Cult of Aerdrie


The church of Aerdrie was small, with little organization and only a few scattered temples. The clergy was primarily concerned with exploration and maintaining good relations with other sentient avian races, such as giant eagles and birdfolk. The church as a whole was organized into many small cliques, each of which followed a particularly charismatic airwalker (priest of Aerdrie). The constant changing within the cliques were very fluid and often confusing to outsiders.


The teachings of the Church of Aerdrie stressed finding one's own enlightenment. The faithful were encouraged to explore their interests as well as the world to pursue their dreams. The church was confident that any resistance to their doctrines would be eroded over time. It was considered a grave crime to fetter or otherwise imprison one faithful to Aerdrie.

Public Agenda

Aerdriens were encouraged to learn how to play a wind instrument in order to honor their goddess. Most Aerdriens preferred to wander around versus settling in one place. This allowed them to spread the word of Aerdrie to all corners of the world.


Clerics and druids of Aerdrie pray for their spells are dawn, when the first hint of a breeze often drifts across the land.
Religious, Cult
Notable Members