

  The oldest Dale in existence, Harrowdale is a prosperous region of farmland and friendly towns. Harrowdale is one of the Dales with a port and has boomed over the last 10 years, as Scardale has been in chaos. The folk of Harrowdale are organized and wealthy for Dalesmen. Harrowdale lies in a shallow valley that runs from the Dragon Reach Coast to the Chondalwoods. The land has been settled for hundreds of years, and the evidence of civilization can be found throughout the countryside roads cut deep into the hillsides, old stone bridges, and the occasional abandoned farmhouse or stone wall in the middle of nowhere.   The towns of Harrowdale see a fair amount of traffic, with folk of Featherdale, Archendale, Mistdale, and Riverlands making the journey to the southwestern coast to sell their goods on the many powerful trade routes. However, the rest of the Dale is very quiet. With the Retreat of the Elves deeper into the woods, the old Halfaxe Trail is opening again, and more and more trade is finding its way from Harrowdale to the Northern cities.   Harrowdale is largely self-sufficient, producing a variety of farm and forest products. It is noted for its extensive apple, pear, and peach orchards. The people now respect the forest, and are careful to preserve it; a number of elves and elven kin remain in the northeast reaches of Harrowdale, living by the forest.   “There was a time, a few hundred years ago, when a man named Halvan the Dark led an assault of axes and fire against the forest. Elves and their allies died by the thousands, fighting off the Halfaxe trail. Halvan even thought to push on into the Chondalwood itself, but the elves summoned an ancient magic to stop the invasion of their forest. The army of men from Harrowdale was lost forever, in the Chondalwoods. But, ye know, since that time the folk of Harrowdale have had a change of heart. Ye’ll find no better friends of the forest these days!”  

The Council of Seven Burghers

  Harrowdale's rulers are the Seven Burghers, the wealthiest people in the land. Each of the burghers holds his or her position for life or until resignation. When a burgher dies or steps down, the Harrowdalesmen hold a survey to determine who is the richest man of the Dale in terms of money, land, holdings, and so forth. The burghers have held power since the end of Halvan the Dark, and are generally popular with the Dalefolk.   Currently, the council is composed of:   Alosius Grimwarrow (LN human Fighter 3), a stout old human silver merchant who hides his measure of common sense behind a bilious and cranky personality.   Sheera Goldenleaf (CG wood elf Wizard 6/Rogue 7), a beautiful elf who has recently retired from her adventuring career. Sheera raises and trains horses, and owns the best stable in the Dalelands. Sheera is charismatic and outgoing.   Halfgar the Strong (LG human F7), a hulking, quiet Daleman with a permanent glower on his face. Halfgar is a sea-captain of note and still enjoys a career as a privateer, hunting pirates in the Dragon Reach and on the Pacjour Sea.   Helena Treskeden (N halfling Rogue 2), a middle-aged matron who runs the Treskeden merchant coster. She is a dignified and reserved woman of means who uses her position on the council to make sure conditions remain favorable for her business.   Gunderman Brewmaster (NG half wood elf Fighter 1), a portly half-elf with a pleasant manner. Gunderman brews Old Smoke, a dark beer favored in the Moonsea area. The profits from his brewery have enabled him to speculate in commodities such as textiles and spices.   Erethun Rivenstave (NE human Wizard 10), an oily character who surprised the entire Dale with his ascension to the council six years ago. Erethun is a good citizen, and maintains a facade of civility: No one likes nor trusts him, but the wizard's ostentatious wealth cannot be denied. Erethun is an agent of the Zhenterim who engineered his predecessor's untimely death, although no one suspects him of foul play. He is currently plotting the replacement of other Council members with his own stooges.   Captain Durana Shaleel (LG half drow elf Bard 3), a gaunt, aging woman of sunny disposition. Durana was a seafarer in her youth and spent hours by the wharves, speaking with the sailors and fishermen. She is a very successful importer and exporter.   The Seven Burghers collect a small yearly tax and allocate the Dale’s money to road and wharf repair and other community services. The burghers can pass laws, but rarely do so. Harrowdale still lives under the laws of Halvan, the last lord of Suzaill. The Council's chief concern is to preserve the nation as a place attractive to business.  

Law and Order

  The folk who live in Harrowdale's countryside tend to look after their own affairs, much like the people of Featherdale. They are aided by the Grey Riders, a group of mounted rangers who keep watch for monsters and bandits in the nearby woods and hills. The Grey Riders do not have the authority to arrest anyone, but in the event of trouble the locals first summon a Rider to either deal with the situation or go for help.   In the towns of Harrowdale, the burghers provide a force of constables known as the Watch. The captains of the watch are empowered to sentence criminals for most infractions. Usually, the penalty for breaking the law is a stiff fine or short stay in the town brig. Major crimes such as murder or armed robbery are brought before servants Council of Seven Burghers.  


  Harrowdale maintains a standing army, but it is much more like a militia. The Grey Riders patrol the countryside and the woods nearby, and deal with small incursions. If faced by something they cannot handle, the Grey Riders will attempt to muster support from the other nearby Dalelands while the farmers and herdsmen take up arms. Harrowdale itself is an open city with no fortifications, defended only by its Watch.   The Seven Burghers have recently debated the possibility of forming a more professional army, or building a wall around Suzaill. So far, the burghers have been reluctant to spend the money.  


  Over the years, Suzaill has become the most important port in the Dalelands. The Dale produces and exports fruit, beef, mutton, wool, cheese, ale, furs, and lumber. In turn, it receives finished metalwork, paper, glass, silk and lace, and foreign spices and curios. Many coastal towns are places that people come to when they want to trade with the Dalelands. Outlying farmers and folk from the interior Dales come here to sell agricultural products to foreign merchants and buy the manufactured items and rarities they cannot make for themselves.

Demography and Population

Population - 843,260 citizens as of 1200 AC


Major Religions - Chauntea, Varen, Molotl, Khasdall, Baara
Geopolitical, Republic
Ruling Organization
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Metal Coinage
Major Exports
Exports - Ale, beef, cheese, fruit, furs, lumber, mutton, wool
Major Imports
Imports - Glassware, lace, ore, paper, silk, spices, tools, weapons
Neighboring Nations