The Silent Lands


  The Silent Lands are a bleak realm, quiet and dark embodying the concept of oblivion of the mortal soul. Here, the Neutral Evil gods of Aralla and their courts of harbingers rule over a population of daemons epitomizing every iteration of mortal death. The bleak and quiet wastes are laced through by the glittering river of frozen water, while overhead the sky hangs in perpetual eclipse, a single shrouded star looking down like the lidded eye of a slumbering, malevolent god. The Silent Lands is a realm of the hunted. Little dwells here that isn’t in turn stalked by something more terrifying. In many areas, undead stalk the landscape in constant search of lives to quench. The grim reapers are the most dangerous and infamous of these predators. The landscape is infested with deadly predators like soul eaters, vargouilles, and yeth hounds, to say nothing of hunters and feeders from other planes who stalk the twilit reaches of the Eternal Eclipse.  

Planar Traits

  • Gravity normal
  • Time normal
  • Realm immeasurable
  • Structural lasting
  • Essence mixed
  • Alignment strongly evil-aligned
  • Magic enhanced (spells and spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor) and impeded (spells and spell-like abilities with the good descriptor)

Denizens of the Silent Lands

  Daemons - Although they often deny this, every daemon began as a living evil mortal. Condemned to the Silent Lands, their forms shifted to reflect their nature in life and their cause of death. Daemons have a ravenous, overwhelming desire to set themselves on mortal souls, like addicts seeking to feed their needs. They’re also religious zealots devoted to the obliteration of every mortal soul, rudderless and adrift in an uncaring cosmos and forever defined by the very thing they detest— life itself.   Divs - Corrupted genies exiled to the Silent Lands, divs are consumed by an utter hatred of mortals and seek to bring ruin to those creatures’ creations. Claiming to serve a being called Ahriman, they dwell in the unclaimed wastes at this realm's periphery, where they war with exiled daemon harbingers and endlessly plot to rain catastrophe upon the creations of mortals.   Daemon Harbingers - Filling the power void between the daemons and the Neutral Evil gods is a diverse, terrifying pantheon of daemonic demigods known as the harbingers. In the Silent Lands, the harbingers rule smaller swaths of reality and serve as favored advisors, consorts, or generals to the Gods, while on Aralla, their cults spread to ensure the Silent Lands shall never have a shortage of souls to hunt.   Four Horsemen - Four dread lords, infamous across all the planes, rule the disparate hordes of daemonkind. Risen from among the ranks of their terrible brethren to displace those fiendish tyrants before them, they are the archdaemons, the Four Horsemen. Undisputed in his power among their kind, each Horseman rules a vast realm upon the bleak plains of The Silent Lands and a distinctive method of mortal ruin: pestilence, famine, war, or death from old age. Yet while each archdaemon commands measureless influence, daemons know nothing of loyalty and serve only those they cannot overcome. Thus, though the Horsemen stand peerless in their power and manipulations among daemonkind, they must ever defend their thrones from the machinations of ambitious underlings and the plots of other archdaemons.
Dimensional plane
Additional Rulers/Owners