Krymera (Cry-meera)


  Daughter of Mehena and twin sister of Ordum. Krymera was the goddess most worshipped by bards, free thinkers, and tricksters. Krymera delights in wordplay and sophisticated humor, and she is playful, stubborn and vain. She enjoys being shocking and innovative, and shares stories and songs with those who appreciate such things, regardless of the listener's race or background. She valued diversity of experience, learning, and innovation, and loved all who enjoy such things. Her followers enjoyed friendly relationships with similar deities. Her herald is the Herald of Freedom, the personification of freedom and courage, usually appearing as a large and angelic woman.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  She is a goddess whose portfolio includes humor, inspiration, learning, tricks, and storytelling. Krymera encouraged her followers to think for themselves, rather than relying on the word of others. The worst crime in her eyes was not trusting in oneself. She had little patience for tyrants --even well-intentioned ones-- and even less patience for cruelty or bullying. She taught that one must be freed of restraint, whether real or imaginary, in order to freely express one's opinions. Krymera worshipers believed every time they learned or created something new, they were honoring her. They believed she presided over the first performance of a new entertainment piece, and performers, conductors, or playwrights often dedicated their initial presentation to her glory (if serious) or amusement (if comic).

Divine Domains

Chaos (Including Revelry and Whimsy), Good, Liberation (Including Self-Realization and Freedom), Trickery (Including Innuendo and Deception), Song, Art

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Scimitar   Holy Animal - Cat   Holy Colors - Gold, Blue, Green   Holy Minerals - None   Holy Symbol - An open book

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Trust in yourself. Create jokes and stories. Play pranks and be a free spirit.   Anathema - Hold yourself back creatively. Stop others from expressing themselves.  

Meta Information


Play a practical joke on an unsuspecting target. If no suitable targets are nearby, write down an original joke and leave it tucked in a place where someone may someday find it. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to AC during surprise rounds, regardless of whether or not you participate in the surprise round.  

Example Paladin Code

  Under the guiding laughter and shimmering inspiration of Krymera, I vow to embrace the playful, curious, and innovative spirit that she exemplifies. Through my words, deeds, and heart, her essence shall be ever-present:  
  • As Krymera revels in stories and songs, I pledge to cultivate and spread artistry in every form.
  • In a world bound by constraints, I stand for the power of independent thinking. I will challenge conventions, ever seeking new perspectives.
  • Tricks and jests are my tools, always used with kindness, to remind others of life's unexpected delights.
  • Tyranny, in any guise, is an affront to free expression and Krymera's teachings. I shall stand against oppressors, ensuring that every voice has the chance to be heard.
  • Bullying and cruelty have no place in my presence. I vow to shield the vulnerable and uplift the downtrodden.

Divine Boon

1: Prankster (Sp) lesser confusion 3/day, invisibility 2/day, or suggestion 1/day
2: Clever Ruse (Sp) You can cast enlarged mislead three times per day. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell.
3: Element of Surprise (Su) Whenever you roll initiative, any allies within 30 feet of you who are also rolling initiative can choose to use the result of your roll instead of theirs. Your allies still add their own modifiers to your roll to calculate their initiative order. Alternatively, you may choose to use another ally’s roll instead of your own.

Physical Description

Body Features

She is not depicted usually, as it is that she manifested in whatever form suited her purposes at any given moment. If she was not in the process of playing a trick on someone, she usually manifested as a faerie dragon that glowed with a yellow gold aura or as a happy looking cat.
Divine Classification
Rank 13 Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“Quicksilver” or “The Jester”
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations