Church of the Firelord


The Church was divided into a strict hierarchy. At the very top were the Eternal Flames of Kossuth. Each Eternal Flame was the leader of a single temple and was over three Most Fervid Fires. Below each Most Fervid Fire were two Numinous Blazes. The priestly ranks below this were, from highest to lowest:
  • Inspired Forge
  • Flamebrother/Flamesister
  • Fury of the Faith
  • Pillar of Flame
  • Zealous Pyre
  • Devoted Blaze
  • Righteous Flame
  • Torch of the Faith
Each temple had exactly six Inspired Forges, Flamebrothers or Flamesisters, Furies of the Faith, Pillars of Flame, and Zealous Pyres and many of the lower ranking priests. One could only achieve a rank higher than Devoted Blaze through recommendation of two higher-ranking priests, and only if their was an opening in the ranks. Collectively, these priests were called the Promised.

Public Agenda

The Church's aims tended to revolve around the acquisition of land, power, and wealth. The followers and clerics were often lawful, without regard for good or evil.


Clerics of Kossuth choose sunrise or high sun as their prayer time. Their liturgy holds that the sacred flame originates in the south, so they conduct all prayers and holy services facing that direction.


Clerics of Kossuth divide themselves into two factions, the Tendrils and the Burning Braziers. The Tendrils make up the bulk of the order and hold most of the ecclesiastical power. They see to the affairs of the temple, officiate at holy days and ceremonies, and preach to local Kossuthan communities. The Braziers represent the adventuring and missionary arm of the church, traveling the wilderness to bring new lands into Kossuth’s scalding, purifying light.

Grow, expand, burn, and be freed.

Religious, Organised Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members