Green Faith


  Not tied to any deity, but more of a way of living, the Green Faith is a co-opted and toned down version of the old ways of Camir and the druids of the past. The Green Faith is a naturalistic philosophy based on the belief that natural forces are worthy of attention and respect. Followers of the Green Faith meditate daily, commune with natural forms of power, and show respect to nature in all things. They often hang fresh herbs from the lintels of doorways as a sign of respect for nature. Although the Green Faith is based on nature, one need not be a druid to value its tenets, nor do all druids necessarily count themselves as members of this philosophy, although almost all of them appreciate its values. Clerics and Druids of the Green Faith seek a balance in all things natural, including society, and wish to see both nature and cities flourish while living in peace together. They are the enemies of rogue elemental forces that seek to upset the balance, as well as plants who have been made sentient and corrupted.


Holy Weapon - Sickle, Longbow   Holy Animal - Any   Holy Colors - Dark Green   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Leaf   Domains - Air (including all subdomains), Animal (including all subdomains), Earth, Agriculture, Plant (including all subdomains), Scalykind (including Saurian), Vermin, Water (including all subdomains), Weather (including all subdomains), Ice, Wind   Realm - None  

Example Paladin Code

As the roots draw sustenance from the earth and the leaves embrace the sky, I pledge myself to the Green Faith, vowing to uphold the delicate balance and respect the infinite dance of nature. I bind my spirit to these tenets:  
  • I recognize the eternal ebb and flow of life and death, growth and decay. I will uphold the sacred rhythm of nature and defend its integrity.
  • Nature's harmony guides my hand. In wild woods and bustling cities alike, I will nurture coexistence and unity.
  • I will proudly wear nature's tokens, from fresh herbs to tokens of stone and wood, as symbols of my commitment and respect.
  • Rogue elements, twisted plants, or any that seek to distort nature's purity will find in me a staunch adversary.
  • I recognize the gift of life in every gust of wind, every ripple of water. I vow to live each moment with gratitude and purpose.
  • Nature thrives in balance, not conflict. I shall always seek peaceful paths and resolutions, ensuring that harmony prevails.
Religious, Druidic Circle