Cult of Shaundakul


Shaundakil’s church is loosely organized, and its branches are largely independent. There is little in the way of formal hierarchy, although those who served the Rider of the Winds hold positions of great respect in the church.

Public Agenda

Members of the clergy are expected to live off the land and work as guides and protectors of travelers, caravans, and mining expeditions. Many serve as guides for adventuring companies or as explorers.  All seek to visit the scattered shrines of Shaundakul (particularly the great one in Myth Drannor) as frequently as possible and to construct new ones when they acquire sufficient resources. Ever since Shaundakul added portals to his portfolio, his clerics have been tasked with locating and identifying portals that would be useful for trade and exploration.


Clerics of Shaundakul pray for their spells in the morning right after the wind shifts from the changing temperature. Shaundakul’s clergy members have a few simple ceremonies they practice when appropriate. They are to utter a simple prayer every time the wind changes significantly. Whenever they discover previously uncharted territory (such as an undiscovered valley, lake, or island), they are to create a small throne of rocks marked with Shaundakul’s symbol near the location where they first made the discovery. If capable, they are to create a shrine to Shaundakul using stone shape.

Work to promote him among traders, especially trailblazers who seek out new lands and new opportunities.

Religious, Cult
Notable Members