Baara (Ba-rah)


  Child of Mehena and twin sibling of Shar. They provide for and tend to the Weave, of which they are effectively the embodiment. The Weave is the conduit that enables mortal spell casters and magical crafters to safely access the raw force that is magic. Baara is also the deity of the possibilities that magic can bring about, making them one of the most powerful beings involved in Aralla. As a god of the weave, they seek to preserve the Balance. While they can prevent the creation of new spells and magic items that their philosophy opposes, they rarely exercise this ability unless they threaten the Weave or magic in general.    Their herald is the Loom of Arcanum, they appear as a constantly shifting, multi-dimensional tapestry of shimmering threads, each representing a distinct spell or magical force. Floating within this mesmerizing web are arcane sigils and symbols from every magical discipline. As Baara's herald, the Loom serves as the frontline guardian of the Weave. It acts as a bridge between the mortal realm and the raw force of magic, ensuring that the conduit remains uncorrupted and balanced.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  They are a god whose portfolio includes magic, spells, and the Weave. The church of Baara is very powerful across Aralla and includes many adherents among the populace. Were more wizards and sorcerers devout worshipers of the Great Mystery, the faith would undoubtedly be the most powerful in all Aralla.

Divine Domains

Magic (Including all subdomains), Evil/Good, Void (Only Dark Tapestry), Knowledge (Including Aeon and Education), Rune (Including Language and Wards), Arcane School

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Quarterstaff   Holy Animal - Crow   Holy Colors - Black, White   Holy Mineral - Etherium   Holy Symbol - Black and White Mask

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Study and develop the magical arts. Craft magical items and write new spells.   Anathema - Destroy magical knowledge or items.


Two ceremonies of great personal significance are Starflight and Magefire. The former centers on a fly spell that permits flight for as long as the stars are visible in the sky. It is often used as an initiation when an individual joins the church of Baara or a celebration when two worshipers are wed. During Magefire, great magic power surges through one’s body, blazing in flickering blue fire as it spills forth in cleansing and renewal. Magefire occurs randomly, but never more than once a year.  

Meta Information


  Inscribe blessings to Baara, arcane formulae, and lines of prayer on a blank parchment. Don’t inscribe a complete spell—only notations sufficient to potentially spur a reader to study magic in an effort to complete the incantation. At the culmination of your obedience, cast any spell or spell-like ability or activate a spell completion or spell trigger magic item. Gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on concentration checks. The type of bonus depends on your alignment—if you’re neither good nor evil, you must choose either sacred or profane the first time you perform your obedience, and this choice can’t be changed.

Divine Boon

1: Magical Essences (Sp) magic aura 3/day, misdirection 2/day, or arcane sight 1/day
2: Staff Channel (Su) You can deliver touch spells with a casting time of one standard action or longer through a quarterstaff. Using this ability doesn’t change the casting time or other qualities of the spell, but you must make a melee attack with your quarterstaff against the target’s AC rather than a touch attack against its touch AC. If you hit the target, you deal quarterstaff damage as well as discharge the spell effect. You can hold the charge as normal when delivering a touch spell through a quarterstaff.
3: Pure Magic Aura (Su) You radiate an aura of the pure essence of magic. You can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds). These rounds don’t need to be consecutive, and you can activate and deactivate your aura as a free action. You and any allies within 20 feet of you increase your caster levels by 1d4. Roll this die when you activate this ability and use the same value for all who gain this benefit. The increase affects spell qualities (such as duration and number of targets) that rely on caster level, as well as caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. The bonus caster levels don’t grant higher-level spell slots or cause the recipients to learn new spells.  

Example Paladin Code

  As a guardian of the Weave and a disciple of Baara, I solemnly swear:  
  • I shall respect and protect the flow of magic that courses through our realm, understanding its infinite possibilities and boundless wonders.
  • I will strive to uphold the balance of magic, ensuring that no force or entity disrupts its delicate equilibrium.
  • Magic is a tool, not a weapon. I will prioritize the quest for understanding and knowledge over the reckless pursuit of power.
  • Those who seek to manipulate or corrupt the Weave for malicious intent are my foes. I will stand against them with all my might.
  • Just as Baara embodies the possibilities of magic, I will strive to enlighten others, guiding them towards responsible and wondrous uses of the Weave.

Unique Spellcasting Rules


Arcane Mark can be prepared as a 0-level spell
Arcane Lock can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell
Fox's Cunning can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell
Permanency can be prepared as a 5th-level spell

Physical Description

Body Features

They are often not drawn or depicted, but when they are, they are shown as an androgynus figure split down the middle between a regular human and a burnt and crackling husk, representing both the orderly and chaotic uses of magic.
Divine Classification
Rank 18 Greater Deity
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Great Mystery” or “The Weaver of Magic”
Circumstances of Death
Ambushed and killed by Manshoon
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations