

  Memnon is the thriving port city that plays host to the largest shipbuilding facilities in Calimshan, though the wharves and docks do not dominate Memnon's life. The city is a constant whirlwind of mercantile and guild activity, from sea trade and ships to textiles, carpet weaving, and magical item production. The true siren song of Memnon is its location in the mind of many mages, as before the reconstruction of the Lyceum, Memnon was the center for magical studies in Calimshan.  

Major Exports

  Ships and ship supplies; minor magic items (wands, potions, or other lesser trinkets mercenary sailors, soldiers, and wizards; and rare herbs  

Memnon Underworld

  The controller of the Memnon's underworld is not one of the many families listed below, but is Pasha Jafar el Limiz, whose only official claim to power is his control of the largest non-Rundeen shipbuilding business. He rules the underworld forces in Memnon through his relationship with Fatima yr Catahra yr Rhimod el Galsah, the syl-pasha's daughter. Listed below are the largest families that run the many underworld business of Memnon;   Assassins - El Tamoah. Ynamalik Ritan el Tamoah operates his assassin's guild from his palace north of Memnon.   Black Marketeers - El Moadyph. Vizar and Pasha Kharyi yn Tyvic el Moadyph heads a guild of marketeers. His contacts in the underworld and his cronies on Sultan Majel el Arpooristan's council has kept him secure for far too long.   Burglars and Thieves - El Ahimar. Vizar Achmed el Wahid officially oversees the khandugs and sits on the council of the Sultan. He cannot be directly traced to his leadership of el Ahimar as all outsiders who knew he was adopted have been killed. He runs the thieves guilds very subtly.   Enforcers and Thugs - El Beza. Nur el Beza of Three Fingers, whose rough and tumble youth lost him two fingers but gained him a brutal reputation, runs the guild with an iron fist.   Pirates and Smugglers - El Efead. Runij el Efead, the son in law of Kyahj el Haedi, recently claimed control of the guild his father in law ran, and allied it with el Haedi to lead it to great profits.   Slavers - El Haedi. Kyahj el Haedi is a prominent shipowner and slave trader who is among the few resisting the control of the Syl-Pasha (but expecting much protection from The Rundeen).   Spies - El Skahil. Elat el Skahil is only known outside his family as "Ali Faram", a mysterious young man with many unknown connections but always true information.

Points of interest

Important Areas in the City - As the site of the first ever mage school in Calimshan, Memnon has always had a reputations as a place of power, though many regard this as a manifestation of Calishite arrogance rather than and special effect of the Weave. The largest sabban of the city encompasses seven drudaches at the center of of the city, the Mage Quarter. Within this area, no less than 4 major colleges of magic and 65 personal tutors for magic are known to openly operate. Of these, one college and 12 tutors are not working through the Lyceum.  

Interesting Places to Stay

  At least 600 each of taverns, feasthalls, and inns lies in the walls of Memnon, but due to ancient law of Memnon, no wizard or bard may own or work in any of these places for fear they might dominate all aspects of the city itself. Thus while many expect magically enhanced bars and amenities, Memnon's night life is rather normal.  

Arcane Schools

  Aegis Academy - A college known for training its students in the defensive arts of magic, ensuring they can protect themselves and others from a myriad of threats.   Starlight Arcanum School - This college focuses on studying the Cradle's Stars and how they interact with the Weave. They often mix astrology with arcane practices.   Order of the Crimson Rod - A school focusing on evocation and "blasting" magic mixed with magic based in the history of the rise of Calimshan, ensuring its students understand the magic that caused the nation to excel so well.   Veil Conservatory - Known for their focus on illusion and enchantment magic, students of this college often engage in secretive projects and are known to be masters of the unseen.   The school unattached to the Lyceum is below:   Pasha's Mirage Academy - Operating independentaly of the Lyceum, this college delves into esoteric ways of casting, often uncovering forgotten spells and enchantments from Calimshan's storied past.  

Hangout Spots

  The Shining Scimitars of Mullivan base themselves in this city mostly, despite being from Zallusan originally. This group owns an adventuring bar in the city, with a loyal clientele of freebooters, smugglers, rogues, and heroes from all manner of nations. They love sharing intense stories about their intense hatred for all things Underdark. Quality/Price - Poor/Moderate   Low prices and ancient calishite dressing conventions are shared by staff members of the Qysar's Cups. Most who come, though, are outsiders who do not know to avoid this place, as it has a reputation for selling drunk patrons into slavery. Quality/Price - Excellent/Cheap   The Familiar, a massage and dining hall in the Mages' Quarter is run entirely by sorcerers. The owner stocks an excellent selection of wines and ale, as well as smokeweeds of all kinds, including Xanchuli Tobacco. Quality/Price - Excellent/Expensive   Imask's Home is elegant but a little frayed around the edges, showing its clear golden past. This feasthall and inn has pillows and silks with golden accents as the norm. Overnight patrons always receives a good night's rest or your money back. Quality/Price - Moderate/Good  

Notable Churches

  The Trident Towers is a large two story temple to Umberlee surrounded by 7 towers, all with glazed tridents embossing them. This temple was once a noble villa to a rich pasha whose personal seal was a trident. After his death at sea, the Cult of Umberlee purchased the manor and made it into a temple.   The Amphitheater of Tasryn, a huge imposing amphitheater where major plays and songs are played for the masses, near the city's center. The theater floor is a mosaic and the shape of a shell. The 353 year old location has no specific god assigned to it, but followers of Cult of Shelyn and Krymera share the space on friendly terms.   The First Chosen Hall is a church to Baara, and glows with bright blue clay bricks and the symbol of the god. The temple is adjacent to the grounds of the Brothers Arcane School, where both divine and arcane magic is taught and trained.
Founding Date
920 AC
760,900 citizens and an additional 50,000 to 60,000 rural citizens
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization