell component that helped us win the fight. We were very surprised at the end of this fight that Mason appeared. It seems that Mason came to this world also but was captured by the mind flayer. We traveled to a camp to meet our contact. We found some books about this land and Temperance bought me one of the books. We have started to get closer after that long flight in wild space and the astral sea. I am not sure where this will go because she is very unhappy about my drinking habits. Went we got to a tent at the camp that was basically a tavern, she kept trying to push me to drink water. I think it might have something to do with her past about why she does not drink. Maybe one day she will tell me about this. So we find our contact in the makeshift tavern. We gave her the huge diamond we were given as payment for the information about the golden fleece. She gave us information that was different from what the person that hired us told us but that was okay. You know how second hand information is not always right. She told us that a tower dedicated to her nature god had been taken over by a mage of a war god. She told us that if we freed this tower of the corruption, her god would most likely give us what we came for. After eating and drinking a little, we left the tavern and you will not believe what I find. I found that blasted gnome that got me kicked out of Strixhaven. Everything inside of me wanted to kill that gnome. My friends convinced me not to. He was selling drugs still and was very much under the influence of them when we meet him. He did say he did not finish Strixhaven either. That night I attempted to destroy his wears but they were not at his stop and I decided he has fallen enough already that I did not need to get revenge on his at this time. He did sell some of this wears to my friends even when I told them not to trust them. Mason as a powerful mushroom. It made him hallucinate during the night and I stopped him from doing anything that could have damaged our supplies or get him hurt. I still greatly hate that gnome and all other gnomes because of him. Erik found some very powerful coffee like substance that when brewed is purple. Let me tell you mother, it has quite the potent kick to it. So we rested up that night and went after the tower in the morning.   We made it to the tower we needed to clear and it was a huge tree. There were a ton of minotaurs guarding the tower. We saw 9 of them at first watching the front door. As we carefully approached them, I tripped and altered them of our presence. One of them blew a horn. Erik summoned a demon to help us. Scree turned into a huge flying dinosaur. I quickly got up and fireballed 6 of them very hard. Mason attempted to cast hypnotic pattern to control 6 of them but only effected 2. I helped finish off most of them with a second fireball and the rest of our group easily killed the rest. We got attacked from the windows after we finished them off and I was able to get a lucky shot off at him before we all ran into the tower. One the first floor of the tower, we faced a small room with 5 more minotaurs. Scree once again used ice knife and hurt Nomag. We mopped them up quickly. On the second floor we find 3 gnome slaves cooking for the minotaurs. Our group let them go and they gave Scree a strange device that we still do not know what it does. Being a gnomish device I do not trust it. One the third floor we found 10 more minotaurs in a small room. Because we were inside a tree and warned not to damage it, I decided to be tactical and slowed 6 of them. Erik being a clumsy wizard, fell backwards when we first attacked them and went all the way down. Mason once more tried hypnotic pattern and did much better this time and got the other 4 of them. Nomag was very reckless and ran into the middle of the 6 slowed ones and did not go into a rage. He was hit very hard by one of them. He quickly raged after that and we dispatched them quickly. As we fought them, vines came from out of the tree and finished off some of them for us. I can only imagine that it was another act from the god we were helping. During this fight, Ser Wyn broke this weapon but Mason mended it. The fourth floor of the tower was empty.   On the final floor of the tower we found the mage we were sent to kill. He looked like he was alone but we found out there was 4 minotaurs hiding in the room to attack us. We quickly jumped into action to attack the mage. I once again summoned a draconic spirit to aid us and Erik summoned another demon. Scree had once again turned into that dinosaur. We had the mage surrounded at first. He attempted to cast a very powerful spell that could have been our doom, but I counterspelled him. That slippery little mage had some power to turn himself invisible and it caused us a lot of trouble. We had to blindly attack and we could not hit him. He attempted another spell and this time I was unable to counterspell him. He attempted to banish Nomag but he was very lucky and was not banished. Mason was very helpful in finishing this fight by casting see invisible and telling us about where he was. Scree swooped down at him but still missed. Erik cast ice knife this time and the shards of ice hit the mage and we could see him. This was all I needed to twin a chromatic orb and get my dragon to rush up and attack. Right after that, another member of our crew finished him off.   Once we killed him. There was another miracle; the golden fleece appeared in the room for us. Mother it was the most wonderful thing I have ever seen and I rushed over to take it. It is the purest gold I have ever seen and very soft. I know we were hired to bring this back to that guy but I do not think I can part with it because it has become precious to me. We returned to the contact and they advised us to leave quickly before too many question were asked and because the golden fleece has a habit of attracting people to it that will want it. I cannot let other take my golden fleece. Again, it is now precious to me. I think I will attempt to identify it tonight and sleep holding it in our ship. It is getting late mother and I need to look more closely at this fleece. It is truly the most wonderful and precious thing I have ever seen.   -Your Son, -Fip Goldscale.

Seventh letter to home.

Dearest Mother,   In my last letter I quickly told you that I would be traveling to wild space for the company. We got hired to pick up an object from another planet. We got asked to get a golden fleece from a planet called Theros. I am sorry I did not put many details into that letter but we were rushed to get on with the mission. I have told my friends about the problems yall are having with the fungus and we want to help in any way we can. If it is not too much to ask, could you send us your research notes on the matter? We would like to research some here but we do not want to do double work if you have already learned something. We will share everything with learn in a following letter.   The guy that hired us also sent along a knight to help us. He looks strong. Has a large war house. We decided that because we are going into space, it might be best to leave the house with our employees for the time being. We do not want a house fouling up the ship with what might become limited resources. We did get to talk a little on this ship while playing cards. He seems nice enough. We will see if he continues with us after this errand or not. If he wants to stay around, we will give him a job in the company.   But mother wild space is amazing and terrifying all at the same time. I do not know if you have been there before but it is very different from life on a planet. We were leant a wasp class spelljammer. As the name suggests, it looks like a huge wasp. I let our druid Scree pilot it for the group. Each ship has a huge air bobble around it so we can breathe safely. We packed many days of food and water, but we also were smart and planned ahead. Our druid Scree is preserving all our rations and water by giving us goodberries to eat each day. They taste great and are filling. As you will find out later in this letter, it is a very good thing we have Scree with us for food and water because we got delayed a lot just flying to Theros.   Our first day in wild space was eventful. We encountered a derelict mind flayer ship. As we pulled alongside it, we could see there was a person on the ship asking for help. Our ship told Scree the air was foul but we as a group decided it was worth the risk to help him. All but Scree went over and as we explored the ship some, we learned there were more people on the ship then the one guy that was asking for help. We thought that was suspicious because he said he was alone but we still decided to help. Turns out, they were all Psurlons in disguise. They are worm like creatures that are very evil and eat humanoids. They had taken over the ship and were luring people to the ship to eat them. We quickly dispatched them and interrogated their leader. He told us how the ship was not empty and there were other dangers on it. We cut our loses, and his throat, and left the ship. As soon as we left that ship, we got chased by another ship but we were faster and got away. We stopped for just a moment at another planet in our system to refresh our air supply.   Our second day we enter the astral sea. We quickly encountered an ion storm. This is a massive storm of pure energy. We thought it best to go around the storm. This would take 5 more days but it was keep us safe. We were not worried about supplies because we did have the goodberries. As we went around the storm, we found an abounded wasp spelljammer. We explored the new ship and find a lot of ale in it. Being the only other person that could pilot a ship, I went over with Temperance to fly it. We now own a ship we are calling the drunken stinger for now. Flying a spelljammer is strange. It is like having an arm you have never had before. It is a part of you but at the same time is not. I just do not have the word to explain what it is like. If we return with this ship, I might have to bring it buy Frandyln and let you and father pilot it if you want. Thou I suspect that father will not want to see me or the ship any time soon. I do not believe I have redeemed myself yet.   The next few days were uneventful. Our eighth day we encountered some dark pyramid in space with many derelict ships around it. We decided to go around this thing but it was pulling us towards it. I was able to steer our ship away and after a little while, Scree did the same with her ship.   Our ninth day we encountered 2 space trees that attacked us. They fired lightning bolts at Scree’s ship and damaged it. I quickly burned them with two fireballs from my wand. We did not have any way to repair the ship in space so we had to wait to work on the ship until we landed in Theros.   Our tenth day was extremely eventful. We flew past a ship of Githyanki. We encountered a gravity well that made flying this ship very strange but no problems. Finally to end that day we ran into an asteroid field with parts of a city in it. As we traveled through it, we encountered an asteroid spider. Mother, this was one of the largest creators I have ever seen. It had to be as big if not bigger than great great great grandfather! It attacked my ship with some kind of web that froze it in place. We threw everything we had at it. I used all my strongest spells. It trapped Temperance and Nomag in its webs also and pulled them next to it. Thankfully, it was not able to bite them much. I have some very strong friends and they are hard to kill. We finally killed this spider. We found a few magic items when we killed it and those will be helpful.   We finally arrived on Theros were I am writing this letter. I learned two new spells. I can now cast summon draconic spirit and teleportation circle. I think both of these spells will turn out to be useful for me. I can now teleport back to Isondale and Frandyln if I can find the spell components for it. I hope we will not have to use this to get back home but if something goes wrong, we will have a backup plan to get home. I know you worry about me mother but I can safely tell you I was never hurt the whole time traveling between the two planets. I did get a little sick from the bad air of that one ship but I got over it very quickly after we got some fresh air. Well I am off to bed on the ground again. Tomorrow we are taking the day to recover a little from space and I will make our new campion a potion of healing. He has proven himself enough while traveling I feel I should reward him with something and you never know when an extra potion in the hands of the right person will come in handy.   -Your Son, -Fip Goldscale.

One Day Breather.

After landing on the planet, the group decides to take a day to relax a little. Fip always needing something to do decides to make a quick potion of healing. He pulls out the supplies from his bag of holding and sets up shop in his ship. He attempts to make 1 potion of healing during the day’s rest.

Sing it again.

After one successful week of singing at the Golden Wolf, Fip decides to offer his singing expertise again to Zalorin Appleace. Once again Fip using the “bottle of wine” to give him background music for his singing. They once again agree one a pay rate for the week and determine the best time each day for the singing. Fip does 1 hour of singing for 5 days.

Six Letter to Home.

Dearest Mother,   I know you hear me say things like this a lot but you will not believe what has happened recently in Dewbreak. First and foremost I must say that I am safe and healthy. I have not been hurt in any way since the incident with the bag man. However, I cannot say that about all of my friends.   Now that I have told you that I am well, I need to tell you what happened. Recently in Dewbreak, there have been stories of the legendary Yerens. A Yerens is a giant man like beast that is believed to live in the woods around here and take children away. People have been reporting missing piglets and seeing strange eyes in the night. Also 3 weeks ago a person from the town had gone missing. His name is Xaden Riorson. His wife hired us to go find him. She told us he had been on a hunting expedition recently but should have been back weeks ago. We asked around town about the missing man and about the sightings of the Yerens. After talking to a few people we went off into the woods to go looking for both of them.   At the end of the first day in the woods, we meet a satyr that we shared our dinner with. After I offered him some food, he removed his backpack to revile it turned into a portable tavern with a wooden barmaid. We had many great games and drinks there for free. We even made a little money off of one of the games we played. But sadly, he had to leave for the night and we rested safely.   The next day we meet some local halfings that had also been looking for Xaden. We wanted to exchange information but they did not want to and a fight broke out. It was one of the easiest fights I have been in and we got the information that we needed from the about the lay out of the forest and some please to look at.   So we started to explore 5 of the local caves that showed promise. The first was empty. The second had a lot of spiders and 4 giant spiders. We quickly cleaned up that miss. The third was a dire wolf den but no one was home. The fourth cave and found a beer den. We saw two cubs and we tried to walk away slowly but they cried out and the mother arrived. It was hard to do but we had to subdue the mother long enough for us to get away.   In one of those caves we saw recent paintings that made us think that the Yerens was really Xaden transformed. Went we got to the fifth cave we entered carefully and said we might need to subdue the Yeren in case it was Xaden. We found the bones of the piglets and Nomag found the Yerens. We all got images in our mind that showed us it really was the person we were looking for. It attacked and we were not ready for what was about to happen. This must have been one of the strongest creatures I have ever seen because with one motion, it pulled off Nomag’s arm and hit him with it. I was afraid my friend was going to die right there. We held nothing back but it quickly surrendered to us. I healed Nomag as best as I could so that he would no bleed to death.   It once again showed us images and drew in the dirt. It told us to take it to a warlock in Zamova and that he could remove a cursed mask that he had one. That night, one of our group created a temporary prosthetic arm for Nomag to use. We quickly headed toward that warlock in Zamova. As we traveled, we ran into the dire wolves whose den we saw just the other day. It was another quick but hard felt fight.   We got to Zamova and talked to the warlock that offered use money to remove the cursed mask if he could keep it. I was not the most trusting of this fact but I was looking around his store and found a dragon medallion. I had been doing my spell resource and knew I needed something like that for a spell I wanted to learn soon so we made another deal with the warlock for it medallion. He agreed and after some money was exchanged, he gave me the medallion and removed the mask. After it came off, it was found that yes Xaden had been changed into the Yerens. We took him home and his wife told him and us that she was expecting and we ended up letting her keep the money she offered us. We returned to town and rested. Last I heard, Nomag is going to Isondale to get a permanent prosthetic arm.   Mother I promise I am trying to be safe as I can. I keep in the middle of the group most of the time and I use my misty step to get away from danger quickly. I always look for the enemies weak spots like I learned in the training with the kobolds and I am getting very good at it. Again I was never harmed during this incident. I promise to be even more careful the next time we go out.   -Your Son, -Fip Goldscale.

Learning to entertain.

Fip has decided to spend his week singing at the Golden Wolf. For 5 days Fip offers to sing in the evening for the entertainment of the patrons of the tavern. Fip tells Zalorin Appleace that before adventuring, he would sing for balls back in Frandyln. Fip uses the “bottle of wine” that he got from the carnival to create background harp music and sings a quick fey sing to show Zalorin that he is skilled at singing. Then they agree on a pay rate for providing live entertainment for the tavern over the next 5 days. Each evening for 1 hour, Fip uses his bottle to create background music and sings for the patrons. He opens up with a song he knows well and sings out to the best of his skill. Then after the opening song he asks for requests and sings any requests that he knows. Between sings he takes a sip of either a mug of ale or “flower nectar” to wet his whistle. Once again it is no fey wine but boy is it sweet and tasty.

Fifth Letter to Home.

Dearest Mother,   Hello mother, I hope this letter reaches you well. I made it safely back to Dewbreak after visiting you. It was great to see you and talk. I wish we had more time together but I know you have responsibilities and so do I. We are having a few problems with the company. They have been without a leader for a while and we need to get together and get things working the right away again.   Back in Drewbreak, we had our 100 Fields Harvest Festival this week. It was a great party with games, food, drink and more. I was good and did not spend much money on drinks. I did talk my way into getting a few free drinks from the venders. I won a game and got a owlbear plushy. We did encounter some problems. Some small items in our bag of holding were missing. We also learned that Yenbin Nimblemeadow, the owner of the Wizard’s Hat in Drewbreak has been missing from his shop. We quickly rushed over to find out what happened. We explored the shop and all we could find was a bag of holding and some shoes on the floor. I knew they did not belong to Yenbin Nimblemeadow so I thought they were evidence of who took him. I kept the shoes and we kept looking. I even tried something risky and crawled into the bag of holding on the ground. I did not find anything out of the ordinary in it. We exhausted all the leads we had and went to Mason’s house to have a catered dinner at his place with his wife that she break back with him while I was visiting with you. We had a very nice meal but she left for a minute and did not come back. Then we heard a scream coming from her room. We all rushed up there and could not find her. All that was there was a bag of holding and a neckless on the ground that was not hers. We quickly found a portal to another world in the closet and we rushed in to save her.   Mother, you will not believe this but we meet the real bag man. Not only did we meet the bag man, we learned there are a lot of them. The stories are true; they do come and take people away never to return. We meet a Minotaur in a room that was locked. We break down to door only to find him eating a steak and drinking mead. It was not only strange for a Minotaur to eat steak, but for the steak and mead to return replenish as soon as they are consumed. I tried to take him mug of mead out of the room but it would not leave the room. It was very hard for me to put it down without drinking it but I knew there might be something bad about it in that place and I resisted the urge. We continued to look for Mason’s wife and it find Nimblemeadow. It was a sad site. He was being tortured and started to become a bag man. We tried to reason with him but it was too late. He excepted and ran away never to be seen again. We continued to look around in the world of the bag men and after a while we found his wife being carried away by a bag man. She was unconscious and slowly becoming like a bag man. In truth, we all were slowly becoming like one. A great fight followed. I was grabbed and hurt by the bag man until I misty stepped away and fired back with a twin firebolt. Both of the bolt hit with perfect aim and did tremendous damage. I dare say, it was the best two hits of my life. Some of my friends cowered in fear of the bag man but later got over the fear. We chased it down and after a long hard fight, we killed it. We jumped into a nearby portal it made and found ourselves back inside the bag men’s world. We traded with a bagman to get out of their world. We got transported into the Halloween Town’s world and got to talk with the Pumpkin King himself. We learned that the shoes I found make you more dexterous but when you put them on you get cursed with slower movement. I was still able to fly normally but I could not walk very fast. No one in our group was able to lift the curse. I asked around in the Halloween Town and no one there was able to do it. My friend Skree had just acquired two wishes and used one to remove them from me. She did not realist it but the wish put them on her. I explained to her another way to use the wishes and she use her last wish to free herself from the curse. The Pumpkin King was interested in the shoes and gave use the key we needed to get home in exchange for the shoes. We thought about staying the night there but we learned the only inn was run by 3 hags and after our resent trouble with hags, we decided to return home. We gave the town the bad news about Nimblemeadow and we rested up from the ordeal with had just had. We learned from the Pumpkin King that the longer we are away from the bag men’s world the sooner the effects from being there will go away. I am thinking I will talk our company into doing something charitable for that poor family that just lost their husband and primary breadwinner. Speaking of breadwinner, I think this week I will do some honest work for a change and sing at the local inn for a few hours a day to make a little money. It will be just like at the great parties we would have and I would sing for the people that where there.   Again I hope all is well with yall. I know father is busy with dealing with all those gnomes that appeared in our land from another place and I know you are busy with that strange disease we found on the orcs. I have some bad news about that matter. On the way back to Drewbreak, we found an animal with the same disease. We burned it to make sure it did not spread to other wildlife. I am afraid that if the animals can also get it, then this will be a greater problem then just orcs. I fear we all could get it with time. Please be careful resourcing about it mother. Let me know if you learn anything and I will let you know if I learn more. Again it was great to see you and I hope we can come to see you again. But I did not know how long that will be as we are starting to make a name for ourselves here and work will be pilling up on us soon.   -Your Son, -Fip Goldscale.

Hoping to see family.

For downtime, Fip and Raesh rush to Frandyln to inform Fip’s family that he is alive. On the first day of downtime, Fip and Raesh travel to the portal in the woods that they had found they travel through the portal and stooped in Ralofir’s former house that had been given to the company. Knowing that there is still danger in the house, they quickly leave and sleep outside for the night.   On the second day of downtime, after a night’s rest in the woods, Fip and Raesh again rushed quickly to Frandyln. Once they reached the city, they are tired from all the travel and find and inn in the Autumn Court to stay the night.   On the third day of downtime, very first thing in the day, they stop by the Goldtongue’s estate. Fip asked to speak with Avne Goldtongue. She is a servant to his family that helped raise him. He offers her 1gp to deliver a letter that morning to his mother. As soon as they part ways, Fip and Raesh to the Lily Café and wait there all day to see if Fip’s mother comes to see them. They will wait until sundown for her. At sundown, they will return to the inn. Fip would be reluctant to return home unless his father was not home. Fip says he cannot risk seeing his father until he knows that his father loves him again.   On the fourth day of downtime, Fip and Raesh travel back to the former Ralofir house to rest the night outside the house.   On the fifth day of downtime, Fip and Raesh clear the house of the Gelatinous Cube and anything else that might have found its way into the house.   On the six day of downtime, Fip and Raesh travel back to Dewbreak.   On the seventh day of downtime, Fip and Raesh rest up from their many days of travel and some fighting.

Fourth Letter to Home

Dearest Mother,   I am having this letter delivered directly to you by a member of the Goldtongue family to make sure you receive it as quickly as I can without showing my disgraced face at the estate. I have yet to earn my father’s approval yet and I do not wish to show my face at our home until he approves of me. I am deeply sorry for making everyone fear I was dead. I have been in the feywild for what is for yall the past 40 days but for us was less than a week. I want to think you for all you thought me about the feywild because it came in handy. I wish I had more time to tell you the full story of what happened in the feywild in this letter but I am currently traveling back to Frandyln and when you receive this letter, I will be waiting for you at the Lily Café which we both so loved going to. I will be staying at that café all day with my friend Nomag waiting encase you want to see your disgraced son. I will fully understand if you do not come. I know you are a busy person and I know a lot is happening right now with those strange gnomes that are coming into our world. I have seen gnomes before that are not feral beasts like when I was in Strixhaven. I do not know how I feel about having more of those gnomes in our world because I have not had the best experience with gnomes from other worlds.   But enough about gnomes, I am sure you want to know a little about what happened in the feywild. We were tasked with helping an elderly warlock who had lost connection with his patron in the feywild. He sent us to the Witchlight Carnival and told we should be able to find a path to the feywild from there. It was an amazing carnival except for the fact they had no alcohol in any of their drinks. Still I was able to enjoy myself some. I even won a poetry competition. My friends races snails that moves at amazing speeds. Some of them even rode dragonflies, but that did not last long because of an accident. We met the leaders of the carnival and learned that the patron we were trying to find out about was also the one behind the carnival and something had happened to her and 3 hags had taken over the operation of the carnival they helped us get to the feywild and that is where things went crazy.   We entered the feywild and everything you told me was right. Things are strange there and you must be careful of what you do or say. They do not use real money but almost random objects as currency. Two of my friends had some bad things happen to them when talking to a fey merchant. One lost her balance regularly in exchange for a unicorn’s horn and one lost his ability to talk in common in exchange for information. We meet a trapped fierydragon which we saved from the largest snakes I have ever seen. We also go attacked by a group of harengon. I quickly went into action mode and cast fireball on several of them. Father would be proud of me in that moment because I incinerated 3 of those thieves with my first fireball. Nomag was able to catch him by his scarf and after talking with him we were able to get the information we needed. We later found the city that the first hag controlled. We helped a few people there and I received the title of Crooking Sage. Because of my knowledge of the feywild that I learned from you, I became the groups’ spokesmen for talking with other fey. I negotiated safe travel for us in that city after we stumbled into a meeting that was planning a cue of their leader. We did face that hag and I thought we would have to fight her but she offered to release the archfey we were trying to find if we brought her a picture from one of her sisters. We left her lands on a flying balloon.   When we entered the lands of the second hag, we were unsure how we would get this picture from her. We encountered a few strange sites. If we meet in person I will tell you everything about it but I am afraid I would not be able to give all of it justice in written text. We ended up helping this strange creature that was disguising itself as a child. He gave us information on finding a unicorn. I had never seen a real unicorn up close before. They are truly majestic creatures. That unicorn told us that the horn my friend bought was that of her mate and that it could free the archfey we wanted to save. After meeting with the unicorn it was attacked but we stopped the attacker and got some more information about the archfey. After all this, we went to the second hag’s city. There we tried some fey candy. It has many strange effects on us. I was turned into a butterfly for an hour. Nomag was made as big as a human. And various other things happened to my other friends. We finally meet with the hag she was willing to give us the painting if we did her a favor. First she wanted us to turn in the creature that was disgusted as a child because he was taking the children she had enslaved to work for her away from her. We were unwilling to do that. She then wanted a unicorn’s horn that was stolen from her. We knew we could not give that up. She finally was willing to give us the picture if we ruined the plays put on by her other sister. We agreed to that and left her land.   Finally we landed in the last hag’s lands. We meet a man that was cured to spin items for people using all the gold he had cheated from people in his life. Each of my friends received different magical items like a cloak of protection and bags of holding. I also received one of the bags of holding which has served me well in the feywild and will serve me well after it. We ran into many problems in this hag’s lands. With a lot of work, we ended a feud that was happening because two groups believed the other was working for the hag when in fact never side was willingly helping her. They allowed us to get into the hag’s tower safely. During the travels into the hag’s tower, we met someone that tried to cast animate object to fight us. I was quick with my new spell and counterspelled it. I am thankful for you telling me I should learn that spell quickly as I could because it saved us a lot of trouble. We ended up getting into the hag’s tower and we got forced into one of her plays. We did well enough as improve actors that they let us have free run of the tower. This was a huge mistake on their part because that let us get to the controls of the tower and we destroyed them. The tower began to shack and we decided to jump for our lives. I let one of my friends jump into my new bag of holding and fly out. Two others flew out the window together. But Nomag had no way to fly. Our druid somehow changed into a set of wings and he tried to jump out the window using them. It went very bad for them and they almost fell to their death if not for some giant swans that caught them and flew all of us to the archfey’s Palace of Delight.   When we landed we were grated to an amazing palace that was frozen in time. There was a river in it that was frozen that the unicorn’s horn unfroze for us. We found a box from the feirydragon we saved that had a chine of opening and a thank you letter in it for us. That cline helped us get to the heart of the palace to where the archfey was. When we got there I recognized her as the old lady that once saved my life as a child. We freed her with the horn and she then freed the whole palace. And to my amazement, the great wizard Tasha was there frozen in time with the archfey. I wish I had talked with her more and learned some of her magic. I had already learned one of her spells the hideous laughter one, but I wish I could have told her I was a great fan of hers and that I wanted to be as great as her one day. As a reward for saving the archfey, she freed my friends of any curses we had and released us from any feypacts we might have entered into. As a parting gift, the archfey offered us a wish. We all stool there amazed by this. We did not know what to wish for. I thought to myself, what if I wished for a powerful staff like that of the magi? We all discussed a little but we did were unsure. She told us we could return us to our home if we wanted. We decided that this was the best idea because we had no idea how to get back to our world from the feywild. She sent us home and when we returned to Dewbreak, we learned we had been gone for 40 days. I read our letters and knew that first thing in the morning I had to travel to make sure you knew I was alive. So I talked Nomag into coming with me because the trip might be a little dangerous and you know I hate being alone. I cannot fathom how hard it must have been hearing that we had disappeared. I can understand father wanting to have a funeral and forget about his disgraced son. Thank you mother for not giving up hope in me and still being willing to talk to me through letters. I hope one day to regain father’s love. I will try my hardest to never let you fear my death again. I will write back often as I can. Even if we just spend a few weeks in Dewbreak between adventures, I will send you something to let you know I am fine. I love you mother. I miss you and father and the rest of the family. Please send my best regards to everyone. I do not know if father will be willing to hear about my exploits in the feywild but please try to let him know. Maybe knowing that I now have a noble title in the feywild will help him see that I am doing good things for our family. We made a major impact on the feywild and made some very big friends in that archfey and Tasha. If we ever go back to the feywild we will be treated as honored guests. Not that I am hoping to return again. If for any reason I suspect I might go to the feywild again. I promise I will try my hardest to warn you so you know I might be out of touch for a very long time. Once again, I am sorry for letting yall believe I was dead. Nomag and I will be at the Lily Café all day today waiting for you. Again I understand if you cannot make or do not want to come but we will be there all day hoping to see you.   -Your Son, -Fip Goldscale.

The Goldtongues

Only one being living today knows when the Goldtongues came into the service of the ancient gold dragon Bavyrmn and that is Bavyrmn himself. The story that the Godtongues tell their children is it was back when Bavyrmn had just become an young gold dragon and setting his current home near the Stonebrand Village, he saved these Kobolds from feral Gnomes that had been attacking them. This family of Kobolds has served him loyally for many generations now. When Bavyrmn married The Lady Nyla, a satyr that seduced him, him had the Goldtongues also become the servants of her family down the generations.   Currently there are six Kobolds that are directly in charge of the care of the Goldscale household. These six live in a nice home in Frandyln less than a mile from the Goldscale estate in the Autumn courts. It might feel odd seeing Kobolds in a Fey City but as servants of the Goldscales they are highly respected. Snigs (M 55) is the head of the household and he is the one that runs the day to day operations of the Goldscale estate. Nigs (F 51) is his wife; she is the personal chef for the Goldscales. They have two children named Ron (M 36) and Snas (F 30). They both do most of the cleaning around the estate. Gukru (M 32) and his wife Avne (F 33) also serve the Goldscales as their accountant and grounds keepers respectively.   Snigs and Nigs have been in the serve of the Goldscales for 40 years. Their children started officially serving around the house when they reached adulthood at age six. Gukru and Avne are relative new comers to the house as they have only been there 23 years. Of those living in the house, Avne was the closest to the Goldscale children. When she was not tending the garden, she was helping the lady of the house raise and educate the children there. Now that Fip, the youngest of the Goldscales, has left the house to become an adventurer, she spends many afternoons with the lady of the house sipping tea and trading stories. For you see, Avne has no children of her own. After 25 years of trying to have a child, they have given up hope that it will happen. She adored Fip and raised him as if he was her own. She would do anything for the Goldscales who have treated her well and gave her a taste of what she would never truly have, a child of her own.

A little light reading

After saving the fauns and setting things right in the woods near Dewbreak, I decided to do some light reading.   I decided to take a look at the book I found shortly after starting to become an adventurer. The book was titled, "Beyond the Caulron - Brewing Potions in the Wilderness; a Personal Story." So I sat down in the inn after getting back to Dewbreak to see what it was about. O boy, was this a page turner. I enjoyed it so much I spent the next 5 days reading all day in the Inn. After each day, I unwind with a flower nectar from the bar. I have come to enjoy the sweetness of this drink. It is no Fey Wine, but it is cheap and good. I think I will save that bottle for a special occasion.   After finishing the book I was inspired to make more potions. It is always good to have extra potions around. First thing in the morning, I went to the wizard’s hat and talked with Yenbin Nimblemeadow about more supplies. After entering the wizard’s hat, I approach the counter and talk to Yenbin. We exchange greetings. I tell him about the great book I have been reading about making potions and say that I want to buy more components for potions. After a little talk about the book, I buy 3 sets of component to add to my leaves to make more potions.   After collecting the supplies I return to my room and make 2 potions of healing. I spent the rest of the day making the first potion and almost forgot about getting dinner and my drink for the night. That night they were out of flower nectar so I went with a good old chilled bolt. Second day after reading the book, I made another potion. That night I got down to dinner and enjoyed another chilled bolt.

Third Letter to Home.

Dearest Mother,   I know it has been a little while since I last wrote you. The strangest thing happened to one of our companions. I know you know about magical rebounds when a spell goes bad. I studied about them some in school. Well we learned that the druid that is traveling with us called Scree had one such rebound happen to her once. From what I was told she interrupted a spell and she was fused with another person. Well one morning she did not come down to breakfast and when we found her room it was not her in it but this other man that said he was fused inside of her for months. He is a little arrogant and we do not like him as much as Scree but we will put up with him until she returns. We hope she returns soon.   Well we have had a local problem here in Dewbreak of deer being killing in the woods and only their antlers being taken. Well we investigated this problem and it was worse than we could have imagined. We entered the woods by Dewbreak and found many sets of deer carcasses that have been skins and the antlers removed. We were tasked with burning the remains and trying to stop this from happening. We even got attacked by wolves during the time and I did as you told me and flew in the air to protect myself from the wolves. One of our other companions tried the same thing and was pulled back down quickly by the wolves and almost eaten. The guy that has switched bodies with Scree does not have our love for the forest and almost set the whole place on fire with his spells. We learned that a person was harvesting those parts and leaving the bodies to rot. We did finally find the people that were taking the body parts and a fight broke out. Once again I took to the air and used the magic I gain from you and father to quickly help kill them. Sometimes I do not know my own power and when I hit one of them, I exposed them with my raw power. We put an end to those poachers and found a portal that leads us to a house just outside of Frandyln. During all of this we learned that one of our companions is actually a changeling. We explored this grandiose house that a person with a gigantic ego made. I know you have heard about the missing fauns, well we found them. They had been captured by the owner of the house and being used for some ritual and other unspeakable things. We saved all of them and put that evil man to an evil end. I was smart in that battle and instead of just trying to hurt this man, I used my magic to blind him so that he could not hurt my friends. As a reward we were gifted the house. It will reduce the travel time we need between those two cities to just a few days. I do hope to come see yall soon but I know that father is not ready to see me again because I have not proven myself enough in his eyes. I do hope to one day prove myself. I would love to see yall again but until you tell me that you are ready to see me I will keep my distance and try to prove myself. I did recently receive your first letter. I was so happy to hear from you. I do miss yall so. Please do not worry to much about me. I come from two strong bloodlines and I will be safe. Any time I am worried about a fight, I use the wings I got from your family to keep off the ground and out of reach. Also my scales I got from father have proved to protect me greatly. I got a chance to use the vial you gave me when I left but there was a small problem. In order to use it I must have been hurt and I had to ask two people in our group to punch me enough to hurt me a little. They tried very hard to hit me but could not do anything because of those great Goldscale scales. Father would be happy to know that I am very strong but I do not believe he will be willing to read this letter to hear how strong I have become because of his noble bloodline. Do please try to show him the letters. Even if he refuses to read them, I would be happy to know that you at least tried. I know you worry but I must do these dangerous things in order to regain my place by yall's side.   -Your son, -Fip Goldscale.

Of potions, scrolls, and drinks.

After being almost betrayed by my companions and being forced to give up a tooth I have decided I would do what any rational person would do, get drink and make gifts for those people.   Day 1 –Early in the morning, I leave my companions to go to the wizard's hat to buy some supplies for this week of hard work and drinking. I talk to Yenbin Nimblemeadow about the trouble the last adventure had and how I am still not happy over the lost tooth. Yenbin listens to the story and asks if all I came to do today was talk. “I see you want to get down to real business today. Very well, I plan to make you a rich man today. Despite being upset at with my companions I want to offer each of them a gift. You see we do not really have anyone in our group that is greatly skilled at healing. Yes a few of us know a spell or two but no one is really skilled. When I was at Strixhaven I learned how to make scrolls and potions. We are taking a week off of adventuring so I am going to make some scrolls and potions to help keep everyone safe. I know you helped me out a lot the other week with finding the right guy to sell off those dragon parts so I decided to come straight to you to get the supplies I need to make some scrolls and potions.” Yenbin looks back at Fip and says, “I am surprised you are willing to help them out so much after they took your tooth like that. I tell you what, I will be happy to help you with the supplies as long as you keep coming back for more business. So how much do you want?” Fip looks excited and tells him all the supplies that will be needed. Yenbin is quite surprised by the amount that was needed. They haggle a little over the cost and come to an agreement. Fip hurries off to start work at the day has already started and he needs many hours of work before he can go drinking tonight. Fip returns to the cart and tells those that are around that he is not to be disturbed for the next 8 hours while I work on a major project for the company. The rest of the morning and all afternoon Fip sets up his alchemy supplies and starts making the first healing potion. Around 7pm that evening Fip finishes his first potion and goes to the tavern. Once he arrives at the tavern he asks for the special menu. Fip looks over the drink options and decides he will spend the evening drinking 4 Chilled bolts and has a nice dinner there using some of the money he was given in repayment for giving up the tooth. Fip walks out a little tipsy but overall okay. It is not like this is his first time drinking heavy after a long day of work.   Day 2 – Today Fip has a little of a later start. After a night of drinking, Fip does not get up until 9am. Fip thinks to himself that he might want to cut back tonight a little. After a bit waking up, Fip gets to work on making his second potion. This one took him a little longer to make then the last due to the previous night’s drinking but he manages to get it together after 9 hours of work. Again around 7pm Fip walks over to the tavern to have dinner and order 2 tomato riddles. He decides they are not as good as the chilled bolts from the night before but at least he is not as cold walking home as the night before.   Day 3 – Starting up much more refreshed today, Fip gets up at 6am and wastes no time making his 3rd potion of the week. This one goes much better and after 8 hours of brewing it is ready for use. It is only 3pm and a little too early for the nights drinking he finds Nomag and chats a little about how his week is going. He returns to the tavern at 5pm that night and tries 3 wicked riddles. He is unsure of the after taste but enjoys every minute of the buzz.   Day 4 – Today is another early start with another 6am wake-up. Fip was ready to finish making his final potion for the week. By 3pm he is finished and looks for someone to talk to before going for his drinks tonight. Fip runs into Temperance who scolds him drinking so much when the money could be put to better use. After a few hours of this Fip gets tire of this and goes back to the tavern. Today he decides to try 3 of their Flower Nectar. It is light and fruity.   Day 5 – Fip gets up once again at 6am to get started on his new project. He packs back up the alchemy stuff and starts writing scrolls. It takes him a while to get everything put back up and to set up for scroll writing so it was not until 8am before he gets starting. It has been a few months since the last time he wrote a scroll so the first one took 9 hours of work to finish. At 5pm, the first scroll was finished and Fip headed towards the bar. He looks at this money to see how much he had spent already and decided to cut back on the drinking to 2 drinks a night so he had enough to get through the week. Tonight was another night of drinking wicked riddles. Again the aftertaste is odd but the buzz is nice.   Day 6 – Fip gets a later start today with an 8am wake up. Writing scrolls took more out of him the day before then he remembered it took from back in school. Once again he makes another scroll to help the group with. This one was much easier and Fip finishes at 5pm and returns to the tavern. Tonight is another night of flower nectar. Fip is really starting to enjoy the taste of this sweet drink.   Day 7 – Fip gets up and running at 7am today to finish a long week of drinking and creation. Final scroll is done by 4pm today and decided that the night would start early with the final 2 chilled bolts of the week. After dinner and drinks Fip returns to the cart and prepares to go on his next mission and pass out his new items to the group to help keep everyone alive because he does not want to see another companion die before his eyes.

Second Letter to Home.

Dearest Mother,   In my last letter I told you about a person that died. Well just this week we run into someone that knew her and wants to join our little company. After a few days of taking easy, we received our first real job request from the mother company. We were tasks with delivering some supplies to a near by village. The trip there was mostly uneventful except for two incidents on the way. First and most alarming was we got attacked by two archers that are hunting two of our company. The one we let live heavily implied that those two are changelings. One of the two denied it and the other we have not got to talk to them about it yet. I have no problems with changelings but it would be nice to know for sure if they were or not. The other event was a little surprising. One of our company made friends with a minic we ran into in an old abandon house. We almost let her keep it but the minic ran away from her. It was one of the strangest things I have ever seen because she was petting it and not getting stuck to it. Once we reached the village we were delivering the supplies to we found out that they had been having things missing and asked us to look into the matter. After asking around a little we were led to a tomb outside of town that might be where the cause of the problem was coming from. This was a strange tomb. It had many sets of leavers that if you pulled them wrong you were teleported outside the tomb. We also got attacked by a few ghosts like beings but they were nothing we could not handle. We did run into a problem later in the tomb when we had two other puzzles to figure out. One was a riddle that had to put something back together. It was a little hard but we solved it. The next was more of a problem. It was a room with a dish in it and it had another riddle that I figured out quickly was about teeth. It needed a tooth to be put inside the dish to open the door. We had not extra teeth sitting around so we had to decide who was going to lose a tooth. I thought we should put it to a vote and everyone voted I would be the one. The next thing I still cannot believe. Our companion that befriended a minic turned herself into a pair of pliers that they used to pull out one of my back teeth. It still hurts from when they did it but it will be okay. Finally we find out who had been stealing from the village. It was a pack of feral gnomes. They are the most discussing things I have ever seen. Just a group of five gnomes eating, sleeping, and soiling themselves all in the same room. They truly are feral beasts that need to be put out of their misery. Even while writing this I can still remember the smell in that room. I was happy to have been able to put two of them down with my magic. I want to thank you again for the diamond earing. Without the magic I can cast because of it, I would not have been able to get as far as I have with this group. I do have some good news to report. This week I will get back into my alchemy and spell scroll writing. I have not done any of that since Strixthaven. Also my company gave me some drinking money because I gave up a tooth. So it will feel like I am back at Strixhaven a little because I will be working on those things during the day and drinking in the evening. I wish I had more to report at this time. I am still not so sure about these new friends I have made. We will see what becomes of them. I miss you and father so much. Please tell him I am okay and that I am working to restore my name.   -Your son, -Fip Goldscale.

How to find the right guy.

After finishing up a meeting with his new found company, Fip goes looking for someone to sell some dragon parts to.   Fip goes out to the market place with a dragon gizzard and a draconis funamentum in his bag. Fip had seen his father dealing with rare magical components before and knows it is not easy to do and can require a little bit of funds to find the right person.   Fip goes and talks with a general goods seller first and after offering him 1gp for information he learns that this person does not know anything very helpful. Next Fip talks to an blacksmith about what he might know. Once again offering 1gp for information did not give him any leads. Fip was getting a little frustrated so he tried going to a shop he remembered he father worked with back on a trip to Dewbreak called the wizard's hat. Fip talked with the shop owner, a plum looking halflilng named Yenbin Nimblemeadow. After exchanging pleasantries, they get down to business. Fip once again offers him 1gp for information on who might be willing to buy these dragon parts. Nimblemeadow tells Fip to try a fruit vendor down the street. Fip happily runs down the street to the fruit vendor and tries to do the sell right away. The poor fruit vendor looks confused. Fip slips him 1gp hoping this will show him that he means business. The fruit vendor happily takes the money and tell Fip that he only deals with fruit. Fip is disappoint and returns to the wizard's hat and tells them that the fruit vendo0r does not know anything. Fip offers him another 1gp for more information on another lead. This time the shop owner said he knew for sure that the potter on the opposite end of town might know a guy. Fip flies to the other end of town to talk with the potter. After offering the potter 1gp, the potter's eyes get big. He says he knows a carpenter that might know something. Fip then talks to the carpenter that gladly takes Fip's 1gp and says that the chandler he knows might know something. Fip gets a little frustrated that he has had to talk to so many people but goes and talks to the chandler. Fip walks in and offers the chandler 1gp for information on who might be willing to buy these items. The candler with a wide smile says for 4gp he will give him even more important information. Fip quickly pulls out 4gp and puts it on the table. The candler picks it up and tells Fip that next time he wants to sell something that might be very valuable, he needs to offer people more then just 1gp or they will not take him serious and willl send him on a wild goose chance like he bets Fip has been on all day. Fip feels defeated and drops to the ground almost ready to cry. The candler tells Fip to get back up, keep going, and do not be stupid about who you ask. Fip leaves the shop and flies straight back to the wizard's hat again. This time Fip walks right up to Nimblemeadow and tells him that he made a fool of a Goldscale for the last time. Fip was not leaving the store until he got a straight answer. To show that he was ready to get down to real business he dropped 10gp on the counter. Nimblemeadow looks him in the eyes and said it looks like you are ready to talk for real. He asked to look at the items and Fip knows him them. He thought about it for a minute and then looked through a few books. He told Fip that if he really wants get these sold he needed to talk with Perras Highdancer and tell him that Nimblemeadow sent him. He will be in the tavern drinking at this time of day. Ask the barkeep for a Vuloo special and give it to a halfling with an eye patch and a raven on his shoulder. Fip went to the tavern and asked the barkeep for a Vuloo special. he was given two pints of fine mead, 4 shots of rum, and 2 legs of chicken. Fip asked how much for it and was told 5gp. Fip went and found Perras Highdancer drinking alone. He was just as described a halfling with an eye patch and a raven on his shoulder. Fip sat down at the table with the tray of drinks and food and said that Nimblemeadow told me to talk to you. He smiled big and said pleasure before business is my policy. They both partaked in the Vuloo special. Fip was happy he had not been drinking anything earlier today because those drinks hit him hard and fast after running and flying around town all day. Perras said after the meal to meet him at his shop later that night and they would do business then. Fip left and later that night traveled to Perras shop to talk real business.

First Letter to home.

Dearest Mother,   I want to thank you again for the portal Isondale it helped save my sanity and getting there sooner really helped me get on the right path to making father proud of me again. Not long after arriving I received a letter from my new benefactor. I still do not know much about this benefactor but I will hopefully learn more soon. I meet up with a few people and I ran into my old childhood friend Nomag the totle that would come by at times with his adopted halfing family. Also there was someone that knows Sip from the army. I even ran into a girl that is the sister of someone I know from Strixhaven but more about her later. We got a job together along with a few other people to look into a missing delivery. While looking for this missing delivery I was about to find many herbs for my alchemy. We have a little time here before we head out for our next mission so I plan to make some potions for our group to help keep people alive. We found there the delivery was and it was stolen by some diseased orcs. Father would be proud, I used everything I learned at Strixhaven to be able to, with one spell, knock one orc unconscious and explode another orc. We also were able to kill a nasty little Chromatic dragon that tried to eat us. I harvested some good things from it and I hope to be able to make good money off the body parts we collected. All that studying paid off when I went to collect the body parts because no one else in the group knew what where the best parts to collect. But this was also a sad adventure. That sister of my Strixhaven friend died a very quick dead without me being able to do anything about it. We are lying her to rest here in Dewbreak where we will be staying for the near future. I will make sure to get a letter to her sister and to the Witchlight Carnival. I am not sure how I will get it to the Carnival but it is the right thing to do. But enough about sad things, I am the new Decisionist for a message company called "Z's" Less Risky Message Delivery or "LRMD." I will be helping run a newish company. We are taking over the route of those poor goblins that where killed by the orcs I told you about. Father would be proud that I helped start a business and have a major rule in it. All those years of watching him run our family's business will surely pay off. I need to go sell these dragon parts soon before they go bad and start work on making those potions. Please do not worry about me, I found people to be with and I am starting a new life that I hope will make Father proud of me again. I will write as soon as more news happens. If you are able, please write me back. You can send letters to LRMD HQ and i will get them. I know it can be a little expensive sending a letter this far but I miss yall so much and cannot wait for the day I am back in Father's good graces and I can be with yall again. -Your Son, -Fip Goldscale.

Acq Inc Questionnaire.

How might you look at adventuring as a “business opportunity?” I am trying to make a name for myself to regain favor with my noble family. I plan to use anything to accomplish this. Either an adventuring party or a business is a means to an end for me and I will use both to help farther my goals.   How might your particular background fit into a business type D&D campaign? I have had some time studding at Strixhaven Academy and learned many things secrets of religion, nature, and the arcane.   How might your class/sub-class play a positive role in the “company?” As a Draconic Sorcerer, not only magic comes natural to me. I am a natural business man after growing up in a noble family that deals in magical supplies.   Will you be a spoke person, bodyguard, enforcer, leader, or other role in the company? I am a little of a Jake of all Trades and master of none. I am knowledgeable about many things, decent at talking with people, and good in a fight. Coming from a business family I know a few things about all aspects that I need to know to be part of a company.   How might your personal goals align and/or help \the edification of the “company?” I want to make a name for myself both as a business person and an adventurer to make my father proud of me again. I am willing to do almost anything to make this happen even if it might be something underhanded or questionably ethical.   How do you feel about material possessions and coins? How might this affect your interactions with the “company” and its interests? Coming from a noble family I grew up with money and enjoy the finer things in life. I was recently disowned and I am looking for ways to regain my wealth and status.

Fip Goldscale's interageted backstory.

I was born Fip Goldscale of the noble Goldscale family. We are decedents of the ancient gold dragon Bavyrmn. He is my great great great grandfather. My great great great grandmother was a satyr bard who seduced him to save her life and he fell in love with her. They had children together and over the generations he has been a part of our family and watched over us. Because of our draconic bloodline each member of our family is a sorcerer. My father married a fairy from another noble family. We are born with golden scales on our bodies and bright red hair. Being part fairy, I have dragonfly like wings that I use to get around. Unfortunately, I ended up being very small for a satyr and my horns never grew large. I was often called “brittlehorn” by other satyrs. My parents did not care. They loved me despite my small horns and odd wings. I grew up in the city of Frandyln, which is hidden inside the fey forest of Arborwich. As a family, we follow the god Skerrit, whom most satyrs adore. Being from a noble family, we are well liked by many of the merchants and tradesmen of the city. I even spend some time with the local herbalists learning from them what herbs are good for different things and how to craft potions of healing. Being raised in a noble draconic family has its benefits. First, we had many kobold servants that I would play with as a child. They thought me many tricks to fighting in a group. Second, I did not have to study magic; it just comes natural to me. I was able to start producing my own fire at age 6, which is not the youngest in the history of the family, but I am considered very gifted. I remember how proud my parents were when I released fire into the face of another satyr that was making fun of my small horns. One time another satyr boy talked me into going into the fey woods around the city with them because there was an old woman giving out candy. I could not have been more than 8 years old at the time. Turns out it was a hag who took the other satyr but left me alone in the woods to die because she did not want to have anything to do with my draconic family coming after her. I spent 3 days wandering in the woods alone and frightened. I was afraid I would never see my family again. I was even attacked by a giant spider that could have eaten me if not for the fact I set its web on fire and it flew away. To this day I cannot stand spiders or being alone. Spiders I almost always kill on sight and being alone causes me to talk to myself and I start to become paranoid that a spider will try to eat me again. Maybe this is why I love parties so much. Being from a noble family, there were many parties, and I learned to play the pan flute and sing at them. I also learned my love for alcohol at these parties. Anything will do in a pinch but my favorite kind quickly became sweet wines which the fairies of Frandyln were the most skilled at making. I almost wanted to give up potion making to learn how to make their wine but my family disapproved. At age 14 I had my rite of passage in my family. I was starting to become better at casting spells and I went off to learn tactics with the kobold sorcerers that defend Bavyrmn’s cave. I enjoyed my time there. I got to talk with my great great great grandfather almost every day and I learned how to fight with my spells. My magic came naturally but learning how to take advantage of an enemy that is slightly distracted is not easy. Even with all my natural skill it took me 5 years of training every day to get as good as the kobold sorcerers at taking advantage of having a friendly ally close to an enemy. When the time was right, I, like most of my family, entered Strixhaven Academy. I think this was my father’s proudest day, seeing me in my Silverquill robs like he once wore. I was excited because there was a potions class there at Strixhaven. My mother Vitea gave me a diamond earing when I entered Strixhaven. It was made to be a spell focus for me and glows red when I use it. It also let me cast a new spell she taught me called chromatic orb. This is one of the best spells ever. It lets me cast a ball of fire at whatever I want. But like my mom warned me, some things are not hurt as bad by fire, so I needed to know how to use other elements and this spell lets me do that. I got into the habit of stroking it whenever I cast a spell. They left me at Strixhaven, excepting I would be top of my class. Truth be told, I was top of my class in partying. My love of alcohol and my skill in herbalism made me the life of the party. It also helped that I am a great singer and pan flute player. There is no party like a Strixhaven party. After a major test was over, we would spend all night and much of the next day drinking and having fun. I even would make a potion I learned in class that could remove the sick feeling from drinking too much. It was not easy learning to make this one. My first try almost killed someone when they drank it. Thankfully, it was in class and the teacher was able to cure the poor guy of the poison that it became. I think the gnome in our class changed the herbs on me because I know I mixed it right. His name was Ariben Cobblecloak, and he was the bane of my time at Strixhaven. During my time at Strixhaven, I started to become a better sorcerer. Naturally, I found out that I was a draconic blood sorcerer. This was no surprise because everyone in my family is one. I was surprised to find out there are many other kinds of sorcerers out there. I gained the ability to use sorcery points. This was a new experience for me in being able to do things like make my chromatic orb hit two targets with just one casting of the spell. These sorcery points do have a draw-back. When I use them, the scales of my body begin to get hot. Not so much that it burns me, but it becomes uncomfortable if I keep doing it over and over again. I do not know if I will ever become accustomed to this pain. Father says he has the same thing also, and it is just a side effect of how strong our draconic blood it. Another side effect of being a draconic sorcerer is that my voice changes when I cast a spell. It becomes deeper, and more like a dragon. I often like to taunt my targets by saying they will feel the flames of a dragon when they feel my attacks. I focused mostly on fire based attacks while at Strixhaven. But being of the college of Silverquill, I learned other magic such as divine magic, and some spells that cause psychic damage. I even took time to learn our college’s signature spell, silvery barbs. My first year at Strixhaven went well. I was in the top half of my classes when it came to classes, and I was top in potion making. This makes me think even moreso that it was the gnome that switched my herbs around. Everything was going well until the night of one of our parties. Once again, I trusted a gnome and took some herbs he told me were legal to have at Strixhaven. I gave them to the adult daughters of Taiva. He is one of the most powerful people at Strixhaven. When he learned they had these herbs, the gnome and I were kicked out of Strixhaven before we finished our first year. My father was so ashamed of me. I will never forget the look on his face when I was forcefully teleported into the house by Tavia along with a letter stating I was kicked out of school. He did not speak to me for a week after I returned home. After the week of silence he finally spoke to me and just said, “Leave until you are worthy of this family name again.” He left the room and did not speak another word to me. My mother gave me a few things before I left, including a bloodwell vial which they were saving to give me as a gift for finishing my first year at Strixhaven. My mom would do anything for me. She told me she would give me more than this, but she feared the wrath of my father if she gave me anything more. Unknown to me, it was my father’s idea to still give me the bloodwell vial. He also cast a scrying spell over the vial to be able to keep an eye on me at all times. It was also his idea to give me a copy of a page from his old textbook from Strixhaven on how to summon the Silverquill Mascot, an inkling. I had always wanted to get the same familiar that my father had used while at Strixhaven and still used to this day around the house. After attuning to the bloodwell vial, I learned it also glowed red when I used it to cast a spell. Mother told me to go to Isondale and meet with my cousin, Sip, who was a low level officer in the local military. Maybe Sip could find me some work or point me into the direction of some of the local adventuring guilds to help me get on my feet. She even offered me a teleportation to the city, knowing I would not do very well on my own in the woods and plains because of my history of being lost in the woods as a child. I gladly took the teleport to see Sip. He told me about some people gathering together, and that I might want to go there to find a party. So here I am, only 24 and now a dropout of Strixhaven with only a few things on my back out in the larger world, not knowing if my family will ever accept me back again. I have not had a drink in over a week, and I am slowly falling into a depression because of it. How I would love to just go to a bar and buy anything to drink, but until I earn some coin on my own, I cannot afford to buy anything to drink. Maybe some kind souls will see my magic potential and let me into their adventuring crew.

Sub-Class Survey

My sub-class is draconic bloodline. Of course I would be a draconic bloodline because my great great great grandfather is a gold dragon. I was born into a family of draconic bloodline sorcerers ever since my great great great grandmother starting having children with that gold dragon she seduced. Each of us is born with golden scales on our bodies and affection for fire magic. I was no more than 6 years old when I first was able to start creating magical fire. I was born to be a sorcerer just as all the other members of my family for the past few generations.

Adding Additional Character Depth

What are my greatest fears? My greatest fear is the fear of being alone. When I was a child I got lost in the woods for 3 days alone. When I alone I start talking to myself and become paranoid.   My second greatest fear came when I was lost in the woods. This fear is the fear of spiders. I was almost eaten by a giant spider while I was alone in the woods. When I see spiders to this day I often try to kill them with a spell or crush them with my staff.   In what place where you born? I was born to a noble family in the fey city of Frandyln deep in the forest of Arborwich.   What is your citizenship status? I am a citizen of Frandyln. Before I left home I was in good standing with many of the merchants and tradesmen. Now that I have been kicked from my family I do not know how they will accept me when I return.   What is your favorite food, and/or drink? I love all think alcoholic. I will drink almost anything with alcoholic in it. I love a good sweet wine when I can find it. No one makes a better sweet wine then the fairies of Frandyln.   What did you do before becoming an adventurer and is it reflected in your background based on the tool sets you are provided with? I was a student at Strixhaven. I specialized in herbs and potions.   Do you have any first level feats, if so, why? What happened, what did you do, or how did you come about acquiring that feat, or feats? I took the Strixhaven Initiate as a first level feat because I was a student at Strixhaven in the college of Silverquill.

Character Flavor Questionnaire

1. What is your spell focus and what does it look like?   I have 2 spell focuses. First is my diamond earing and my second is a bloodwell vial. These are both gives from my mother. The earing was given to me when I first went off to Strixhaven as a gift for making into the school. The bloodwell vial was a farewell gift when I was kicked out of the house.   2. When casting spells, how do you use your spells material components and spell focus? Are you particularly meticulous, or careless with the components? Does your focus glow in a particular fashion? Please describe this process for when your character uses their components and focus.   Whenever I cast a spell that needs a material component I either touch my earing or stroke my vial. They glow a bright red when I use them.   3. When you character casts spells that require verbal components, how does your character voice these aspects of the spell? Do they use the language of their patron (providing they know the language)? Does your character giggle, whisper, or do similar styles while doing verbal components? Please be specific.   My voice deepens when I cast a spell. I often will evoke my dragon ancestry in ways such as, “feel the fire of my ancestors.”   4. Does your use of sorcery points have a physical effect?   When I use sorcery points I feel the scales on my body get very hot. Not enough to cause me damage but it can be unconformable.   5. Does your character have a favorite food, drink, or similar item that they continously keep stocked? Do they react in a particular way if they run-out of this item or can't find it easily? Is it a particular type of berry, or other plant that they forage while in the wilderness?   I love all things alcoholic and love to drink any time I have enough money to spend on it. If I go a few days without drinking anything I become sad.


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