

  Chondathans were one of the more common human ethnicities, found in great number throughout Chondath and less so in Calimshan. They were a slender, tawny or fair-skinned people with brown hair that ranged from a light, almost-blond hue to a darker color that could be mistaken for black. Chondathans were often somewhat taller than other humans, though not in all instances, and often had green or brown eyes.  


  They were a hardy, risk-taking folk who were apt to travel or take on new endeavors to better their lives and those of their loved ones. Their prominence throughout the world was due in large part to the extensive trade routes they established, rather than military conquest. Because of their widespread distribution across the world, Chondathan society varied greatly from between nations, and even between cities. As a people however, they had a shared emphasis on trade, exploration and freedom as opposed to the draconian structure that often accompanied a life of religious or arcane devotion. Considering the diverse lands in which they had settled, the Chondathan people were not over proud of their ethnic heritage and often identified themselves by the nation or kingdom in which they lived. Their most commonly shared cultural value was their focus on garnering wealth, power and prestige for their own.
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