Companions of the Silver Strings


  The Companions of the Silver Strings are an organization of adventuring bards who travel Ekrune in service to Krymera, discovering lost stories and songs, and defeating enemies of the cult when they crop up. Within the order, there are various ranks, each denoting a level of mastery and responsibility. The most experienced members hold positions of leadership, guiding expeditions, overseeing the preservation of collected stories, and ensuring the welfare of their fellow companions. Collaboration and teamwork are highly valued among the Companions, as they recognize that unity is vital in the face of adversity.  


  The Companions of the Silver Strings travel far and wide, exploring ancient ruins, hidden libraries, and remote villages in search of rare and unique stories. They view themselves as custodians of cultural heritage and make it their duty to document, learn, and share these narratives with the world. Through their bardic performances, they breathe new life into these tales, captivating audiences and spreading joy wherever they go.
Religious, Holy Order