

  Tassdale sits west of the Chondalwood, southwest of Mistdale, and just barely northwest of Harrowdale. Tassdale is a dale of craftsfolk and tradesfolk, heavily influenced by Calimshan. Archenfolk and members of the Dalemeet express surprise that Calimshan hasn’t formally annexed Tassdale or made moves to. Tassadrans are for the most contented lot, an orderly collection of tradesfolk, craftsmen, farmers, and artists.   The cities on the northern shore of Tassdale are filled with tall, tightly packed, crowded, walled homes for the hundreds of thousands of peoples who found Calimshan not to their liking and made their ways to these new homes. The Tassdalesfolk do not subscribe to the class-ridden, decadent lifestyle of Calimshan, but their cultures still reflect that nation from whence they came.  

Wealthy Tassdale

  The wealthy Tassdalesfolk especially tend to cling to Calishite ways. Various familiar indulgences include a hunger for magical novelties and time-saving devices, racial and class bigotries, and a general sense of superiority to all those around them, especially outsiders. Also like Calishite society, those families receiving the highest marks of prestige tend to be the wealthiest (noble) in each city, with each group allegedly able to trace its lineage back to some centuries-dead Calishite pasha, sultan, or bakkal. However, the even the high society of the Tassdale is less class conscious, more tolerant, and much more businesslike than that of Calimshan.  

Law and Order

  In terms of social values and laws, slavery, racism, debt-servitude, and similar Calishite conventions certainly do exist in the region, but they are far from universally supported and chattel slavery as a whole is completely banned. Most of the independent-minded Tassdalesfolk believe every man and woman should pursue his or her destiny without interference.  

Ke’aran Senate

  Within the last 50 years or so, a new class of aristocrat has arisen in the Tassdale region. This is the newly rich, or ke'aran, (in the Calishite language). The majority of these folk have accumulated their money as merchants, risking their lives plying the trade routes from Tassdale to Scadale, the Pacjour Sea, and Calimshan. While not of noble blood, the ke'aran have made their presence and their formidable financial clout felt around the Tassdale with the formation of the Ke’aran Senate, a formal government that has completely overcome the former presidential system that once controlled it 50 years ago. Each major city has their richest Ke’aran represent their region, with the many Ke’aran meeting in Urmlaspyr to decide policy and unite their nation. The old nobility is divided into two groups regarding these young upstarts: One group (typically the older members of the oldest noble families) are quite threatened by the ke'aran, fearing either for its own financial wellbeing or its treasured place in society. The other group, most common among the younger or less-wealthy families, observes the lessons learned from the ke'aran in order to improve its lot or that of its families.

Demography and Population

Population - 583,850 citizens as of 1200 AC
Geopolitical, Republic
Ruling Organization
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Metal Coinage
Major Exports
Exports - Fine manufactured goods, pottery, textiles, vegetables, meat
Major Imports
Imports - Gold, jewels, silver, tin
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities