Cult of the Dragon


The Cult of the Dragon, also called the Dragon Cult or the Followers of the Scale was a religious evil organization venerating Dragons founded by Sammaster, a powerful wizard and former Chosen of Baara. Their belief was that dragons were destined to one day rule Aralla and beyond and that it was their purpose to help this come to pass.   


  According to the prophecy of Sammaster and his translation of the Tome of Tiamat, dragons would, and indeed should, rule over all Aralla. The Cult of the Dragon's purpose was thus to help bring about the coming reign of the dragons. In practice, this meant the destruction of non-dragon nations. While in theory they revered all dragons, they had a preference for the evil dragons and particularly the deceased evil dragons known as dracoliches. They sought to persuade evil dragons to undergo the process of becoming a dracolich.
Religious, Cult