Camir (Ca-mere)


  Creator of the Beastfolk races and god of wild nature, Camir is the leader of the Green Gods (also including Chauntea and Malar) and is often considered to be an avatar of the planet himself. He is stubborn, pushing his followers to oppose the growth of civilization and to live with the least amount of impact on nature as possible. He is the father of Chauntea and Malar and spreads his influence by granting portions of his essence among the Loa.

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  He is a god whose portfolio includes wild nature, druids, beastfolk, tribalism, and were-creatures. The church of Camir is spread everywhere across Aralla and is far stronger than many other churches, despite most people in the industrial world never witnessing their rituals or faith. Nevertheless, most outsiders view the church of Chauntea, as patrons of agriculture, as being favorably inclined towards the expansion of civilization, while the church of Camir is the implacable foe of those who would settle new lands. Non-worshipers often viewed the church unfavorably due to its tendency to disrupt expansion into woodland, sometimes with violence.

Divine Domains

Animal (including all subdomains), Plant (including all subdomains), Protection (including Purity and Solitude), Scalykind (including Saurian and Venom), Vermin, Serpent, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Maul   Holy Animal - All   Holy Colors - Green, Brown   Holy Mineral - none   Holy Symbol - Green living oak leaf

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Revere the natural and the pure. Battle with civilized folks and push them away from the beautiful natural world.   Anathema - Mix with civilized cultures. Destroy nature in any form.


Holy days are Greengrass, Midsummer night, and the Night the Forest Walks. This last holiday takes place when the deity grows restless. He then causes trees to move, streams to change course, caves to open or close, forest creatures to stir, and forest magic to strengthen.  

Example Paladin Codes

Sworn under the gaze of Camir, Lord of Wild Nature, Creator of the Beastfolk, and the very heartbeat of Aralla, I dedicate my essence, my strength, and my spirit to uphold the following tenets:  
  • I vow to protect the sanctity of nature, its vast wilderness, and all its inhabitants. As the beastfolk are a creation of Camir, they are my kin, and their safety is my charge.
  • Civilization's unchecked expansion is a plague upon the land. I will resist its encroachment, valuing the purity of wild nature above the conveniences of industry.
  • While I stand against untamed expansion, I respect the balance of nature, understanding that both growth and decay are a part of Camir's design.
  • I shun the trappings of modern society, striving to live in harmony with the wilds, understanding that in simplicity, there is profound strength.
  • Recognizing the Loa as fragments of Camir's essence, I pledge to honor, respect, and safeguard them, understanding their critical role in maintaining the harmony of Aralla.
  • Chauntea's teachings on growth and agriculture and Malar's lessons on the primal hunt guide my path. Their wisdom, combined with Camir's essence, forms the trinity of my faith.
  • Every breath I take, every step I make, will be in harmony with nature. My life is a testament to Camir's ideals, and through my actions, I seek to inspire others to respect the wild.

Physical Description

Body Features

Camir is often not given a true depiction, as each Loa is worshiped and venerated as an Avatar of Camir. But he is often shown or drawn as a great beast of the tribe that worships them.
Divine Classification
Rank 20 Greater Deity
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Great Creator”, “The Soul of Aralla”, or “The Wildfather”
Date of Birth
1 AC
Aligned Organization