Cults of Camir


The Cults of Camir are often completely different in their structure, going from disorganized groups of Druids to structured systems of beastfolk priests serving under the Loa. Camir had both clerics and druids in his faith, though their presence varied by location, with druids being the more prominent due to his narrow focus on wild nature without concern for balance. Some non-beastfolk barbarians, hermits, wilderness dwellers, and rangers also worshiped him.


All cults venerate a Loa, a mortal incarnation of Camir's power (usually this figure is a powerful beastfolk), or Camir himself, usually being depicted as a powerful animal the group venerates.

Public Agenda

His clergy often worked together with the clergy of his allies, Malar and others, towards common goals. These included protecting the wilderness from further encroachment by civilization, such as the felling of trees and limiting farms or ranches to already cleared land. Also the fighting of diseases, planting new plants, and fighting those who did the bidding of the gods of civilization.


Clerics and druids of Camir prepare spells at sundown or in starlight.

Beasts, rise! Take your world and defend it from the trappings of mortality!

Religious, Cult
Notable Members