

At a glance, Emberhorn deer might be mistaken for the common deer species known in many lands. However, upon closer inspection, one would notice the radiant, glowing antlers that seem to shimmer with an inner fire. These antlers range in color from a warm amber hue to fiery reds, with the occasional blue-white flame for those of particularly strong magical lineage. Their eyes might also possess a soft, ember-like glow, giving them an ethereal appearance, especially in the dark. Primarily herbivores, these deer consume a mixture of common plants as well as magical flora, which might contribute to their fiery abilities. Some say they consume phoenix ferns and sunfruit berries, known for their fiery properties.  

Meta Info And Abilities

Dwelling in older parts of forests or near areas of growth for fire resistant flora, Emberhorns are a sight to behold. The Emberhorn can create and manipulate small flames. This ability is primarily defensive; they might light up their antlers to ward off predators or spark dry underbrush to scare predators. Most dangerous of all, especially to hunters who don't kill the emberhorn in one attack, a firey surprise is fired back at them. When an emberhorn is struck by an melee or ranged attack and doesn't die or fall unconcious from the blow, it may as a reaction deal half the damage dealt to it back to the target as fire damage, with a DC 13 Reflex saving throw to avoid said damage. For targets much bigger than the deer, once a day an emberhorn can fire a ray attack of searing heat as a ranged touch attack, dealing 4d6 fire damage. For stats, I would reccomend using the stats for an Emperor Stag, with the before mentioned abilities as spell like abilties.
Geographic Distribution