Aerdrie (Air-dree)


  Daughter of Allir and twin sister to Rillifane. She is the elven expression of freedom and impulse, and she dislikes staying in any one place for too long. She delights in the sound of wind instruments and in creating unpredictable atmospheric conditions, including fairly severe or violent thunderstorms on occasion, but her primary joy is simply feeling the air rush past her with the ground far below. The Winged Sister is a somewhat distant deity who rarely involves herself in elven culture, and she is far more chaotic than the rest of the Seldarine. Of all the elven races, Aerdrie takes a keen interest in the avariel, and only a few of them remain outside of the sky cities.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  She is a goddess whose portfolio includes air, weather, avians, rain, fertility, freedom, avariel. The church of Aerdrie is small, with little communication or organization between its scattered temples. Aerdrie's clergy is primarily concerned with exploration and maintaining good relations with sentient avian races (e.g., giant eagles and birdfolk). Similarly, members of Aerdrie's clergy raise winged steeds employed by the aerial cavalry of elven realms and tend cotes of fanciful birds from far-off lands to dwell in formal elven gardens and to supply the mottled plumage employed in elven fashions. As servants of the Bringer of Rain and Storms, Aerdrie's clerics work closely with small groups of elves involved in agriculture and horticulture to ensure favorable weather for their crops. Winged Brothers and Sisters are also charged with destroying evil flying creatures.

Divine Domains

Travel, Air (Including Cloud and Wind), Animal (Including Feather), Elf, Chaos, Weather (Including Seasons)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapons - Longbow, Scimitar   Holy Animal - Eagle   Holy Colors - Sky blue, white   Holy Mineral - Turquoise   Holy Symbol - Bird silhouetted against a cloud

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Respect the sky and all who fly in it. Fly among the clouds and embrace change. Chaos is freedom, and it always births new change and life.   Anathema - Stay on the ground for too long. Harm birds or flying creatures except in self defense. Restrict yourself and resist change.


The Dance of Swirling Winds, held semiannually on the spring and autumnal equinoxes, celebrates the changing seasons and honors the Winged Mother. The winds always blow strongly on such days, wherever Aerdrie's followers gather. Celebrants offer beautiful feathers and join in an aerial ballet danced to the music of wind instruments played by some of the participants. Those who lack wings or magical means of flight sometimes levitate as a gift of the deity herself.  

Example Paladin Codes

In the embrace of Aerdrie, the Winged Sister who dances upon the winds and governs the boundless skies, I pledge to uphold the freedom and unpredictability of the vast azure. With her guidance, I vow:  
  • To champion the cause of freedom, never allowing chains to bind the spirit or body of any being.
  • To foster kinship with all winged creatures, understanding their sacred bond to Aerdrie and their significance in the world.
  • To honor and preserve the legacy and history of the avariel, ensuring their stories soar through time.
  • To respect and ensure the balance of atmospheric conditions, understanding the need for both calm and storm.
  • To stand against evil entities that claim dominion over the skies, ensuring the heavens remain a realm of wonder and freedom.
  • To face with courage any storm or foe, understanding that the skies can be as tumultuous as they are serene.

Physical Description

Body Features

She is often depicted as a pale skinned avariel with long flowing white and sky blue robes. In religious art she is often shown riding a giant eagle over beautiful landscape, while in other depictions, she is shown riding a cloud across a stormy sea.
Divine Classification
Rank 12 Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Winged Sister” or “Queen of the Avariel”
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations