Shaundakul (Shaun-da-call)


  Not much is known of Shaundakul, but he is a lonely deity of few words who lets his deeds speak for him. He is kind but stern, with a rugged sense of humor that sometimes comes to the fore. His faith is on the upswing in part because of his willingness to personally recruit worshipers while manifesting in the world in physical form. He is said to have come to Aralla after his world was destroyed during the Calamity.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  He is god whose portfolio includes travelers, loners, exploration, portals, and caravans. His worship is often shunned by most, as he is what is considered one of the first Invader Gods alongside Lolth and Dahak. Today, the church of Shaundakul attracts many brave adventurers and daring explorers to its ranks and he often appears to offer his aid and patronage in their travels.

Divine Domains

Air (Including Wind), Chaos, Travel (Including all subdomains), Void (Including Dark Tapestry and Isolation)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Greatsword   Holy Animal - none   Holy Colors - Grey, Green, Brown   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - A wind-walking bearded man in traveler’s cape and boots

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Spread the teachings of the Traveler. Unearth new places and create new shrines. Ride the wind and aid those in need.    Anathema - Staying in one place for too long. Rejecting travel for family or security.


Tarsahk 15 - Windride, Holy Night of Shandakul, he grants his clerics the ability to assume windform, and travel quickly, as long as they land somewhere they have never been.  

Example Paladin Codes

Under the vast skies and boundless horizons, guided by the enigmatic Shaundakul, I vow to uphold the virtues of the lone traveler, binding myself to these solemn principles:  
  • In every shadowed alley and uncharted path, I shall find adventure. My heart yearns for the mysteries the world holds, and I shall uncover them.
  • To those who wander without direction, I will be their compass, guiding them to safety and purpose.
  • In moments of solitude, I shall find strength and wisdom. For in the quiet, I hear Shaundakul's whispers.
  • As Shaundakul is an Invader God, so too shall I stand by those who are considered outsiders, understanding that every soul has its story.
  • Actions speak louder than words. I will let my deeds echo my commitment, serving as a testament to Shaundakul's guidance.

Physical Description

Body Features

Clad in his dark, swirling cloak, leather armor, and boots that never quite touch the ground, the Rider of the Winds cuts a regal figure with his massive great sword ever at the ready. Tall and handsome, Shaundakul walks in silence but is surrounded by the ever-present keening whistle of the wind.
Divine Classification
Rank 5 Demigod
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Rider of the Winds” or “The Traveler”
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations