Pavnuri is a Daemonic Harbinger who makes his home in a realm known as the Burning Aerie on the plane of The Silent Lands. He began his daemonic life as a cacodaemon, and rose to his exalted position by cannibalizing others of his kind. Pavnuri is the most respected information broker in the realm, claiming that he can obtain a report on anything within the multiverse in one hour or under. Although he currently serves the Horseman of Pestilence, Ninurta the Ushumgal, he has called each of the other Horsemen master at some point in the past. Despite the fact that he eventually betrayed each of them, Pavnuri still claims that they respect him for his intelligence-gathering acumen. His small spark of divine power gives him the ability to grant spells and boons to those who worship him. He is the Harbinger of Cannibals, Cacodaemons, and Secret Messages.Divine Domains
Death (including Murder), Evil (including Daemon), Knowledge (including Language and Thought), TravelDivine Symbols & Sigils
Holy Weapon - Morningstar Holy Animal - Ape Holy Colors - Black Holy Mineral - None Holy Symbol - Maw and fiery pyramidTenets of Faith
Edicts - Seek forbidden knowledge, engage in ritualistic cannibalism Anathema - Promote harmony, ignore secrets and forbidden knowledge
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Lord of Nothing", orĀ "Father of Cacodaemons"