Tuskbreaker Clanlands


  A very unique society, thriving along the strait between the northern and southern Pacjour Seas, the Tuskbreaker clans have evolved from orcish slaves, fleeing from Kymos into a vibrant melting pot of cultures and trade. This nation is divided into hundreds of orcish clans, each with their own traditions. These clans form the backbone of Sea Orc society, each orcish clan and orc value personal freedom and independence. From floating villages to impressive city fleets, orcs are seafaring peoples that feel comfortable hearing the waves and smelling the sea salt.  

Tuskbreakers and Outsiders

  Tuskbreaker society could be described as a melting pot. Their individualistic tendencies extend beyond their own community, creating a cultural melting pot that actively welcomes and and embraces others. The orcs understand that their nation was formed from outsiders and outcasts, and they know that cultural exchange enriches their society and aids in their people having a deeper understanding of the world. As a society of traders and explorers, they have developed a reputation for their openness and welcoming nature. Coastal cities are hubs of cultural exchange, with markets and bazaars filled with crafts from all regions. Visitors from distant lands are greeted openly, invited to partake in festivities, and encouraged to share their own stories and traditions. Orcish society takes pride in its diversity, not only in their cities but also through the including of outsiders. Despite the influence of cultures around the world, the orcish people remain deeply connected to their ancient traditions like oral storytelling, canoe building, and their war dance performances.  

Tuskbreaker Society

  The clans that make up the Tuskbreaker nation are numerous, almost numbering 1000 in total. Clan members are fiercely independent and autonomous, making decisions as a clan but focusing strongly on individual freedom. Each clan is led by a chief or respected elder, whose role is more of a guide or mediator rather than a ruler. As said several times before, orcish society is focused on personal freedoms and self-determination. From a young age, orcs are encouraged to discover their passions and interests, nurturing a culture of self-reliance and innovation. Given their seafaring nature, the orcs have a deep connection with the sea. They understand the important of maintaining harmony with the seas to ensure bountiful fishing. Orcish sailors and navigators possess extensive knowledge of ocean currents and the stars. Despite their individualistic tendencies, the orcs understand the value of mutual aid and collaboration. In times of need, clans come together to support each other, either from natural disasters or external threats.
Founding Date
167 AC
Political, Confederation
Neighboring Nations
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