Jude the Free


Jude is a divine saint whos portfolio involves claiming your own destiny and making claim of power without the help of the old gods. Central to Jude's doctrine is the belief that individuals, regardless of alignment or allegiance, deserve the power to shape their destinies. His main tenet revolves around granting his followers the strength to take control of their lives. Not bound by conventional moralities, Jude is indifferent to the alignment of those who seek his aid. He requires no formal worship, only demanding that those who receive his blessing remain resolute on their chosen paths and spread the word so others may find solace in their times of need. Unlike the other gods Jude is there to support your goals, not the other way around.  


Jude is a demigod whos portfolio includes freedom, liberation, magic, and fleshwarping.  

Divine Domains

Healing (including resurrection), Chaos, Glory(only Hubris), Liberation(Including Self-Realization), Travel, and Strength (only Resolve)  


Jude was born as a Razmirian priest, living on the streets and making money where he could. However Jude was out of the city when Razmir first made his cradle; leaving jude alone and in dispare. Eventally fate led him to Otax the Blue, under whose tutelage he flourished until a fateful incident altered the course of his existence. After being forced to participate in a magical experiment by his master, jude was forced across the planes by a haywire spell. The gods decided jude was ripe for punishment for this transgression and forced him and his companions on a quest. However upon completion of the quest Cebris appeared to the party and forced their service to him for the next year to come as he didnt think the punishment was enough.   Over the next year Jude and his companions were forced to extradimensional planes to fight demigods, far lost lands full of abberant monsters, and beyond. Along this travel Jude siezed and opportunity for apotheosis and retched power from the heart of an ancient being. Now finally free of the quest forced on him by the gods, Jude has set of on a new mission — to empower humanity against the influence of the gods themselves.   As a demigod, Jude adopted a nomadic lifestyle, traversing the realms and appearing where religious tyranny and oppression were most pronounced. Whether it be thwarting the fanaticism of Cehbris worshipers hunting necromancers or confronting a Babylonian enforcing a cruel contract.  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Any
Holy Animal - Scorpion
Holy Colors - White  

Tenets of Faith

  • Believe in your own power, your might, and your capability first and foremost. You are your own god, and need no other. Impart this truth to others wherever you go.
  • Do what you struggle to do yourself with your own ingenuity and innovation.
  • Give no god your faith, your belief, nor your trust.
  • Follow your path, and never falter
  • Meta Information



    Those who truly devout themselves to Jude, seek to follow in his ascension. They often practice fleshwarping or manifest their magic through fleshwarping (such as a cure light wounds stitching a wound back together rather than being normal magic healing). Spend the hour working the flesh of your own body or the body of a willing creature. Gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on saves against polymorph effects and petrification.

    Boons - Deific Obedience


    1: Fleshwarped Form (Sp): enlarge person 3/day, alter self 2/day, or beast shape I 1/day
    2: Fleshwarping Mastery (Su): The save DCs of polymorph effects you create increase by 2, and all polymorph spells that affect you are enhanced as if via the Extend Spell metamagic feat. When you are in a form other than your own, you exalt in your temporary body and gain a +2 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws. In addition, you gain the shapechanger subtype, and your attacks are particularly painful to other creatures with this subtype, since you use your mastery of transformation to twist the mutable elements of the shapechanger’s flesh to cause additional harm. Add your Charisma bonus as a modifier to all weapon damage dealt to creatures with the shapechanger subtype or creatures under the effects of a polymorph spell. Increase the save DC of any spell that deals hit point damage by 2 when you affect a shapechanger or a polymorphed target.
    3: Halkost (Ex): Jude grants you a gift that helps you transcend mortality. Your body no longer physically ages (although you continue to accrue mental bonuses), and you don’t die from old age. If you were middle-aged or older, your body returns to its prime— you retain your mental bonuses but lose any penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution gained from advanced age. In addition, your body becomes able to react instantly to mitigate attacks granting you immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks. You cannot be magically aged and no longer take penalties to your ability scores for aging. If you are already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time.  


    1: Adaptations (Sp): ant haul 3/day, spider climb 2/day, and water breathing 1/day
    2: Perfect Form (Sp): You can cast extended transformation as a spell-like ability once per day.
    3: Halkost (Ex): Jude grants you a gift that helps you transcend mortality. Your body no longer physically ages (although you continue to accrue mental bonuses), and you don’t die from old age. If you were middle-aged or older, your body returns to its prime— you retain your mental bonuses but lose any penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution gained from advanced age. In addition, you gain immunity to diseases as your halkost purifies your body.  


    1: Fleshwarped Form (sp): enlarge person 3/day, alter self 2/day, and resinous skin 1/day
    2: Shrivel Limbs (Su): Three times per day, you can make a touch attack to cause a living creature’s arms and legs to temporarily wither unless it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + half your total Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier). An affected creature counts as one size category smaller for the purpose of determining the size of weapons it can wield. If the creature is capable of making natural attacks with its arms, hands, or claws, the damage dealt by those attacks decreases as though the target were one size category smaller than its actual size. In addition, the creature’s base speed decreases by 10 feet (to a minimum of 5 feet) and its Strength score counts as 4 lower for the purpose of determining its carrying capacity. This is a polymorph effect.
    3: Halkost (Ex): Jude grants you a gift that helps you transcend mortality. Your body no longer physically ages (although you continue to accrue mental bonuses), and you don’t die from old age. If you were middle-aged or older, your body returns to its prime— you retain your mental bonuses but lose any penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution gained from advanced age. In addition, your body works to heal your wounds as quickly as they come, inspired by the powers of a troll. You gain regeneration 1 (acid or fire).  

    Unique Spell Rules


    Baleful Polymorph can be prepared as a 5th-level spell
    Polymorph can be prepared as a 5th-level spell
    Greater Polymorph can be prepared as a 7th-level spell  

    Special Rules

    Worshipers of Jude may take the Fleshwarper (Item Creation) feat without being evil aligned.
    Divine Classification Rank 4 Demigod   Alignment Chaotic Neutral   Species Tieflings   Realm Material World   Pronouns He/Him