Dakhim el Yndhar (Wizard 20)

Dakhim el Yndhar is among the most powerful of the wizards in Calimshan, though his long-ago abdication of the caleph arcane's seat in Memnon at one time might have ended his career. Now residing in Saibayya, Dakhim has created numerous variants on both portable holes and flying carpets such that adventurers with coin enough can purchase flying carpets with incredible mobility and hidden storage capacity within their weave. The syl-pasha has tried to bribe Dakhim into moving to his court in Calimport, but Dakhim lives a simple life in a lone unadorned (but not magically unprotected) minaret in a northern sabban of the city, wishing only to have company when invited or needed and wanting no interference from politics.
Neutral Good
Current Location