Black Butterfly


  Black Butterfly is a powerful azata empyreal lord. She never acts rashly and believes in the wisdom of The Cradle to guide her. She teaches that in the silence between breaths and thoughts, one's true nature can be seen. According to legend, the Black Butterfly was conjured by Mehena during her death: as Mehena's stars in the sky made a pattern that, upon completion, manifested itself as the Black Butterfly. She lives in The Moonlight Palace, holding the place Mehena used to take and living isolated from the other Gods and Lords. However, the Moonlight Palace is very difficult to find and not even scholars can agree on its exact location within the Cradle's constellations. The Black Butterfly despises all sorts of evil, and views the Dark Tapestry and what is beyond the Cradle as its worst form. Few can match her knowledge about the Dark Tapestry, but she refuses to share this knowledge, as she thinks that doing so will help her foes.  

Divine Domains

Chaos (including Azata), Good (including Azata), Liberation (including Freedom and Self-Realization), Void (including Stars)  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Starknife   Holy Animal - Butterfly   Holy Colors - Black, silver   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Black butterfly with star  

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Study the Cradle, notice moments of silence, perform anonymous acts of kindness   Anathema - Disrupt another's meditation, interrupt tranquil moments, play noisy or discordant music
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Star's Shadows" or "Mehena's Shadow"