Grugas (Grew-gas)


  Son of Khasdall and patron of dwarven thieves. While it seemed that Grugas represented the dwarves' well-known dedication to the mercantile art of bargaining, those who knew better were aware that he had an aspect that seldom filled the more legal-minded dwarves with pride. As such, Grugas also watched over those dwarves who used less-than-legal means to gain wealth. Regardless of how he was viewed, Grugas delighted in the art of the deal, no matter what it was, so long as it turned a profit.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  He is a god who’s portfolio includes wealth, luck, chance, non evil thieves, suspicion, trickery, negotiation, sly cleverness. In the knowledgeable society, few admit to following Grugas, as those who profess adherence to his doctrine are known as either skilled negotiators, shameless thieves, or both. Clerics of the Laughing Dwarf (as he is known by no dwarves) are called hurndor (“those who trade”). Dedicated to furthering the progress of dwarven commerce, hurndor travel the world more widely than the servants of any member of the Dwarven Pantheon. The King of Thieves expects all his clerics to be personally wealthy, and to ensure that a portion of their wealth goes to keeping the local temple, usually a windowless underground chamber filled with all manner of treasure and opulence.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Luck, Travel, Dwarf, Charm, Gambling, Trickery (Including Deception, Greed, and Thievery)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapons - Dagger, Light Crossbow   Holy Animal - Fox   Holy Colors - Grey, Gold   Holy Minerals - Gold   Holy Symbol - Gold coin with a set of smiling teeth engraved on it

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Steal for your own personal wealth. Stay unseen during your crimes. When stealing or burglaring, never kill except in defense.   Anathema - Making an honest living. Giving money to others when it would cause yourself to live a poor life. Murder for money.


Holy days of the faiths are known as coin festivals, and mark a period of intense mercantile activity. Occurring on Greengrass, and on any day declared favorable by the Merchant Prince (this changes from year to year), coin festivals are open to the general public, who sometimes jokingly refer to them as trade meets, as great bargains can be had in the closing hours of the convocation when Grugas's faithful lower the prices of their goods in a last-ditch effort to generate enough sales so as to gain clout with his or her peers (not to mention with Grugas himself).  

Example Paladin Code

By the gilded hand of Grugas, the King of Thieves, I take this oath. With coin in hand and shadow at my side, I venture forth, seeking prosperity for all who walk the golden path.  
  • I dedicate myself to the pursuit of wealth and prosperity, recognizing that fortune favors the bold and clever. In the name of Grugas, I will turn every opportunity into gold.
  • While others may shun the shadows, I embrace them. Not all paths to prosperity are lit by the sun, and I will tread where others fear, guided by the Laughing Dwarf.
  • I shall amass wealth not just for personal gain but also to strengthen the temples of Grugas, ensuring they stand as bastions of opulence and testament to our deity's grandeur.
  • I recognize the duality in Grugas' teachings: the negotiator and the thief. While I may walk the line between them, I shall never stray into malevolence or cruelty.
  • Trust is a currency, and suspicion its counter. While I may play my cards close to my chest, I vow never to betray those who have placed their trust in me genuinely.

Physical Description

Body Features

He is not often depicted, and most religious art of him shows a dwarf shaped silhouette only showing a bright smile and the flash of gold. He is often shown stealing from the other dwarven gods and outwitting demon lords and archdevils alike.
Divine Classification
Rank 10 Lesser Deity (Dead Power)
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Laughing Son” or the “King of Thieves”
Circumstances of Death
Killed during a heist
Aligned Organization