The Moonlight Palace


  Realm of Mehena (formerly) and said to be the entrance between the Cradle Realms. An infinite and beautifully morbid shining palace, complete with grounds and portals to many planes throughout the Cradle. While not entirely empty, the palace stands as a reflection of Mehena herself after her death.  

Planar Traits

  • Divinely Morphic: Deities with domains in The Moonlight Palace can alter the plane at will.
  • Gravity normal
  • Time normal
  • Realm immeasurable
  • Structural lasting
  • Essence mixed
  • Alignment strongly good-aligned
  • Magic enhanced (spells and spell-like abilities with the good descriptor)

Denizens of the Moonlight Palace

  Aeons - Guarding the Cradle’s energy and maintaining the balance of the realm, Aeons are rare but important aspects of the Palace’s ecology. The purpose they serve is always two-fold, both maintaining the delicate balance between the many realms connected by the Palace, as well as halting or redirecting energy sent here to it’s necessary plane. Despite their power and role within the Cradle itself, many of them claim to not serve Mehena, and several have even said they have never heard the name at all.   Moon Dogs - The moon dog is a large wolfhound from the outer planes. Moon dogs often enter Aralla when evil has grown to an immeasurable level in an area. Otherwise, they are found in the employ of deities, solars, planetars, and the most powerful devas. Moondogs' forepaws are prehensile and resemble human hands. Though moon dogs can move on two legs in a bipedal fashion, most do not do so, preferring the speed and grace they gain by moving on all fours. Moon dogs are nomadic guardians, roaming in packs that protect from interlopers. While they foster no ill will toward the Palace’s other inhabitants, they prefer the company of their own kind and do not mix with other outsiders.   Empyreal Lords - The only Empyreal Lord known to inhabit the lonely halls of the Palace is the Black Butterfly, who remains the most loyal servant of Mehena. Said to be the ultimate source of knowledge of the universe beyond the cradle, she has upheld the realm in the Moonmother’s absence, and is said to guide travelers with messages in the stars and in their dreams.
Dimensional plane