

  The westernmost and most isolated from the rest of the Dales is the High Dale, a mountainous peninsula bordering Calimshan. The High Dale lies in the Isle of Inbetween (on the easternmost end of island). The Dale occupies the east coasts and valleys of the mountainous island, and stark cliffs tower over the rocky land. Over the centuries the Highdalesmen have built miles of terraces and high pastures on the island. The High Dale is very old, and was one of the first Dales settled. It can trace its history back more than 700 years. Little foot traffic passes through the land, and the people who live there are happy to be left alone by their bigger and stronger neighbor. Like the folk of Daggerdale, the Highdalesmen are a proud and independent breed. The Highdalefolk live free of the political arguments and mercantile competition that frequently intrude the mainland Dales. Vigilance against sea monsters and pirates that don’t care for political squabbling is always necessary, and if simple lives are happy lives, the Highdalefolk are definitely happy.   “I had some troubles of my own with a Zhentarim band in High Dale. Some Dalesmen would have barred the doors and lain low during trouble like that but not the Highdalesmen. All they needed was a little encouragement, and they found it in themselves to throw the Zhents out.”

The High Council

  The High Dale is governed by six elected councilors, each serving a six-year term. Each year, one seat is up for election. A seventh councilor is the high constable, who is chosen by the six elected councilors. The high constable only votes to break ties, but acts as the council chairperson. The Highdalesmen are a fairly well-organized group, and the High Council is responsible for making and enforcing law, defending the Dale, regulating trade, and receiving foreign delegations. Currently, the High Council has been working to entice more Calishite and Kymosian merchants to come to Daerlun and buy from the Highdalesmen.   The councilors are:   Tyran Greene (LG human Fighter 4), a farmer of the lower slopes of the High Dale and an experienced veteran of the Pegasus Archery Company.   Varana Brighthelm (CG halfling Fighter 7), a fiery swordswoman who still finds reasons to leave the Dale and adventure with her old companions.   Darun Lockmaster (LN Hill Dwarf Fighter 5/Rogue 6), a cheerful and intelligent armorer and locksmith who crafts the finest locks (and picks) in the Dalelands.   Serena Whitelock (LG half high elf Fighter 1), a practical and sour-faced half-elf of middle years who owns one of the Dale’s larger sheep pastures.   Renoen the Fair (NG halfling Wizard 13), a beautiful and charming Daerlun native who is a wizard of note in the area.   Francan Fireblade (CG human Fighter 6), an aging ex-adventurer of Shadowdale who lost an arm during a skirmish and retired to the High Dale.   The high constable is a hero and adventurer named Irreph Mulmar (LG hm Rogue 12). Irreph led the Highdalesmen against the Zhents in several major offensives, and only recently returned as high constable, acceding to popular demand.  

Law and Order

  The High Dale is policed by six constables who are supervised by the high constable. The constables command and train the local militia, and are found roaming all over the Dale. They are empowered to arrest offenders. In the event of trouble, the locals will usually fetch the nearest constable and a hastily-mustered group of militiamen to bring in criminals.  


  The High Dale is blessed with very defensible terrain, and historically has had little trouble with invaders. The only exception was many Zhentish incursions and the Dale struggles to this day with them.  


  Several merchant companies have their headquarters in High Dale, due to its powerful position on the Pacjour Sea. The local farmers raise sheep and goats, and grow potatoes, turnips, and hay. Highcastle is home to a variety of small craftsmen including smiths, wrights, woodcarvers, and leather workers. High Dale is most known for its copper mines, with High Dale being the number one exporter of Copper on all of Aralla, and the source of over 60% of all the Copper on Ekrune.

Demography and Population

Population - 303,290 citizens as of 1200 AC


Major Religions - Varen, Molotl, Umberlee
Geopolitical, Republic
Ruling Organization
Government System
Economic System
Metal Coinage
Major Exports
Exports - Copper
Major Imports
Imports - Armor, books, metalwork, paper, textiles, weapons
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities