

  A deeply religious society, Damara exists on the farthest southeastern landmass of Ekrune, sharing a border with Chondath and Kymos. A nation existing with a blend of human and elven cultures, Damara is a powerful cultural and religious power, controlling many surviving pre-calamity religious sites. Damaran society exists under constant threat, both from outside forces from Kymos as well as the erosion of traditional religious values that make up their society.  

Damara and Outsiders

  Damara was generally viewed as a small outpost of hope, order, civilization, and security amidst the wild oceans of the southern Pacjour Sea. With this perception came a strange mix of isolationist attitudes and inward thinking, as Damarans uphold the ways of Mehena’s children. However, among some, it earned a reputation for being overzealous and proudly intolerant, with its inquisitions of suspected evil-doers and ambitious plans to judge and fix the rest of Aralla.  

Damaran Society

Demography and Population

Races (Citizen) - 39% Half Elves 36% Human (Majority Damaran, Minority Mulani, Chondathan, and Calishite) 7% Elves (Majority Wood Elf, Minority Wild and High Elf) 5% Planetouched Races (Majority Aasimar, Minority Tieflings) 3% Halfling 3% Sea Orcs 2% Dwarves (Majority Hill Dwarf, Minority Mountain Dwarf) 2% Beastfolk (Majority Minotaurs, Minority all others) 3% Other (Gnomes, Elemental Races)
Founding Date
155 AC
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Neighboring Nations