

  Found primarily in southeastern Ekrune, especially in the nation of Damara. Damarans are of moderate height and build, with skin hues ranging from pale to fair. Their hair is usually brown or black, and their eye color varies widely, though brown is most common.  


    Religiousness and goodness was prominent in nations with large Damaran populations, with significant elven influence. The culture is influenced greatly by wood elven culture, and a large majority of Damarans have elven blood. Damaran city-dwellers are usually educated in church-run schools, while itinerant priests minister to those who dwell in wilderness regions. Many Damarans learn their trade during an apprenticeship at a church-run school before setting out into life, while others join a religious order, directly pledging themselves to the service of the church. As they grow old, Damarans often return to the church of their youth, tithing much of their wealth to its coffers and living out their last years in service to their patron deity.   The church was central in the lives of the Damaran people, and as such they tended to live a disciplined lifestyle, with stark sense of morality. Many people eschewed personal gain in favor of dedication to one of the Children of Mehena. Although religious fervor is admired, individuals are judged by how they conduct themselves and the strength of their personal moral code. Class divisions are less noticeable than elsewhere on Aralla, but those who have been judged morally unfit are strongly shunned by their peers.
Encompassed species