Cult of the Wonderbringer


The Church of the Wonderbringer had a very ordered religious hierarchy, one where obedience to a superior was unquestioning. High Artificer, the highest position within the church hierarchy. In theory, their authority extended over all of Faerûn. Artificer, the title of a priest who has been personally rewarded and named by the Wonderbringer for special service. Master, the title of a priest of tends a holy site or leads a religious community. High Seeker, the title held by all senior members of the clergy. Seeker of the, a title ranging from Twelfth to First Order. Greater Seeker. Seeker after Small Things, the title of a confirmed priest. Seeker Postulant, the title for a priest in training. Wonderer, the title of a novice priest within the church.


In the Wonderbringer's faith it was actions that mattered above all else, including intentions and thought, for those who serve them do. When faced with the unknown, one was to always challenge and question it with new inventions. To this end it was the duty of all clergy to become skilled in one or more fields of creation — such as casting, forging, or tempering for example. Beyond honing one's skills in a craft, their clergy had to regularly practice experimentation and innovation, including in the ways they made tools and implemented processes. And they had to practice various means of joining and fastening things. In summation, the faith of the Wonderbringer revolved around the act of creation, bringing new wonders into the world, as well as the expanding of knowledge, both scientific and arcane. However, it was considered important for inventions to display both a utility and an elegance.

Public Agenda

When it came to the creations of its members, the Church was widely known for clockwork and golemwork. Wonderbringer priests were also responsible for some major public works in the Ekrune. In the city of Calimport, they were responsible for the city's refurbished sewers, as well as the design and construction of their dock's system of cargo railcarts, scoops, and massive cranes. Clergy also assisted inventors and innovators, including those who sell new mechanical creations or tools, regardless of whether or not they worshiped.


Clerics of Raveyar pray for their spells in the morning before the morning meal. Daily rituals to Raveyar are simple: muttered prayers upon rising and retiring, which are often incorporated into dressing or disrobing, and a longer prayer of thanks at the main meal. Clerics offer a special prayer of thanks and dedication of their work before commencing any new creation (as opposed to repair or maintenance).
Religious, Cult
Notable Members